Citation Style 1 templates
((Cite arXiv))arXiv preprints
((Cite AV media))audio and visual media
((Cite AV media notes))AV media liner notes
((Cite bioRxiv))bioRxiv preprints
((Cite book))books and chapters
((Cite CiteSeerX))CiteSeerX papers
((Cite conference))conference papers
((Cite encyclopedia))edited collections
((Cite episode))radio or TV episodes
((Cite interview))interviews
((Cite journal))academic journals
((Cite magazine))magazines, periodicals
((Cite mailing list))public mailing lists
((Cite map))maps
((Cite news))news articles
((Cite newsgroup))online newsgroups
((Cite podcast))podcasts
((Cite press release))press releases
((Cite report))reports
((Cite serial))audio or video serials
((Cite sign))signs, plaques
((Cite speech))speeches
((Cite ssrn))SSRN papers
((Cite techreport))technical reports
((Cite thesis))theses
((Cite web))web sources not covered by the above
See alsoSpecific-source templates
Wrapper templates

This Citation Style 1 template is used to create citations for books. When citing an article in a periodical, use ((cite journal)) or ((cite magazine)). For conference papers, use ((cite conference)). For edited collections, use ((cite encyclopedia)). For theses, use ((cite thesis)).


[change source]

Copy a blank version to use. Almost all parameter names are supported only in lower case (some initialisms, such as |isbn= have upper-case aliases like |ISBN=, which are acceptable for use). Use the "|" (pipe) character between each parameter. Unused parameters may be deleted to avoid clutter in the edit window. Some samples on this documentation page may include the current date. If the date is not current, then purge the page.

Most commonly used parameters in horizontal format
To cite a book with a credited author
((cite book |last= |first= |author-link= |date= |title= |url= |location= |publisher= |page= |isbn=))
To cite a book with no credited author
((cite book |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |date= |title= |url= |location= |publisher= |page= |isbn=))
To cite an online book that has been archived
((cite book |last= |first= |date= |title= |url= |url-status= |location= |publisher= |isbn= |archive-url= |archive-date=))
To cite a book written in a foreign language
((cite book |last= |first= |date= |title= |trans-title= |url= |language= |location= |publisher= |isbn=))
To cite and quote an archived, two-author, foreign language book re-published as a PDF on an information aggregation service requiring a subscription
((cite book |last1= |first1= |last2= |first2= |date= |title= |trans-title= |url= |url-status= |url-access= |format= |language= |location= |publisher= |isbn= |archive-url= |archive-date= |via= |quote=))

Most commonly used parameters in vertical format
((cite book
 |page= <!-- or pages= -->

Full parameter set in horizontal format

((cite book |last1= |first1= |author-link1= |last2= |first2= |author-link2= |last3= |first3= |author-link3= |last4= |first4= |author-link4= |last5= |first5= |author-link5= |display-authors= |author-mask1= |author-mask2= |author-mask3= |author-mask4= |author-mask5= |editor-last1= |editor-first1= |editor-link1= |editor-last2= |editor-first2= |editor-link2= |editor-last3= |editor-first3= |editor-link3= |editor-last4= |editor-first4= |editor-link4= |editor-last5= |editor-first5= |editor-link5= |display-editors= |editor-mask1= |editor-mask2= |editor-mask3= |editor-mask4= |editor-mask5= |translator-last1= |translator-first1= |translator-link1= |translator-last2= |translator-first2= |translator-link2= |translator-last3= |translator-first3= |translator-link3= |translator-last4= |translator-first4= |translator-link4= |translator-last5= |translator-first5= |translator-link5= |display-translators= |translator-mask1= |translator-mask2= |translator-mask3= |translator-mask4= |translator-mask5= |others= |name-list-style= |date= |year= |orig-date= |chapter= |script-chapter= |trans-chapter= |chapter-url= |chapter-url-access= |chapter-format= |title= |script-title= |trans-title= |title-link= |url= |url-status= |url-access= |format= |type= |series= |language= |volume= |edition= |publication-place= |location= |publisher= |publication-date= |page= |pages= |at= |no-pp= |arxiv= |asin= |asin-tld= |bibcode= |bibcode-access= |biorxiv= |citeseerx= |doi= |doi-access= |doi-broken-date= |eissn= |hdl= |hdl-access= |isbn= |ismn= |issn= |jfm= |jstor= |jstor-access= |lccn= |mr= |oclc= |ol= |ol-access= |osti= |osti-access= |pmc= |pmc-embargo-date= |pmid= |rfc= |sbn= |ssrn= |s2cid= |s2cid-access= |zbl= |id= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date= |via= |quote= |script-quote= |trans-quote= |quote-page= |quote-pages= |mode= |postscript= |ref=))

