Silvia Montanari (January 14, 1943 – October 26, 2019) was an Argentine actress. She was born in Quilmes Partido, Argentina. She was known for starring in Arthur Miller's play Panorama from the bridge with Alfredo Alcón. In telenovelas, she was known in La Cruz de Marisa Cruces, La Sombra, Stefania, Between love and power, All yours, The lion and the rose, and When love is guilty.

In her later career, she starred as bar owner Emilia in Gasoleros.

Montanari died on October 26, 2019 at a hospital in Buenos Aires from cancer, aged 76.[1]


  1. "Actress Silvia Montanari died at 76 years old: she had cancer". lavanguardia. 26 October 2019. Retrieved 17 December 2019.