Druga Intifada
Dio Izraelsko-palestinski sukob

Napad buldožerom u Jeruzalemu 2. srpnja 2008.
Datum 29. rujna 2000. - 2008.
Lokacija Izrael, Zapadna obala, Pojas Gaze
Ishod Nekolicina:
Casus belli Palestinci tražili neovisnost od Izraela
Izrael Hamas
Islamski džihad
Ariel Sharon

Avi Dichter
Ehud Barak
Shaul Mofaz
Moshe Ya'alon
Dan Halutz
Gabi Ashkenazi

Yasser Arafat

Mahmoud Abbas
Marwan Barghouti
Ahmed Jasin

Abdel Rantissi
Khaled Mashaal
Ismail Haniyeh
Mohammed Deif
Islamski džihad
Abd Al Aziz Awda
Ramadan Abdullah
Abu Ali Mustafa
Ahmad Sa'adat
Abu Samhadana

Poginulih civila
Poginulih vojnika:
Poginulih ukupno
64 ubijenih stranih državljana[1]

Druga Intifada, također znana i kao Al-Aksa Intifada (arapski انتفاضة الأقصى, Intifāḍat El Aqṣa; hebrejski אינתיפאדת אל-אקצה, Intifādat El-Aqtzah) je bio drugi palestinski ustanak protiv izraelske okupacije Zapadne obale i Pojasa Gaze, od 2000. do 2008., kad se situacija smirila i zadržala na razini razmjerno mirnog statusa quo.[2] Prva Intifada bila je od 1987. do 1993.

To razdoblje je označilo intenzivne sukobe i povećanje nasilja između Izraela i Palestine, a općenito se smatra da je povod bio dan kada je Ariel Sharon posjetio Brdo hrama u Jeruzalemu. Arapska riječ "Intifada" se doslovno može prevesti kao "uzdrmavanje". Smrtnost Druge Intifade mnogo je veća od prve: broj poginulih u 8 godina pobune je preko 6,000, od toga 5,500 Palestinaca, 1,062 Izraelaca te 64 strana državljana.[1]

Početak Intifade

Točan datum početka ustanka je sporan. Neki izvori navode 27. rujna 2000. kao početak, kada je "palestinski službenik za sigurnost ubio izraelskog IDF vojnika kada su zajedno išli na patrolu".[3] Međutim, mnogo češće se 28. rujna uzima kao glavni datum, kada su Palestinci uzvratili nemirima kada je Ariel Sharon, u pratnji naoružanih policajaca, posjetio Brdo hrama u Jeruzalemu, sveto mjesto i za Židove i za Muslimane. Palestinci su njegovu posjetu smatrali činom provokacije i omalovažavanja te su burno reagirali.[4][5] Neki pak smatraju da je ustanak započeo tek sljedeći dan, u petak 29. rujna, na dam molitve, kada je povećana prisutnost izraelske policije i vojske koja je uzrokovala teške nemire i sukobe sa Palestincima.[6][7][8][9] Sharon je najavio svoju posjetu te mu je palestinski šef sigurnosti Jibril Rajoub dao odobrenje za istu, dokle god ne stupi u džamiju. Na dan posjete isprva su bile zabilježene mirne demonstracije, s obzirom na Sharonovu vojnu prošlost, poglavito u krvavom Libanonskom ratu 1982., da bi na kraju prerasli u otvorene nemire i sukobe Palestinaca sa izraelskim sigurnosnim službama. Razlog takvih burnih reakcija ima nekoliko: tih dana Palestinci su obilježavali 18. godišnjicu masakra u Sabri i Šatili, koji se dogodio kada je Sharon bio ministar obrane, tako da su mnogi Palestinci smatrali njegovu posjetu tom svetom mjestu svetogrđem. Također, iako je Sharonova namjera bila pokazati da svaki Izraelac ima pravo posjetiti Brdo hrama,[10][11] glasnogovornik Likuda Ofir Akounis je izjavio da je namjera bila pokazati da će pod „Likudom brdo hrama ostati pod izraelskom kontrolom."[12]