Full parameter set in vertical format
Parameters Prerequisites Brief instructions / notes Vertical list
last1 Author's last name or single name author. Don't link.
((cite book
 |last1                =
 |first1               =
 |author-link1         =
 |last2                =
 |first2               =
 |author-link2         =
 |last3                =
 |first3               =
 |author-link3         =
 |last4                =
 |first4               =
 |author-link4         =
 |last5                =
 |first5               =
 |author-link5         =
 |display-authors      =
 |author-mask1         =
 |author-mask2         =
 |author-mask3         =
 |author-mask4         =
 |author-mask5         =
 |editor-last1         =
 |editor-first1        =
 |editor-link1         =
 |editor-last2         =
 |editor-first2        =
 |editor-link2         =
 |editor-last3         =
 |editor-first3        =
 |editor-link3         =
 |editor-last4         =
 |editor-first4        =
 |editor-link4         =
 |editor-last5         =
 |editor-first5        =
 |editor-link5         =
 |display-editors      =
 |editor-mask1         =
 |editor-mask2         =
 |editor-mask3         =
 |editor-mask4         =
 |editor-mask5         =
 |translator-last1     =
 |translator-first1    =
 |translator-link1     =
 |translator-last2     =
 |translator-first2    =
 |translator-link2     =
 |translator-last3     =
 |translator-first3    =
 |translator-link3     =
 |translator-last4     =
 |translator-first4    =
 |translator-link4     =
 |translator-last5     =
 |translator-first5    =
 |translator-link5     =
 |display-translators  =
 |translator-mask1     =
 |translator-mask2     =
 |translator-mask3     =
 |translator-mask4     =
 |translator-mask5     =
 |others               =
 |name-list-style      =
 |date                 =
 |year                 =
 |orig-date            =
 |chapter              =
 |script-chapter       =
 |trans-chapter        =
 |chapter-url          =
 |chapter-url-access   =
 |chapter-format       =
 |title                =
 |script-title         =
 |trans-title          =
 |title-link           =
 |url                  =
 |url-status           =
 |url-access           =
 |format               =
 |type                 =
 |series               =
 |language             =
 |volume               =
 |edition              =
 |publication-place    =
 |location             =
 |publisher            =
 |publication-date     =
 |page                 =
 |pages                =
 |at                   =
 |no-pp                =
 |arxiv                =
 |asin                 =
 |asin-tld             =
 |bibcode              =
 |bibcode-access       =
 |biorxiv              =
 |citeseerx            =
 |doi                  =
 |doi-access           =
 |doi-broken-date      =
 |eissn                =
 |hdl                  =
 |hdl-access           =
 |isbn                 =
 |ismn                 =
 |issn                 =
 |jfm                  =
 |jstor                =
 |jstor-access         =
 |lccn                 =
 |mr                   =
 |oclc                 =
 |ol                   =
 |ol-access            =
 |osti                 =
 |osti-access          =
 |pmc                  =
 |pmc-embargo-date     =
 |pmid                 =
 |rfc                  =
 |sbn                  =
 |ssrn                 =
 |s2cid                =
 |s2cid-access         =
 |zbl                  =
 |id                   =
 |archive-url          =
 |archive-date         =
