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The Guardian
The Guardian front page on 6 Juin 2014
TeepDaily newspaper
Awner(s)Guardian Media Group
Foonder(s)John Edward Taylor
PublisherGuardian News and Media
EditorKatharine Viner
Opeenion eeditorMark Henry
Foondit5 Mey 1821; 203 years ago (1821-05-05) (as The Manchester Guardian)
Poleetical alignmentCentre-left
HeidquartersKings Place, Lunnon
KintraUnitit Kinrick
Circulation161,091 (as of December 2016)[1]
Sister newspapersThe Observer
The Guardian Weekly
OCLC number60623878

The Guardian is a British daily newspaper, kent fae 1821 till 1959 as the Manchester Guardian. Alang wi its sib papers The Observer an The Guardian Weekly, The Guardian is pairt o the Guardian Media Group, awnt bi The Scott Trust Limited. The Trust wis creatit in 1936 "tae secure the financial an editorial independent o The Guardian in perpetuity an tae safeguard the jurnalistic freedom an leeberal values o The Guardian free frae commercial or poleetical interference." The Scott Trust becam a leemitit company in 2008, wi a constitution tae maintain the same fendins fur The Guardian. Profits are reinvestit in jurnalism rather nor tae the benefit o an awner or sharehaulders.[2]


  1. "Print ABCs: Seven UK national newspapers losing print sales at more than 10 per cent year on year". Press Gazette. Archived frae the original on 5 Mey 2019. Retrieved 28 Januar 2017.
  2. The Guardian News and Media Limited (26 Julie 2015). "The Scott Trust: values and history". The Guardian. Retrieved 20 December 2015.