Pojedini Izraelci smatraju daje Druga Intifada započela još ranije, kada je Yasser Arafat u srpnju 2000. napustio sumit u kampu David. Izraelske žrtve zabilježene su već 27. rujna, navodi Dr. Jeremy Pressman.[13][14][15][16][17]

Većina analitičara i povjesničara smatra da je Sharonov posjet toj lokaciji pokrenuo nemire koji su prerasli u Drugu Intifadu.[18][19][20] U prvih pet dana nemira, izraelska policija ubila je 47 Palestinaca a ranila 1,885, dok su Palestinci ubili 5 Izraelaca.[21][22]


Nasilje protiv židovskih doseljenika u Hebronu

Uslijedili su brojni okršaji između militantnih Palestinaca i izraelskih snaga sigurnosti, popraćeni kratkim razdobljima mira. Radikalne frakcije Hamas i Islamski džihad okrenuli su se metodi samoubilačkih napada i oružanim okršajima sa tehnološki i oružano superiornijom izraelskom vojskom. Palestinci su ustanak smatrali legitimnim pravom na samo-obranu i borbu za oslobođenje od okupacije koja traje od 1967., dok su Izraelci te akcije nazvali činom terorizma te ih često uspoređivali sa zloglasnim napadima 11. rujna.

Kao odgovor na sukobe, Izrael je uveo policijski sat na pojedinim područjima, pojačao nadzor nad kontrolnim točkama diljem Zapadne obale i uveo strože mjere za putovanje što se tiče Palestinaca. Također je 2002. ponovno otvoren zatvor Ofer radi zadržavanja palestinskih zarobljenika, koji je bio zatvoren 1995.[23] Od 2000. do 2004., razoreno je preko 5,000 palestinskih kuća.[24] Naime, do veljače 2005., Izrael je koristio politiku demoliranja obiteljskih kuća bombaša samoubojica, što je, zbog velikih šteta i broja palestinskih civila koji žive u jednom domu, bio kontroverzan čin. Human Rights Watch dokumentirao je kako su izraelski buldožeri demolirali oko 2,500 kuća samo u Pojasu Gaze, od toga 2/3 u Rafahu kako bi se stvorila "tampon zona" uz granicu sa Izraelom. Na taj način oko 16,000 Palestinaca je ostalo bez krova nad glavom, a mnogi od njih su evakuirani po drugi ili čak treći put.[25] Zbog blokade Pojasa Gaze otkad je Hamas preuzeo vlast u toj enklavi, stanovnici su počeli graditi podzemne tunele do Egipta kako bi nabavili potrebne namirnice: od krava i drugih domaćih životinja, preko osobnih računala i ostalih kućanskih aparata, pa do betona i inoga građevnog materijala, te raznog oružja i vojne opreme koje uglavnom nabavlja Hamas, za održavanje svoje vlasti u tome području i za napade na Izrael.[26] Također su izraelske snage sigurnosti često koristile tzv. "ciljana ubojstva" protiv palestinskih militanata uz pomoć raketa ispaljenih iz borbenih helikoptera ili zrakoplova.

Slijedi sažetak značajnijih događaja:




Aktivistkinja Rachel Corrie zaustavlja buldožer IDF-a od demoliranja palestinske kuće u Rafahu, 16. ožujka 2003.
Druga Intifada obilježila je mnoge samoubilačke napade Palestinaca
Uništena palestinska kuća 2006.