 |access-date          =
 |via                  =
 |quote                =
 |script-quote         =
 |trans-quote          =
 |quote-page           =
 |quote-pages          =
 |mode                 =
 |postscript           =
 |ref                  =
first1 last1 Author's first name. Don't link.
author-link1 last1 Title of Wikipedia article about the first author. Don't link.
last2 last1 Like last1, but for 2nd author.
first2 last2 Like first1, but for 2nd author.
author-link2 last2 Like author-link1, but for 2nd author.
last3 last2 Like last1, but for 3rd author.
first3 last3 Like first1, but for 3rd author.
author-link3 last3 Like author-link1, but for 3rd author.
last4 last3 Like last1, but for 4th author.
first4 last4 Like first1, but for 4th author.
author-link4 last4 Like author-link1, but for 4th author.
last5 last4 Like last1, but for 5th author. Similar: last6, etc.
first5 last5 Like first1, but for 5th author. Similar: first6, etc.
author-link5 last5 Like author-link1, but for 5th author. Similar: author-link6, etc.
display-authors last1 Number (number of authors displayed) or etal (more authors)
author-mask1 last1 See Display options below; not for lists of cited works
author-mask2 last2
author-mask3 last3
author-mask4 last4
author-mask5 last5
editor-last1 may also use "editor-last"
editor-first1 editor-last1 may also use 'editor-first"
editor-link1 editor-last1 may also use "editor-link"
editor-mask1 editor-last1
translator-last1 Like last1, but for translator
translator-first1 translator-last1 Like first1, but for translator
translator-link1 translator-last1 Like author-link1, but for translator
translator-last2 translator-last1 Like last1, but for 2nd translator. Similar: translator-last3, etc.
translator-first2 translator-last2 Like first1, but for 2nd translator. Similar: translator-first3, etc.
translator-link2 translator-last2 Like author-link1, but for 2nd transl. Similar: translator-link3, ...
display-translators translator-last1 Like display-authors, but for translators
translator-mask1 translator-last1 See Display options below; not for lists of cited works
translator-mask2 translator-last2
name-list-style last2 Set to amp or ampersand to separate the last author with " & "; set to and to separate with " and "
orig-date date or year
chapter This should be the title of the chapter cited. Do not wikilink "chapter" if "chapter-url" is provided
trans-chapter chapter or script-chapter
chapter-url chapter or script-chapter
chapter-format chapter-url
trans-title title or script-title
url title or script-title
url-status archive-url
url-access url
format url
edition Ordinal number
publication-place publisher
location publisher can be used for written-at location when "publication-place" is used for publication place
page choose one: "page", "pages", or "at"
pages choose one: "page", "pages", or "at". Use when content on multiple pages supports the article text.
at choose one: "page", "pages", or "at"
no-pp page or pages set no-pp to "yes" to suppress the "p." or "pp." before page numbers
asin-tld asin
doi-broken-date doi
isbn always include ISBN, if one has been assigned
pmc-embargo-date pmc
archive-url archive-date, url
archive-date archive-url
access-date url
quote-page choose one: "quote-page", "quote-pages"
quote-pages choose one: "quote-page", "quote-pages". Use when quote contains contents from multiple pages.
mode cs1 or cs2
If a field name is listed in the Prerequisites column, it is a prerequisite for the field to the left.


