Plasencia is a walled mercat ceety in the province o Cáceres, Extremadura, Wastren Spain. In 2010, it haed a population o 41,447.

Situatit on the bank o the Jerte River, Plasencia haes a historic quarter that is a consequence o the ceety's strategic location alang the Siller Route, or Ruta de la Plata. Syne the 15t century, the noblemen o the region began tae muive tae Plasencia, definin its current appearance.


Foondit as a ceety in 1186 bi Keeng Alfonso VIII o Castile on the banks o the Jerte as a ceety-fortress, wi the dooble purpose o colonizin an guardin the then sooth-wastren mairch o the Kinrick, it fell briefly tae the Moors o Yaqub al-Mansur in 1196, bein reconquered bi the Christians the year efter.

The ceety remained unner direct Ryal rule till John II o Castile gae it tae the Hoose o Zúñiga in 1442 abolishin its Fuero. This encoontered the opposition o the local nobles an the general population at lairge an resultit in periodicals revolts throughoot the seicont hauf o the 15t century. In this hostile climate against the croun, in 1475 Plasencia played host tae the wedding o 13-year-auld Princess Joan La Betraneja, pretender tae the throne o Castile an her ambitious uncle Keeng Afonso V o Portugal. Efter La Beltraneja's cause wis defeatit in the Battle o Toro, Plasencia peyed the penalty an the Castilian Croun capped the touers o the noble's pailaces. The Fuero wis eventually restored in 1488. The shortened Touer o the venue o the wedding, La Casa de Las Argollas, is still staundin in Calle del Rey, juist aff Plaza Mayor.

Convent St. Dominic.
Aqueduct o Plasencia.

Main sichts

Nearbi are the monastery o San Jeronimo de Yuste, whaur emperor Charles V dee'd in 1558, an the castle o Jarandilla de la Vera (15t century). Nature resorts include the Monfrague Natural Pairk.


Tamborileros in the Plaza mayor o Plasencia

The specialities o the local cuisine include "migas" (breadcrumbs wi Spainyie sausage an bacon), casseroles, stews an tench, an exceptional freshwater gemme fish.

Festivals include:

See an aa

Notable residents

Plasencia wis the birthplace o:

Freemit airtins