Trust is a feeling that somebody or something can be relied upon, or will turn out to be good. It is the feeling of being sure about something, even if it cannot be proved.

The word "trust" can be a noun or a verb:

There is also an adjective: trusting.

One can also trust a thing:

To trust often means: to feel confident that something will or has happened:

In religion, trust can be similar to faith. Someone who believes in God will put their trust in Him: the Book of Proverbs says: 'Trust in the LORD with all your heart' (3:5)

To trust (or entrust) can be used in other ways:

Good or bad?

Trusting does not necessarily mean that the person or thing that is trusted is good. Two criminals might be friends and they might trust one another, but what they trust one another to do is bad (although it might seem good to them).

Being trusting without thinking carefully about it might be dangerous. People can sometimes win someone’s trust, but then they might break their trust.


The opposite of “trusting” is “mistrust” (“to have no trust in”). This is similar to the word “suspicious”.

Someone who is untrustworthy is someone who cannot be trusted.

To “take something on trust” means: to trust something without looking at it carefully.

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