[change source]


Mysterious Book.

Title and year

Mysterious Book. 1901.

Basic usage (single author)

Bloggs, Joe (1974). Book of Bloggs.

Basic usage (two authors)

Bloggs, Joe; Bloggs, Fred (1974). Book of Bloggs.

Basic usage with url (and access-date) and edition

Bloggs, Joe (1974). Book of Bloggs (1st ed.). Retrieved February 17, 2006.

Citing a chapter in a book with different authors for different chapters and an editor

Bloggs, Fred (January 1, 2001). "Chapter 2: The History of the Bloggs Family". In Doe, John (ed.). Big Compilation Book with Many Chapters and Distinct Chapter Authors. Book Publishers. pp. 100–110.

Citing a chapter in a book with two joint authors and an editor

Bloggs, Joe & Egg, Fred (January 1, 2001) [1st pub. 1986]. "Chapter 6: Getting There". In Doe, John (ed.). Big Book with Many Chapters and Two Co-authors. Book Publishers. pp. 100–110.

Three authors, title with a piped wikilink, edition

Bloggs, Joe; Smith, John; Smythe, Jim. 1000 Acres (2nd ed.).

Complex usage showing effect of using volume parameter and lastauthoramp parameter (without volume and lastauthoramp)

Playfair, I. S. O.; Stitt, G. M. S.; Molony, C. J. C.; Toomer, S. E. (2007) [1st pub. HMSO:1954]. Butler, J. R. M. (ed.). Mediterranean and Middle East. Volume I: The Early Successes Against Italy (to May 1941). History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series. Uckfield, East Sussex: Naval & Military Press. ISBN 1-845740-65-3.

Complex usage showing effect of using volume parameter and lastauthoramp parameter (with volume and lastauthoramp)

Playfair, I. S. O.; Stitt, G. M. S.; Molony, C. J. C. & Toomer, S. E. (2007) [1st pub. HMSO:1954]. Butler, J. R. M. (ed.). Mediterranean and Middle East. History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series. Vol. I: The Early Successes Against Italy (to May 1941). Uckfield, East Sussex: Naval & Military Press. ISBN 1-845740-65-3.

Date without day, wikilinked title, publisher, pages, edition, location

Cordell, Bruce R.; Grubb, Jeff; Noonan, David (September 2001). Manual of the Planes (3rd ed.). Renton, Washington: Wizards of the Coast. pp. 134–137. ISBN 0-7869-1850-0.

Other language

Bloggs, Jean (1974). Livre de Bloggs [Book of Bloggs] (in French) (1st ed.). Retrieved February 17, 2006.

Using a DOI

Mumford, David (1999). The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes: Includes the Michigan Lectures (1974) on Curves and Their Jacobians (2nd ed.). Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/b62130. ISBN 354063293X.

Using author-mask parameter

Playfair, I. S. O.; Stitt, G. M. S.; Molony, C. J. C. & Toomer, S. E. (2004) [1st pub. HMSO:1954]. Butler, J. R. M. (ed.). Mediterranean and Middle East Volume I: The Early Successes Against Italy (to May 1941). History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series. Uckfield, East Sussex: Naval & Military Press. ISBN 1-845740-65-3.
——; Flynn, F. C.; Molony, C. J. C. & Toomer, S. E. (2004) [1st pub. HMSO:1954]. Butler, J. R. M. (ed.). The Mediterranean and Middle East, Volume II: The Germans Come to the Help of Their Ally (1941). History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series. Uckfield, East Sussex: Naval & Military Press. ISBN 1-845740-66-1.
——; Flynn, F. C.; Molony, C. J. C. & Gleave, T. P. (2004) [1st pub. HMSO:1954]. Butler, Sir James (ed.). The Mediterranean and Middle East, Volume III: British Fortunes Reach Their Lowest Ebb (September 1941 to September 1942). History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series. Uckfield, East Sussex: Naval & Military Press. ISBN 1-845740-67-X.

Using display-authors parameter

Playfair, I. S. O.; et al. (2004) [1st pub. HMSO:1954]. Butler, J. R. M. (ed.). Mediterranean and Middle East Volume I: The Early Successes Against Italy (to May 1941). History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series. Uckfield, East Sussex: Naval & Military Press. ISBN 1-845740-65-3.


[change source]


[change source]

Nested parameters rely on their parent parameters:

Where aliases are listed, only one of the parameters may be defined; if multiple aliased parameters are defined, then only one will show.


[change source]

This template embeds COinS metadata in the HTML output, allowing reference management software to retrieve bibliographic metadata. See Wikipedia:COinS. As a general rule, only one data item per parameter. Do not include explanatory or alternate text:

Use of templates within the citation template is discouraged because many of these templates will add extraneous HTML or CSS that will be included raw in the metadata. Also, HTML entities, for example &nbsp;, &ndash;, etc., should not be used in parameters that contribute to the metadata.