Nevladina udruga B'Tselem dokumentirala je svaku žrtvu Druge Intifade: broj poginulih u 8 godina pobune, od rujna 2000. do prosinca 2008. je 6,626. Od toga broja, 5,500 žrtava su Palestinci (83 %), 1,062 Izraelci (16 %) te 64 strana državljana (1 %).[1]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 B'Tselem – Statistics – Fatalities, B'Tselem.
  2. Seth Freedman (2010-10-01). „The second intifada, 10 years on”. The Guardian. Pristupljeno 2010-11-06. 
  3. * "We describe the epidemiologic features of injuries sustained by Israeli soldiers in the first 19 weeks of the events that occurred in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and northern Israel and started September 27, 2000. This conflict, referred to by the Palestinians as the "Al-Aqsa Intifada," combined riots of the civilian population with low-intensity military conflict between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Palestinian Armed Forces." Lakstein, Dror, Blumenfeld, Amir. "Israeli Army Casualties in the Second Palestinian Uprising", Military medicine, May 2005.
    • "The Tisha B'Av service – one of a number organized nationally by the American Zionist Movement in conjunction with Schindler's Ark – focused on the 470 victims of Palestinian terrorism who have died in Israel since September 27, 2000, the resurgence of the intifada." Caplane, Ronnie."Christians, Jews 'stand for Israel' at Tisha B'Av service", j., July 26, 2002.
    • "IDF soldier David Biri, was murdered on September 27, when a convoy of settlers on the way to Netzarim in the Gaza Strip, accompanied by a IDF escort vehicle, was attacked." "Israeli Victims of El Aksa Intifada " Arhivirano 2008-10-13 na Wayback Machine-u, Global Jewish Agenda, Vol. 1, No. 40, November 9, 2000.
    • "Some reasons for inconsistency of the official numbers are eg the date which is counted as the start of the intifada (September 27 or 28th 2000), the regional restrictions of counting areas [...] and differing definitions." Hans-Jörg Albrecht. Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in Middle Eastern Societies-between Tradition and Modernity, Duncker & Humblot, 2006, p. 81.
    • "The eruption of the second Palestinian intifada on September 27, 200, was influenced by the Lebanese example." Najib Ghadbian, "Political Islam: Inclusion or Violence?", in Kent Worcester, Sally A. Bermanzohn, Mark Ungar. Violence and Politics: Globalization's Paradox, Routledge, 2002, p. 103.
    • "The eruption of the second uprising known as al-Aqsa intifada, on September 27, 2000, attests to this view." Najib Ghadbian, "Political Islam: Inclusion or Violence?", in Kent Worcester, Sally A. Bermanzohn, Mark Ungar. Violence and Politics: Globalization's Paradox, Routledge, 2002, p. 105.
    • "Since the beginning of the war, the Tanzim employed two main tactics in its attacks against Israel—shootings and car/roadside bombings. From September 27, 2000, to January 1, 2004, the ICT counted 54 separate shooting incidents in which Tanzim militants attempted to injure or kill Israeli soldiers or settlers." Anthony H. Cordesman. Arab-Israeli Military Forces in an Era of Asymmetric Wars, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006, p. 316.
    • "This figure is based on a total of 800 Israeli fatalities from September 27, 2000 (the beginning of the second intifada) through August 12, 2003, Middleastern Conflict Statistics Project, Statistical Report Summary (2003), and an Israeli population of about 6.1 million." Neal Feigenson, Daniel Bailis, and William Klein. "Perceptions of Terrorism and Disease Risks: A Cross-national Comparison"PDF (248 KB) ,Missouri Law Review, Vol. 69, Issue 4, Fall 2004, p. 1000.
    • "That war began on September 27, 2000 when a Palestinian security officer on a joint patrol with Israeli forces turned his firearm on his Israeli counterpart and murdered him." Caroline B. Glick. [[https://web.archive.org/web/20081121180934/http://www.oxfordgovernance.org/fileadmin/Journal/OJGG_Vol_2_No_2.pdf Arhivirano 2008-11-21 na Wayback Machine-u "Addressing the Root Caust of the Arab-Israeli Conflict"]PDF (1.42 MB)] Arhivirano 2008-11-21 na Wayback Machine-u Arhivirano 2008-11-21 na Wayback Machine-u, Oxford Journal on Good Governance, Volume 2 ~ Number 2, August 2005, p. 32.
  4. BBC News: "Al-Aqsa Intifada timeline".
  5. Dark Times, Dire Decisions: Jews and Communism, Dan Diner, Jonathan Frankel, Oxford University Press, p.311
  6. "Mr. Sharon made the visit on September 28 accompanied by over 1,000 Israeli police officers. Although Israelis viewed the visit in an internal political context, Palestinians saw it as highly provocative to them. On the following day, in the same place, a large number of unarmed Palestinian demonstrators and a large Israeli police contingent confronted each other." "Sharm El-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee Report" (Mitchell Report), April 30, 2001.
  7. "The following day, the 29th, a Friday and hence the Muslim day of prayer, the young Palestinians flared up." Cypel, Sylvain. Walled: Israeli Society at an Impasse, Other Press, 2006, p. 6. ISBN 1-59051-210-3
  8. "Then in late September Ariel Sharon [...] visited the Temple Mount [...] The next day, massive violence erupted in Jerusalem and Palestinian-controlled areas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip." Alan Mittleman, Robert A. Licht, Jonathan D. Sarna, Jewish Polity and American Civil Society: Communal Agencies and Religious Movements in the American Public Sphere, Rowman & Littlefield, 2002, p. 161. ISBN 0-7425-2122-2
  9. What America wants Arhivirano 2008-10-07 na Wayback Machine-uNoam Chomsky
  10. „Unapologetic, Sharon Rejects Blame for Igniting Violence”. New York Times. October 5, 2000. 
  11. Lee Hockstader (2000-09-29). „Israeli’s Tour of Holy Site Ignites Riot; Palestinians Angered By Test of Sovereignty in Jerusalem’s Old City”. Washington Post. str. A22. 
  12. „Palestinians say opposition tour of holy site could cause bloodshed”. CNN. September 27, 2000. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2004-12-10. Pristupljeno 2012-11-14. 
  13. The Second Intifada: Backgrounds and Causes of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Jeremy Pressman
  14. "The wave of terrorism that began in September 2000 is the direct result of a strategic Palestinian decision to use violence – rather than negotiation – as the primary means to advance their agenda...."

