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Intel Xe
制造工艺TSMC N6
入门GPUIris Xe Graphics
高端GPUIntel Arc
前代产品Gen 11
后继产品Intel Xe 2

Intel Xe(格式化為Xe,兩個字母分開發音[1]),早期曾被非正式地稱為Gen12[2][3],是由英特尔开发的图形处理器通用计算(GPGPU)和獨立显示卡(dGPU)产品线。

Intel Xe包括一个新的指令集架構。Intel Xe与Tiger Lake产品一起推出。[4]


Intel Xe不是英特爾首次尝试研發獨立顯示卡,早在1998年2月,英特爾就发布了獨立顯示卡Intel740 [5]。发布时被炒得沸沸扬扬的Intel740是一个令人失望和失败的产品,Intel740发布后仅18个月就被停产,但其技术卻被保留在英特尔至尊图形(Intel Extreme Graphics)产品线中繼續使用[6]



2019年9月,HotHardware英语HotHardware报道称,Intel Xe的GPU指令集体系结构 (ISA)出現较大变化,與之前的產品相比,几乎所有指令编码均有改变[9]

2022年3月30日,英特尔正式公布了第一代基于Intel Xe-HPG架构的ARC(锐炫)独立显卡。



  1. ^ TechTechpotato. How to Pronounce Intel's Xe (Xe) and Ponte Vecchio. YouTube. August 15, 2020 [2022-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-10) (美国英语). 
  2. ^ Cutress, Ian. Intel's Architecture Day 2018: The Future of Core, Intel GPUs, 10nm, and Hybrid x86. AnandTech: 5. December 12, 2018 [2020-08-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-19) (美国英语). Intel will use the Xe branding for its range of graphics that were unofficially called 'Gen12' in previous discussions 
  3. ^ Hill, Brandon. Intel Says Tiger Lake Gen12 Xe Graphics Is Its Biggest Architectural Revamp In A Decade. HotHardware. 2019-09-09 [2022-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-30) (美国英语). 
  4. ^ Cutress, Ian, Intel's Architecture Day 2018: The Future of Core, Intel GPUs, 10nm, and Hybrid x86, www.anandtech.com, 12 December 2018: 5 [2020-08-14], (原始内容存档于2020-11-19), Intel will use the Xe branding for its range of graphics that were unofficially called ‘Gen12’ in previous discussions 
  5. ^ 存档副本. [2020-08-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-30). 
  6. ^ https://www.tomshardware.com/amp/picturestory/693-intel-graphics-evolution.html
  7. ^ Evangelho, Jason, Intel Is Developing A Desktop Gaming GPU To Fight Nvidia, AMD, www.forbes.com, 11 Apr 2018 [2020-08-14], (原始内容存档于2020-11-09) 
  8. ^ Hill, Brandon, Intel To Power Up Its First Discrete GPU Confirmed For 2020 Launch, hothardware.com, 12 June 2018 [2020-08-14], (原始内容存档于2020-11-28) 
  9. ^ Hill, Brandon, Intel Says Tiger Lake Gen12 Xe Graphics Is Its Biggest Architectural Revamp In A Decade, hothardware.com, 9 Sep 2019 [2020-08-14], (原始内容存档于2020-10-30)