COinS metadata is created for these parameters

[change source]

Note: This table of metadata is displayed for all Citation Style 1 templates. Not all of these parameters are supported by every CS1 template. Some of these parameters are mutually exclusive, some are aliases of another parameter, and some require other parameters to be present. Please refer to each template's documentation for a full list of supported parameters, their aliases, and their dependencies.

What's new

[change source]
What's new or changed recently
Parameter Description Date
|author-given= added aliases (including enumerated forms) for |author-first= October 2020
|author-surname= added aliases (including enumerated forms) for |author-last= October 2020
|display-subjects= added alias for |display-authors= for usage with |subject= October 2020
|interviewer-given= added aliases (including enumerated forms) for |interviewer-first= October 2020
|interviewer-surname= added aliases (including enumerated forms) for |interviewer-last= October 2020
|orig-date= added canonical form for alias |orig-year= October 2020
|quote-page= added single page specifier for |quote= October 2020
|quote-pages= added multiple pages specifier for |quote= October 2020
|sbn= added identifier parameter for Standard Book Numbers April 2020
|script-quote= added non-Latin script text facility for |quote= October 2020
|subject-mask= added aliases (including enumerated forms) to |author-mask= for usage with |subject= October 2020
|s2cid= added identifier parameter for Semantic Scholar corpus ID April 2020
|s2cid-access= added access-icon parameter for |s2cid= April 2020
|title-link= added special tokens none/doi/pmc to override/disable auto-linking (((cite journal)) only) October 2020
|trans-quote= added translated text facility for |quote= October 2020
accept-this-as-written-markup added for |doi=, |eissn=, |isbn=, |issn=, |sbn= October 2020


[change source]
Deprecated CS1/CS2 parameters
Deprecated parameter Replace with Date
none deprecated at present

Recently removed CS1/CS2 parameters
Removed parameter Replace with Date
|authorfirst= |author-first= October 2020
|authorfirstn= |author-firstn= October 2020
|authornfirst= |authorn-first= October 2020
|authorgiven= |author-given= October 2020
|authorgivenn= |author-givenn= October 2020
|authorngiven= |authorn-given= October 2020
|authorlast= |author-last= October 2020
|authorlastn= |author-lastn= October 2020
|authornlast= |authorn-last= October 2020
|authormask= |author-mask= January 2021
|authormaskn= |author-maskn= January 2021
|authornmask= |authorn-mask= January 2021
|authorsurname= |author-surname= October 2020
|authorsurnamen= |author-surnamen= October 2020
|authornsurname= |authorn-surname= October 2020
|booktitle= |book-title= May 2021
|chapterurl= |chapter-url= May 2021
|conferenceurl= |conference-url= April 2021
|contributionurl= |contribution-url= April 2021
|deadurl=yes |url-status=dead September 2019
|dead-url=yes |url-status=dead September 2019
|displayauthors= |display-authors= January 2021
|displayeditors= |display-editors= October 2020
|doi-broken= |doi-broken-date= October 2020
|doi-inactive-date= |doi-broken-date= October 2020
|editorfirst= |editor-first= October 2020
|editorfirstn= |editor-firstn= October 2020
|editornfirst= |editorn-first= October 2020
|editorgiven= |editor-given= October 2020
|editorgivenn= |editor-givenn= October 2020
|editorngiven= |editorn-given= October 2020
|editorlast= |editor-last= October 2020
|editorlastn= |editor-lastn= October 2020
|editornlast= |editorn-last= October 2020
|editorlink= |editor-link= January 2021
|editorlinkn= |editor-linkn= January 2021
|editornlink= |editorn-link= January 2021
|editors= |editor= (one editor) or |editorn= (more than one editor) or |veditors= (for Vancouver style editors). Consider splitting |editorn= into |editor-firstn= and |editor-lastn=, if possible. Consider |editor-maskn=, if annotation is required. January 2021
|editorsurname= |editor-surname= October 2020
|editorsurnamen= |editor-surnamen= October 2020
|editornsurname= |editorn-surname= October 2020
|editormask= |editor-mask= October 2020
|editormaskn= |editor-maskn= October 2020
|editornmask= |editorn-mask= October 2020
|embargo= |pmc-embargo-date= October 2020
|episodelink= |episode-link= May 2021
|event-format= (delete) January 2021
|eventurl= (delete) January 2021
|event-url= (delete) January 2021
|ignoreisbnerror= |isbn=((<isbn>)) October 2020
|ignore-isbn-error= |isbn=((<isbn>)) January 2021
|interviewerlink= |interviewer-link= October 2020
|interviewerlinkn= |interviewer-linkn= October 2020
|interviewernlink= |interviewern-link= October 2020
|interviewermask= |interviewer-mask= October 2020
|interviewermaskn= |interviewer-maskn= October 2020
|interviewernmask= |interviewern-mask= October 2020
|last-author-amp= |name-list-style=amp January 2021
|lastauthoramp= |name-list-style=amp January 2021
|laydate= |lay-date= April 2021
|laysource= |lay-source= April 2021
|layurl= |lay-url= April 2021
|mailinglist= |mailing-list= May 2021
|mapurl= |map-url= May 2021
|name-list-format= |name-list-style= April 2021
|nocat= |no-tracking= January 2021
|no-cat= |no-tracking= October 2020
|nopp= |no-pp= May 2021
|notracking= |no-tracking= October 2020
|publicationdate= |publication-date= May 2021
|publicationplace= |publication-place= May 2021
|registration= |url-access=registration January 2020
|sectionurl= |section-url= April 2021
|serieslink= |series-link= May 2021
|seriesno= |series-number= April 2021
|seriesnumber= |series-number= January 2021
|series-separator= (delete) October 2020
|subjectlink= |subject-link= January 2021
|subjectlinkn= |subject-linkn= January 2021
|subjectnlink= |subjectn-link= January 2021
|subscription= |url-access=subscription January 2020
|timecaption= |time-caption= April 2021
|titlelink= |title-link= April 2021
|transcripturl= |transcript-url= May 2021


