This box shows the color mauve.
Mallow wildflower

This is an article about the colour mauve. For information on the Flemish painter, see Anton Mauve.

Mauve (pronounce to rhyme with "Jove" and "stove") is a pale purple colour. It is similar to lavender and lilac. The name comes from French form of malva meaning the "mallow" flower.

Another name for this color is mallow.

The first recorded use of mallow as a colour name in English was in 1611. [1]

In 1856, an eighteen year old Chemist William Henry Perkin was trying to make artificial quinine. An unexpected residue caught his eye. It turned out to be the first aniline dye, mauveine.

Meaning of mauve

Tones of mauve colour comparison chart

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  1. Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 198; Color Sample of Mallow: Page 125 Plate 51 Color Sample I3