    "Indeed, the current wave of terrorism began shortly after intense high-level negotiations were conducted to find a permanent resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In July 2000, a Middle East peace summit was held at Camp David, hosted by U.S. President Bill Clinton and attended by Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat and Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Barak. During the summit, Israel expressed its willingness to make far-reaching and unprecedented compromises in order to arrive at a workable, enduring agreement. However, Yasser Arafat chose to break off the negotiations without even offering any proposals of his own. Consequently, the summit adjourned with President Clinton placing the blame for its failure squarely at Arafat's feet."

    "It is clear that the current wave of Palestinian terrorism, which began in the wake of the Camp David summit failure, has nothing to do with a spontaneous Palestinian action to "resist the occupation." The Palestinian leadership had taken a strategic decision to abandon the path to peace and to use violence as their primary tactic for advancing their agenda. This decision undermined the bedrock foundation of the peace process – the understanding that a solution can only be reached through compromise rather than inflexibility, and through negotiation rather than violence. The Palestinian claim that Israel's presence in the territories caused the terrorism began as a desperate attempt to deflect criticism after Arafat rejected Israel's peace proposals. It quickly evolved into an excuse for the inexcusable – the indiscriminate murder of innocent civilians.Terrorist attacks can never be justified, and they are particularly tragic when the disputed issues could have been settled through negotiations. The Palestinian Authority had been given a real opportunity to end the conflict through negotiations. However, Israel's olive branch was met with a hail of gunfire and a barrage of suicide bombers. The greatest obstacle to peace is not the lack of a Palestinian state, rather it is the existence of Palestinian terrorism."