[change source]


[change source]


[change source]
For approximate year, precede with "c. ", like this: |date=c. 1900.

For no date, or "undated", use |date=n.d.
Automatic date formatting: Citation Style 1 and 2 templates, including this template, automatically render dates in date parameters (|date=, |access-date=, |archive-date=, etc.) in the style specified by the article's ((use dmy dates)) or ((use mdy dates)) template. See those templates' documentation for details.
  1. Publication dates in references within an article should all have the same format. This may be a different format from that used for archive and access dates. See MOS:DATEUNIFY.


[change source]

(See also Help:Citation Style 1 § Titles and chapters.)

Titles containing certain characters will not display and link correctly unless those characters are encoded.
newline [ ] |
space &#91; &#93; ((!)) (preferred)
((bracket|text)) &#124; or ((pipe))see also Help:Table § Rendering the pipe
  • title-link: Title of existing Wikipedia article about the source named in title – do not use a web address; do not wikilink. Alias: titlelink.


[change source]

Edition, series, volume

[change source]

In-source locations

[change source]


[change source]

URLs must begin with a supported URI scheme. http:// and https:// will be supported by all browsers; however, ftp://, gopher://, irc://, ircs://, mailto: and news: may require a plug-in or an external application and should normally be avoided. IPv6 host-names are currently not supported.

If URLs in citation template parameters contain certain characters, then they will not display and link correctly. Those characters need to be percent-encoded. For example, a space must be replaced by %20. To encode the URL, replace the following characters with:

Character space " ' < > [ ] { | }
Encoding %20 %22 %27 %3C %3E %5B %5D %7B %7C %7D

Single apostrophes do not need to be encoded; however, unencoded multiples will be parsed as italic or bold markup. Single curly closing braces also do not need to be encoded; however, an unencoded pair will be parsed as the double closing braces for the template transclusion.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Access-date and archive-date in references should all have the same format – either the format used for publication dates, or YYYY-MM-DD. See MOS:DATEUNIFY.

Chapter URL

[change source]


[change source]


[change source]

The following identifiers create links and are designed to accept a single value. Using multiple values or other text will break the link and/or invalidate the identifier. In general, the parameters should include only the variable part of the identifier, e.g. |rfc=822 or |pmc=345678.

