The provinces o Afghanistan are the primary admeenistrative diveesions o Afghanistan. As o 2004, there are thirty-fower provinces (ولايت wilayat) in the kintra. Ilka province is further dividit intae destricts.

Provincial govrenments are led bi a govrenor. Ilka province is representit in the govrenment o Afghanistan bi twa members in the Hoose o Elders. Ane is electit bi the provincial cooncil tae a fower year term while the seicont is electit bi the destrict cooncils tae a three year term. Representation in the Hoose o the Fowk is directly frae the destricts, although in ilka province, twa o the representatives must be weemen. They are appointit bi the Preses o Afghanistan.

Provinces o Afghanistan

Province map o Afghanistan
Provinces of Afghanistan[1]
Province Map # ISO 3166-2:AF[2] Centers Population[3] Aurie (km²) Leid Notes U.N. Region
Badakhshan 30 AF-BDS Fayzabad 819,396 44,059 Dari Persie, Pamiri leids, Pashto 29 destricts North East Afghanistan
Badghis 4 AF-BDG Qala i Naw 499,393 20,591 Dari Persie, Pashto 7 destricts Wast Afghanistan
Baghlan 19 AF-BGL Puli Khumri 741,690 21,118 Dari Persie, Uzbek, Turkmen, Pashto 16 destricts North East Afghanistan
Balkh 13 AF-BAL Mazar-i-Sharif 1,123,948 17,249 Dari Persie, Pashto 15 destricts North Wast Afghanistan
Bamyan 15 AF-BAM Bamyan 343,892 14,175 Dari Persie 7 destricts Central Afghanistan
Daykundi 10 AF-DAY Nili 477,544 18,088 Dari Persie an Pashto 8 destricts
Formit frae Urozgan Province in 2004
Sooth Wast Afghanistan
Farah 2 AF-FRA Farah 493,007 48,471 Pashto, Dari Persie, Baloch 11 destricts Wast Afghanistan
Faryab 5 AF-FYB Maymana 833,724 20,293 Uzbek, Dari Persie, Pashto & Turkmen 14 destricts North Wast Afghanistan
Ghazni 16 AF-GHA Ghazni 1,080,843 22,915 Pashto, Dari Persie 19 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan
Ghōr 6 AF-GHO Chaghcharan 635,302 36,479 Dari Persie, Pashto 10 destricts Wast Afghanistan
Helmand 7 AF-HEL Lashkar Gah 1,441,769 58,584 Pashto, Dari Persie 13 destricts Sooth Wast Afghanistan
Herat 1 AF-HER Herat 1,762,157 54,778 Dari Persie, Pashto, Turkmen 15 destricts Wast Afghanistan
Jowzjan 8 AF-JOW Sheberghan 426,987 11,798 Uzbek, Turkmen,Pashto & Dari Persie 9 destricts North Wast Afghanistan
Kabul 22 AF-KAB Kabul 3,314,000 4,462 Dari Persie, Turkmen, Pashto an Uzbek 18 destricts Central Afghanistan
Kandahar 12 AF-KAN Kandahar 2,913,000 54,022 Pashto, Dari Persie 16 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan
Kapisa 29 AF-KAP Mahmud-i-Raqi 358,268 1,842 Dari Persie, Pashto, Pashayi 7 destricts Central Afghanistan
Khost 26 AF-KHO Khost 638,849 4,152 Pashto 13 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan
Kunar 34 AF-KNR Asadabad 413,008 4,942 Pashto 15 destricts North East Afghanistan
Kunduz 18 AF-KDZ Kunduz 820,000 8,040 Pashto, Dari Persie, Uzbek & Turkmen 7 destricts North East Afghanistan
Laghman 32 AF-LAG Mihtarlam 382,280 3,843 Pashto, Pashai, Nuristani & Dari Persian 5 districts East Afghanistan
Logar 23 AF-LOW Pul-i-Alam 322,704 3,880 Pashto, Dari Persie 7 destricts Central Afghanistan
Maidan Wardak 21 AF-WAR Maidan Shar 529,343 9,934 Pashto, Dari Persie 9 destricts Central Afghanistan
Nangarhar 33 AF-NAN Jalalabad 1,342,514 7,727 Pashto, Dari Persie 23 destricts East Afghanistan
Nimruz 3 AF-NIM Zaranj 117,991 41,005 Balochi, Pashto & Dari Persie 5 destricts Sooth Wast Afghanistan
Nuristan 31 AF-NUR Parun 130,964 9,225 Nuristani, Pashto 7 destricts North East Afghanistan
Paktia 24 AF-PIA Gardēz 415,000 6,432 Pashto, Dari Persie 11 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan
Paktika 25 AF-PKA Sharana 809,772 19,482 Pashto, Dari Persie 15 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan
Panjshir 28 AF-PAN Bazarak 128,620 3,610 Dari Persie 5 districts
Creatit in 2004 frae Parwan Province
North East Afghanistan
Parwan 20 AF-PAR Charikar 491,870 5,974 Dari Persie, Pashto 9 destricts Central Afghanistan
Samangan 14 AF-SAM Samangan 378,000 11,262 Dari Persie, Uzbek 5 destricts North West Afghanistan
Sar-e Pol 9 AF-SAR Sar-e Pol 505,400 16,360 Dari Persie, Pashto an Uzbek 7 districts North Wast Afghanistan
Takhar 27 AF-TAK Taloqan 830,319 12,333 Dari Persie, Uzbek, Pashto 12 destricts North East Afghanistan
Urozgan 11 AF-ORU Tarinkot 320,589 12,696 Pashto, Dari Persie 6 destricts Central Afghanistan
Zabul 17 AF-ZAB Qalat 244,899 17,343 Pashto, Dari Persie 9 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan

Historical provinces

A 32 province scheme wis in uise frae 1996 tae 2004

See an aw


  1. References and details on data provided in the table can be found within the individual provincial articles.
  2. ISO 3166-2:AF (ISO 3166-2 codes for the provinces of Afghanistan)
  3. "Archived copy". Archived frae the original on 7 Julie 2010. Retrieved 25 Julie 2012.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)

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