    What caused the current wave of Palestinian terrorism? by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  15. "The events of last few days represent the latest and most severe developments in a wave of violence that has been building in recent weeks. Though some are inclined to assign exclusive responsibility to Israel for these acts of provocation, the present Palestinian escalation dates back to well before the Temple Mount disturbances, when, on September 13, stones and Molotov cocktails were thrown at Israeli positions in the vicinity of the Netzarim junction in the Gaza Strip. This was followed by a number of increasingly violent incidents, including the killing of an Israeli soldier by a roadside bomb near Netzarim on September 27"

    Palestinian terrorism since Sept 2000 by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  16. Sgt. David Biri. September 27, 2000. Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  17. "Fallen soldier's father: I never thought this would happen" Arhivirano 2003-02-19 na Wayback Machine-u. September 29, 2000. Jerusalem Post.
  18. „Battle at Jerusalem Holy Site Leaves 4 Dead and 200 Hurt”. New York Times. September 30, 2000. . "This morning, both sides started out tense, after clashes on Thursday [Sept 28, 2000] provoked by Mr. Sharon's visit."
  19. „Israeli troops, Palestinians clash after Sharon visits Jerusalem sacred site”. CNN. September 28, 2000. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2006-06-15. Pristupljeno 2012-11-14. . "A visit by Likud Party leader Ariel Sharon to the site known as the Temple Mount by Jews sparked a clash on Thursday [Sept 28, 2000] between stone-throwing Palestinians and Israeli troops, who fired tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowd. ... Also Thursday [Sept 28, 2000], an Israeli soldier critically injured in a bomb attack on an army convoy in the Gaza Strip died of his wounds."
  20. „Riot police clash with protesters at holy shrine”. The Telegraph. June 29, 2001. 
  21. B'Tselem – Statistics – Fatalities. Israeli security force personnel killed by Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. Detailed B'Tselem list.
  22. B'Tselem – Statistics – Fatalities. Israeli civilians killed by Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. Detailed B'Tselem list.
  23. Ben-Zur, Raanan (December 20, 2008). „10 Lightly Wounded as Palestinian Inmates Clash with Guards”. Ynetnews. Pristupljeno 2008-12-20. 
  24. Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions Arhivirano 2010-03-23 na Wayback Machine-u - FAQ
  25. Human Rights Watch; Razing Rafah; 17-10-2005. Preuzeto 31-03-2010.
  26. Hamasovim tunelima u Gazu stiže sve: kompjutori, oružje, beton, čak i koze Arhivirano 2009-12-19 na Wayback Machine-u; Jutarnji list. 16-12-2009.
  27. Haaretz (May 16, 2007). Haaretz, May 16, 2007 Arhivirano 2008-09-17 na Wayback Machine-u; also see France 2 raw footage Arhivirano 2017-08-21 na Wayback Machine-u, Secondraft.com, the al-Durrah material begins around 02:10 mins; and You Tube, the al-Durrahs are first seen at 7:18 minutes.
  28. Moutet 2008. Enderlin's report said: "Here, Jamal and his son Mohamed are the target of fire from the Israeli positions ... Another burst of fire. Mohamed is dead and his father seriously wounded." See Enderlin, France 2 v. Karsenty, 2006. The original French: "Ici, Jamal et son fils Mohammed sont la cible de tirs venus des positions israéliennes ... Mais une nouvelle rafale. Mohammed est mort et son père grièvement blessé."