In very rare cases, valid identifiers (f.e., as actually printed on publications) do not follow their defined standard format or use non-conforming checksums, which would typically cause an error message to be shown. Do not alter them to match a different checksum. In order to suppress the error message, some identifiers (|doi=, |eissn=, |isbn=, |issn=, and |sbn=) support a special accept-this-as-written markup which can be applied to disable the error-checking (as |<param>=((<value>))). If the problem is down to a mere typographical error in a third-party source, correct the identifier value instead of overriding the error message.

For some identifiers, it is possible to specify the access status using the corresponding |<param>-access= parameter.

For ((cite journal)), some identifiers (specifying free resources) will automatically be linked to the title when |url= and |title-link= are not used to specify a different link target. This behaviour can be overridden by one out of a number of special keywords for |title-link= to manually select a specific source (|title-link=pmc or |title-link=doi) for auto-linking or to disable the feature (|title-link=none).

It is not necessary to specify a URL to a link identical to a link also produced by an identifier. The |url= parameter (or |title-link=) can then be used for providing a direct deep link to the corresponding document or a convenience link to a resource that would not otherwise be obviously accessible.


[change source]


[change source]

Lay summary

[change source]

These parameters are deprecated. If the source that they name is important to the Wikipedia article, create a separate cs1|2 template for that source.

Subscription or registration required

[change source]

Citations of online sources that require registration or a subscription are acceptable in Wikipedia as documented in Verifiability § Access to sources. As a courtesy to readers and other editors, editors should signal restrictions on access to material provided via the external links included in a citation. These levels describe requirements or constraints related to accessing and viewing the cited material; they are not intended to indicate the ability to reuse, or the copyright status, of the material, since that status is not relevant to verifying claims in articles.

Four access levels can be used:

As there are often multiple external links with different access levels in the same citation, each value is attributed to a specific external link.

Access indicators for url-holding parameters
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Online sources linked by |url=, |article-url=, |chapter-url=, |contribution-url=, |entry-url=, |map-url=, and |section-url= are presumed to be free-to-read. When they are not free-to-read, editors should mark those sources with the matching access-indicator parameter so that an appropriate icon is included in the rendered citation. Because the sources linked by these url-holding parameters are presumed to be free-to-read, they may not be marked as free.

URL-holding and access-indicator parameters
URL Access Allowed keywords
|url= |url-access= registration Free registration required
limited Free access subject to limited trial, subscription normally required
subscription Paid subscription required
|article-url= |article-url-access=
|chapter-url= |chapter-url-access=
|contribution-url= |contribution-url-access=
|entry-url= |entry-url-access=
|map-url= |map-url-access=
|section-url= |section-url-access=

For example, this cites a web page that requires registration but not subscription:

((cite web |url= |url-access=registration |date=2021-04-15 |title=Nifty example data))

which renders as:

"Nifty example data". 2021-04-15.
Access indicator for named identifiers
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Links inserted by named identifiers are presumed to lie behind a paywall or registration barrier – exceptions listed below. When they are free-to-read, editors should mark those sources with the matching access-indicator parameter so that an appropriate icon is included in the rendered citation. When the sources linked by these named-identifier parameters are not presumed to carry a free-to-read full text (for instance because they're just abstracting services), they may not be marked as limited, registration, or subscription.

Named-identifier and access-indicator parameters
Identifier Access Allowed keywords
|bibcode= |bibcode-access= free Freely accessible
|doi= |doi-access=
|hdl= |hdl-access=
|jstor= |jstor-access=
|ol= |ol-access=
|osti= |osti-access=
|s2cid= |s2cid-access=

Some named-identifiers are always free-to-read. For those named identifiers there are no access-indicator parameters; the access level is automatically indicated by the template. These named identifiers are:

For embargoed pmc that will become available in the future, see pmc-embargo-date.


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See Template:Cite book/TemplateData.

Citation tools

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This template produces COinS metadata; see COinS in Wikipedia for background information.