推出日期1989年6月15日 (1989-06-15)
移除日期2010年3月30日 (2010-03-30)
預期使用 南斯拉夫有关的法律主体
已註冊域名數38,772(2009年6月30日 (2009-06-30)[2]



自1980年起,南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国(南斯拉夫)开始建立电信网络联系。欧洲学术与研究网络英语The European Academic Research Network(EARN)借此启动。在1988年,贝尔格莱德大学自然科学和数学学院建议南斯拉夫的大学加入EARN。隔年,首个贝尔格莱德林茨之间的国际学术网络开通,贝尔格莱德大学随即成为EARN的中心节点[3]

由于互联网的高速发展,南斯拉夫与ARPANET(后发展为互联网)间交换电子邮件和数据的“桥梁”需求籍此产生。.yu顶级域于1989年6月15日通过马里博尔大学约瑟夫·斯特凡研究所英语Jožef Stefan Institute牵头的政府科学技术信息发展项目(SNTIJ)分配给南斯拉夫,两所机构均位于斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那,于1990-1991年间成立注册局YUNAC——南斯拉夫学术社区网络[3][2]





2003年2月,随着南斯拉夫联盟共和国更名为塞尔维亚和黑山(塞黑),国家代码YU也因此被CS取代,.cs域因此诞生。不过,它却从未被使用,也因此成为少数与ISO 3166-1 标准不一致的ccTLD。在之后.yu注册局与互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)的商议中,注册局方面传达了一个参考黑山公投的意见——黑山即将公投决定是否脱离塞尔维亚。由于公众普遍看好脱离的前景,鉴于这种情况,ICANN没有要求.yu域立刻过渡到.cs域,而是等待公投的结果[4]

2006年5月,黑山公投结束,结果为独立。6月塞黑正式解体。ISO 3166-1随后依照公投结果修订,国家代码CS被移除,ME和RS被添加,分别代表黑山共和国和塞尔维亚共和国。修订使得ICANN可以正式开始域名过渡进程。12月,黑山政府提交.me域委派申请书,随后塞尔维亚国家互联网域名注册局(RNIDS)也提交了.rs域的委派申请书。


Whereas, the .YU top-level domain is currently used by the citizens of both Serbia and Montenegro,

Whereas, ICANN has delegated the .RS domain for use in Serbia, and the .ME domain for use in Montenegro,

Whereas, the ISO 3166-1 standard has removed the “YU” code, and the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency recommends its use be discontinued,

Whereas, ICANN is not responsible for deciding what is or is not a country, and adheres to the ISO 3166-1 standard for guidance on when to add, modify and remove country-code top-level domains,

Whereas, there is a transition plan to move registrations in .YU to the new domains .RS and .ME, with the operator of .RS acting as the temporary caretaker of .YU until the transition is complete,

Resolved (07.77), that the .YU domain be redelegated to the Serbian National Registry of Internet Domain Names in a temporary caretaker capacity.

Resolved (07.78), that the Serbian National Registry of Internet Domain Names be instructed to report their progress on decommissioning the .YU domain every six months to ICANN against a relevant set of metrics.

Resolved (07.79), that the Serbian National Registry of Internet Domain Names, and the Government of Montenegro, work to complete the transition from the .YU domain to the .RS and .ME domains, so that it may be removed from the DNS root zone no later than 30 September 2009.




Whereas, the .YU top‐level domain is being decommissioned after being superseded by the .RS and .ME domains for Serbia and Montenegro respectively,

Whereas, the Board resolved during its 11 September 2007 meeting that the .YU domain be decommissioned by 30 September 2009,

Whereas, the .YU domain's caretaker RNIDS has sought an extension of the deadline in order to better finalise the transition away from the .YU domain,

Resolved (2009.09.30.15), that the deadline for .YU domain decommissioning be extended to 30 March 2010,

Furthermore, whereas RNIDS has asked ICANN for better guidance for the future on how the process of retiring country-code top-level domains should be conducted, in the form of clear and transparent rules,

Whereas, the Board is aware that the ccNSO Council has established a working group to advise on whether to launch a policy development process to review the current policy on delegation, redelegation and retirement of country-code top-level domains,

Resolved (2009.09.30.16), that the ccNSO is asked to consider the RNIDS request on better supporting the process of retiring country-code top-level domains, and report back to the Board its findings.



In according with ICANN decision, [the] .yu domain is supposed to be deleted, turned off or disappear on 30th of March. As the last information that we got from IANA was that this moment will be as close as possible to 30th of March 2010. and that it depend on US government and Verisign, RNIDS, Serbian national register decided to fix this moment on 12am, 30th of March, considering this way as better solution for Internet community.

It means that today [at] 12AM (GMT+1:00) ... we shall delete .yu domain from DNS servers of YU ccTLD root zone.








  1. ^ Delegation Record for .YU. 根域数据库. IANA. 2009-10-21 [2017-11-13]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-05) (英语). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Report on the Transition from .yu to .rs (PDF). 塞尔维亚国家互联网域名注册局. [2017-11-13]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2017-11-13) (英语). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Историја националних домена и РНИДС-а. О нама. [2017-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-16) (塞尔维亚语). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Removal of the .YU domain formerly representing Yugoslavia. IANA. 2010-04-01 [2017-11-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-04) (英语). 
