In botany, flora (plural: floras or florae) has two meanings.

The first meaning refers Flowers ,Flower Goddess and plant life in an area or time period (especially the naturally occurring or indigenous plant life). The corresponding term for animal life is fauna.

The second meaning refers to a book or other work which describes the plant species in an area or time period, with the aim of allowing identification.

The term flora comes from the Latin language. Flora was the goddess of flowers in Roman mythology.

Plants are grouped into floras based on region, period, special environment, or climate. Regions can be geographically distinct habitats like mountain vs. flatland. Floras can mean plant life of an historic era as in fossil flora.

Bacterial organisms are sometimes included in a flora [1] Archived 2006-04-30 at the Wayback Machine [2] Archived 2007-07-15 at the Wayback Machine. Other times, the terms bacterial flora and plant flora are used separately.

Floras (in the second sense)

Classic floras


Modern floras


Central & South America
North America


China and Japan
Southeast Asia
Indian region and Sri Lanka
Middle East and western Asia


Pacific Islands


British Isles

Africa and Madagascar

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