  29. Sources for martyrdom: Philps 2000; Orme 2000(a); Cook 2007, p. 156: "... Muhammed al-Durra is the paradigmatic Palestinian martyr, and discussion on the circumstances of his martyrdom does not take place in Arab countries". Sources for postage stamps, parks, and streets: Carvajal 2005; BBC News, October 2, 2000.
  30. Fallows 2003.
  31. The New York Times, November 27, 2000. Later accounts of this stress that the IDF could not have shot the boy. See Maurice and Shahaf 2005 Arhivirano 2007-08-01 na Wayback Machine-u, p. 46; and Rettig Gur 2008: Citing the report in 2008, Col. Shlomi Am-Shalom of the IDF said: "The general [Samia] has made clear that from an analysis of all the data from the scene, including the location of the IDF position, the trajectory of the bullets, the location of the father and son behind an obstacle, the cadence of the bullet fire, the angle at which the bullets penetrated the wall behind the father and his son, and the hours of the events, we can rule out with the greatest certainty the possibility that the gunfire that apparently harmed the boy and his father was fired by IDF soldiers, who were at the time located only inside their fixed position"; also see Haaretz 2000 Arhivirano 2020-10-01 na Wayback Machine-u and Segev 2002.
  32. "The Telegraph: Lynch mob suspects held by Israelis"
  33. Asser, Martin (October 13, 2000). „Lynch mob's brutal attack”. BBC News. Pristupljeno 2006-09-03. 
  34. „Interview with Ramallah's chief of police”. Haaretz. 2000-10-20. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2001-08-04. Pristupljeno 2012-11-14. 
  35. Feldman, Shai. The October Violence: An Interim Assessment Arhivirano 2001-06-29 na Wayback Machine-u, Jaffes Center for Strategic Studies, Strategic Assessment, Vol. 3 No. 3, November 2000.
  36. „A day of rage, revenge and bloodshed”. The Daily Telegraph. 2000-10-13. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2017-10-14. Pristupljeno 02-07-09. 
  37. „Israeli copters retaliate for soldiers' deaths”. USA Today. Pristupljeno 03-07-09. 
  38. „The Palestinian Authority-Hamas Collusion - From Operational Cooperation to Propaganda Hoax”. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2013-12-03. Pristupljeno 2012-11-14. 
  39. O'Sullvian, Arieh (2001-11-25). „No. 1 Hamas terrorist killed. Followers threaten revenge in Tel Aviv.”. Jerusalem Post. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2012-10-23. Pristupljeno 2009-01-30. 
  40. Fisher, Ian (2006-01-29). „In Hamas's Overt Hatred, Many Israelis See Hope”. New York Times. Pristupljeno 2009-01-30. 
  41. Ynet - פיגוע בדולפינריום - חדשות
  42. Jerusalem bombing: A war increasing in cruelty, fuelled by lust for revenge Arhivirano 2012-02-04 na Wayback Machine-u, The Independent, August 10, 2001.
  43. 'The street was covered with blood and bodies: the dead and the dying', The Guardian, August 10, 2001.
  44. Sources describing the incident as the "Passover massacre":
    • "Alleged Passover massacre plotter arrested", CNN, March 26, 2008.
    • Ohad Gozani, "Hotel blast survivors relive the Passover massacre" Arhivirano 2020-07-13 na Wayback Machine-u, The Daily Telegraph, 29/03/2002.
    • "This reached a peak following the Passover massacre in the seaside resort of Netanya..." David Newman, "The consequence or the cause? Impact on the Israel-Palestine Peace Process", in Mary E. A. Buckley, Mary Buckley, Rick Fawn. Global Responses to Terrorism: 9/11, the War in Afghanistan, and Beyond, Rouledge, 2003, ISBN 0-415-31429-1, p. 158.
    • "They faced stiff resistance from Palestinian gunmen who began preparing the camp's defenses as early as the Passover massacre in Netanya..." Todd C. Helmus, Russell W. Glenn. Steeling the Mind: Combat Stress Reactions and Their Implications for Urban Warfare Rand Corporation, 2005, ISBN 0-8330-3702-1, p. 58.
