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sicsīc,為sic erat scriptum的縮略語,即「原文是這麼寫的」[1])是一个从拉丁语衍生出的词汇,它在拉丁语中原意为“所以、这样、就像那样”。在英语中,sic 用于表示引用的句子中不正确或不常用的拼写、短语或标点用法是原文就有,而非引述者誤植,中文一般譯为“原文如此[2]。书写时使用方括号包含,即「[sic]」,一些特定國家(如美國)則會特別規定以斜體書寫,成为“ [sic] ”的形式。该词的拉丁语原读音类似于英文的 seek(IPA /'sik/),中间为长元音(sīc);不过在英语中,这个词一般读作 /'sɪk/,类似英文 sick 一词。


The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker ...

(这里的 "chuse" 同 "choose",不过为旧时用法,现已很少使用。)

Warehouse has been around for 30 years and has 263 stores, suggesting a large fan base. The chain sums up its appeal thus: "styley [sic], confident, sexy, glamorous, edgy, clean and individual, with it's [sic] finger on the fashion pulse."

(这里的 "styley" 和 "it's" 为错误用词,应为 "stylish" 和 "its"。)


  1. ^ Footnotes, 1, in opinion of November 15, 2012 in U.S. v. Bryant, Case No. 11-CR-20034. (Federal judge noted using variant spelling of Bryant's given name, "'sic erat scriptum'" in court document.)
  2. ^ Oxford University Press. sic|Definition of sic in English by Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. [2018-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-17). 
  3. ^ Speaker of the House. United States House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives. [2018-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-17). 
  4. ^ Ashworth, Anne. Chain reaction: Warehouse. The Times. 2006-06-21 [2016-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2006-09-29).