Barney & The Backyard Gang (also known as Barney) is an American live action animated television series that aired from August 29, 1988 to September 21, 1991. It started as a series of home videos and then in 1991, Barney & Friends began production. The home videos were filmed in Allen, Texas in the 80s to Dallas, Texas. In 1991, Barney & The Backyard Gang performed at The Majestic Theater Dallas. The Backyard Gang kids are Michael, Amy, Tina, Luci, Jason, (replaced by Derek) and Adam (replaced by Jeffrey in one (episode).

The show aired on The Disney Channel for it's Lunch Box Program in 1990. Three of the videotapes were also broadcasted on Nickelodeon.


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Season 1 (1988-1990)

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The Backyard Show
Since it is Michael and Amy's father's birthday, they try to put on a show for their Dad and Barney guides them along the way.
Three Wishes
The Backyard Gang are bored and have nothing to do, so Barney takes them to a playground and Jason is unhappy. So at the end they go to a farm and meet lots of animals.
A Day At The Beach
Depressed that they are not going to the beach, Barney helps the Backyard Gang with an imagination adventure to the beach.
Waiting for Santa
A new member of the Backyard Gang is sad, because he thinks Santa doesn't know his new address, so Barney and the Backyard Gang try to prove that he is known by Santa.

Season 2 (1990-1991)

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Campfire Sing-Along
Barney takes the Backyard Gang camping in the forest.
Barney Goes To School
Tina shows Barney and the Backyard Gang her impressive school and they go to have fun there.
Barney in Concert
Barney and the Backyard Gang come to perform at the Majestic Theater in Dallas, Texas with Baby Bop and sing some pretty impressive songs.
Rock with Barney
Barney and the Backyard Gang explore a movie studio. In 1989, Barney came to visit Dallas hospitals and Fort Worth hospitals.