    • "It can therefore be asked whether the 'human bomb' offensive starting with the Passover massacre on 27 March 2002..." Brigitte L. Nacos, "The Terrorist Calculus Behind 9-11: A Model for Future Terrorism?" in Gus Martin. The New Era of Terrorism: Selected Readings, Sage Publications Inc, 2004, ISBN 0-7619-8873-4, p. 176.
  45. Israel seals off territories for Passover, BBC News, April 16, 2003.
  46. ESKALACIJE SUKOBA NA BLISKOM ISTOKU Arhivirano 2015-09-19 na Wayback Machine-u; HRT
  47. US criticises Arafat siege; BBC
  48. Rees, Matt. „Inside the Battle of Jenin”. Time Magazine. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2002-06-04. Pristupljeno September 19, 2008. 
  49. Israel arrests suspects in university bombing Arhivirano 2008-07-06 na Wayback Machine-u, CNN 21-08-2002
  50. Remembering Israel's campus blast, BBC 30-07-2003
  51. Mother tells of last call as families mourn bus bomb children, The Guardian, March 7, 2003.
  52. Webley, Kayla (June 4, 2010). „Who Is Rachel Corrie?”. Time. Pristupljeno June 6, 2010. 
  53. Israeli Army Bulldozer Kills American Protesting in Gaza New York Times, March 17, 2003
  54. Sourani, Raji (30 June 2003). „Impunity for US Peace Activist's Death”. Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR). Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2009-06-12. Pristupljeno 2008-12-31. 
  55. Israel shocked at child toll of Jerusalem bus bombing CNN, 20 August 2003
  56. Security Council meets on Israeli attack in Syria; CNN
  57. Ten killed in Jerusalem suicide bombing, The Guardian, January 29, 2004.
  58. After Sheik Is Slain, Hamas Picks Fiery Figure as Its Leader in Gaza; New York Times
  59. Israel defiant over Yassin killing. BBC News. Monday, 22 March 2004
  60. BBC News: Blair condemns Hamas chief death
  61. Death toll rises in Egypt blasts BBC News
  62. Egyptian Court Condemns 3 Militants Washington Post
  63. IZRAEL I PALESTINCI KOORDINIRAT ĆE POVLAČENJE IZ GAZE Arhivirano 2015-09-22 na Wayback Machine-u; HRT
  64. Abas želi olakšati izraelsko povlačenje iz Gaze, Index, 28-04-2005. Preuzeto 31-03-2010.
  65. „IAF gunships hit Ismail Haniyeh's office in Gaza City”. Jerusalem Post. 2006-06-30. 
  66. „Two Hamas operatives killed in further air strikes”. Haaretz. 2006-07-02. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2006-07-03. Pristupljeno 2012-11-14. 
  67. "Act of Vengeance: Israel's Bombing of the Gaza Power Plant and its Effects", B'tselem
  68. Suicide Bomb Kills 3 in Bakery in Israel - The New York Times, Jan 29, 2007
  69. „Hamas says Gaza sanctions "declaration of war"”. Reuters. 2007-09-19. 
  70. Eldar, Akiva (2008-01-22). „UN: Despite Israel's promises, West Bank barriers have increased”. Haaretz. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2008-01-24. Pristupljeno 2012-11-14. 
  71. „At Gaza border with Egypt, masses make reverse exodus into Sinai”. Haaretz. 2008-01-25. 
  72. „UN fails to agree on Gaza statement”. Radio Netherlands Worldwide. 2008-01-25. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2008-01-28. Pristupljeno 2012-11-14. 
  73. Kershner, Isabel (2008-02-04). „Egyptian Troops Seal Gaza Border”. New York Times. 
  74. Abbas calls for Middle East truce. BBC News. Tuesday, 4 March 2008
  75. EU condemns "disproportionate" use of force by Israel
  76. "Eight killed at Jerusalem school", BBC News Online, March 6, 2008. Preuzeto 2010-11-06.
  77. Kershner, Isabel; Cowell, Alan. „Construction Vehicle Kills 3 in Israel Attack”. The New York Times. 

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