VRT團隊收到了關於本頁面有關的電子郵件,擁有VRT權限的用戶可以閱讀。然而,該電子郵件仍缺乏本檔案/頁面授權許可的要素。 這有可能是因為該電子郵件沒有明確的自由授權條款、授權者為照片中的主體人物而非攝影師,或是發送授權的電子郵件地址無法與原始發表來源處相吻合等等。 有關於本議題的最新進展,請聯繫添加本模板的使用者,或是在公告板聯繫VRT志工。 如果在VRT志工第一次回应后的30天内没有提供有效的授權許可,本檔案或相关頁面内容将被删除。
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|id=xxxxxxxx - 將會增加工單號碼,以供其他VRT服務人員檢視。範例:

((VRT received|id=2013102810001251|year=2024|month=05|day=7))


|notprocessed=1 will replace the generic message with one stating that the image has not yet been processed and will not categorize the image in Category:Wikipedia files with unconfirmed permission received by OTRS by date. This parameter should be used if you have not yet replied to the sender and we are not awaiting a response. Images with this template should not be deleted until a reply has been sent to the ticket and the sender has had an adequate time to respond.

|reason = will replace the standard explanation of possible reasons with because reason. (This text will be added to the end of the previous sentence, as opposed to creating a new sentence.)
