The Soothren Destrict (Hebrew: מחוז הדרום‎‎, Mehoz HaDarom) is ane o Israel's sax administrative destricts, an is the lairgest in terms o land aurie as well as the maist spairsely populatit. It covers maist of the Negev desert, as well as the Arabah valley. The population o the Soothren Destrict is 1,002,400. It is 86% Jewish an 14% Arab (maistly Muslim). The destrict caipital is Beersheba, whilst the lairgest ceety is Ashdod. Beersheba's dormitory touns o Omer, Meitar, an Lehavim are aw relatively affluent, whilst the development touns (includin Sderot, Netivot, an Ofakim) an the seiven Bedouin ceeties are lawer on the socio-economic scale.[1]

Ceeties, local cooncils, an regional cooncils

Ceeties Local Cooncils Regional Cooncils
  • Ar'arat an-Naqab
  • Hura
  • Kuseife
  • Lakiya
  • Lehavim
  • Meitar
  • Mitzpe Ramon
  • Omer
  • Shaqib al-Salam
  • Tel as-Sabi
  • Yeruham
  • Abu Basma
  • Be'er Tuvia
  • Bnei Shimon
  • Central Arava
  • Eshkol
  • Hevel Eilot
  • Hof Ashkelon
  • Lakhish
  • Merhavim
  • Ramat HaNegev
  • Sdot Negev (Azata)
  • Sha'ar HaNegev
  • Shafir
  • Tamar
  • Yoav


See an aa

Coordinates: 30°40′N 34°50′E / 30.667°N 34.833°E / 30.667; 34.833