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2016 Democratic National Convention
2016 presidential election
Clinton and Kaine
Date(s)July 25–28, 2016
CityPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania
VenueWells Fargo Center
ChairMarcia Fudge[1]
Keynote speakerElizabeth Warren of Massachusetts [2]
Notable speakersBarack Obama
Bill Clinton
Chelsea Clinton
Joe Biden
Michelle Obama
Bernie Sanders
Cory Booker
Presidential nomineeHillary Clinton of New York
Vice presidential nomineeTim Kaine of Virginia
Total delegates4,763
Votes needed for nomination2,382 (majority)
Results (president)Clinton (NY): 2,842 (59.67%)
Sanders (VT): 1,865 (39.16%)
Abstention: 56 (1.18%)
Results (vice president)Kaine (VA): 100% (Acclamation)
‹ 2012 · 2020 ›
The Wells Fargo Center, the site of the 2016 Democratic National Convention
Map of United States showing Orlando, Florida
Sites of the 2016 national presidential nominating conventions. Blue, red, green, and yellow indicate the conventions for the Democratic, Republican, Green, and Libertarian parties, respectively.

The 2016 Democratic National Convention is the gathering at which delegates of the United States Democratic Party will choose their nominees for President of the United States and Vice President of the United States in the 2016 national election. It began on July 25, 2016, and will conclude on July 28, 2016, at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with some caucus meetings at the Pennsylvania Convention Center,[3] beginning exactly one week after the 2016 Republican National Convention.

There are expected to be 4,767 delegates (worth 4,763 delegate votes) to the Democratic National Convention. A candidate needs a majority of delegate votes to win the presidential nomination, which in this case is a minimum of 2,382 votes.[4]


In 2016, both the Republican and Democratic conventions will be held in late July before the Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics, instead of after the Olympics as in 2008 and 2012. One reason why the Republican Party scheduled its convention in July was to help avoid a longer, drawn-out primary battle similar to what happened in 2012 that left the party fractured heading into the general election. The Democrats then followed suit, scheduling their convention the week after the Republicans' convention, to provide a quicker response.[5]

On July 11, 2016, Twitter and CBS News announced their joint plan to live-stream the convention via Twitter.[6]

Choice of Philadelphia for convention site

Philadelphia was selected by the Democratic National Committee on February 12, 2015, as the host city for the party's 2016 Convention.[7] The primary venue, where the nominee will be selected, will be the Wells Fargo Center. The Pennsylvania Convention Center will also be used for some events.[8] The last convention held in Philadelphia was the 2000 Republican National Convention. The last time the city hosted the Democratic Convention was in 1948.[9] Philadelphia was selected over finalists Columbus, New York City, Birmingham, Cleveland, and Phoenix.[10] Edward G. Rendell, the former mayor of Philadelphia and governor of Pennsylvania, played a crucial role in securing Philadelphia as the host city.[8][11]

Host Committee

The 2016 Philadelphia Host Committee, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, was the official and federally designated presidential convention host committee for the convention, charged with the task of raising the necessary funds to hold the convention. The Host Committee is composed of 10 prominent Philadelphia business executives, civic and other community leaders. The Reverend Leah Daughtry is the CEO.[12]


The convention is designated as a National Special Security Event, which means that ultimate authority over law enforcement goes to the Secret Service and Department of Homeland Security.[13]

Email leak

A cache of more than 19,000 e-mails were leaked on July 22, 2016. This has caused Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign.[14]

Planned demonstrations

By May 19, 2016, five organized groups of Sanders supporters had applied for demonstration permits from the Philadelphia police department.[15][16] A joint rally between the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign and the Green Party of the United States was denied a protest permit, but both groups planned to go ahead with their protest regardless.[17][18][19] The Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, the Green Party, and other groups obtained permits for their demonstrations on July 7 after the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit that resulted in the city lifting its ban on rush-hour protests during the DNC.[20] On July 12, workers at Philadelphia International Airport voted 461-5 in favor of striking during the DNC in order to seek "better scheduling, clarity on sick pay, a more predictable disciplinary system, and to be able to unionize."[21] The city of Philadelphia expects 35,000 to 50,000 protesters throughout the convention.[22][23]

Nomination and balloting

Presumed delegate count

The table below reflects the presumed delegate count following the 2016 Democratic primaries:

Candidate Pledged delegates Presumed Count, including superdelegates
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Martin O'Malley
Available delegates
Total delegate votes

Final delegate count

The Democratic presidential ballot was held on July 26. Senator Barbara Mikulski nominated Clinton, with Congressman John Lewis and professor Na'ilah Amaru seconding the nomination.[24] After all states had voted, Sanders moved to make Clinton's nomination unanimous by acclamation.[25] Clinton became the first woman to be nominated for president by a major U.S. political party.[26]


Drafting process

The Platform Committee is co-chaired by former Atlanta mayor Shirley Franklin and Connecticut governor Dannel P. Malloy.[32] The four vice chairs are Nellie Gorbea of Rhode Island, the Rev. Cynthia Hale of Georgia, San Francisco mayor Ed Lee, and Greg Rosenbaum.[32]

Prior to the meeting of the full Platform Drafting Committee, eight meetings in four regions (Mid-Atlantic, Southwest, Midwest, and Southeast) were held: a forum with testimony in Washington, D.C. on June 8 and 9; a forum with testimony in Phoenix, Arizona, on June 17 and 18; a drafting committee meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, on June 24 and 25; and a platform committee meeting in Orlando, Florida, on July 8 and 9.[33]

The Drafting Committee heard testimony from 114 witnesses across the United States,[34] and an additional "1,000 Democrats submitted written or video testimony weighing in on the platform."[35] The drafting committee concluded its work on June 25, sending the draft platform to the full platform committee.[34]

The Drafting Committee consists of fifteen members.[36] Under party rules, the chair of the Democratic National Committee had the power to name all fifteen members of the Drafting Committee, which has typically been done in the past in consultation with the White House (if a Democratic president is sitting) and the presumptive nominee.[37] In 2016, however, DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz opted "to allocate 75% of the committee's seats to the presidential campaigns, awarding the slots proportionally according to the current vote tally" in a bid for wider representation of party members.[36] As a result, Clinton appointed six members to the committee, Sanders five, and Wasserman Schultz four.[38] This was the outcome of an agreement between the Bernie Sanders campaign, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and party officials, and was viewed as a victory for Sanders, who obtained some influence on the party platform as result.[37][38]

The drafting committee members, named in May 2016, were as follows:[36]

Hillary Clinton committee appointees:

  1. Paul Booth of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees[37]
  2. Carol Browner, former director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy and former administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency[37]
  3. U.S. Representative Luis Gutiérrez of Illinois
  4. Ohio State Representative Alicia Reece[37]
  5. Ambassador Wendy Sherman, former senior State Department official[37]
  6. Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress, "longtime Clinton confidante"[37]

Bernie Sanders committee appointees:

  1. U.S. Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota, one of the highest-ranked elected officials to endorse Sanders[37]
  2. Bill McKibben, environmentalist[37]
  3. Deborah Parker, Native American activist[37]
  4. Dr. Cornel West, author, racial justice advocate[37]
  5. James Zogby, DNC official, president of the Arab American Institute[37]

Debbie Wasserman Schultz committee appointees:

  1. Former U.S. Representative Howard Berman of California[37]
  2. U.S. Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland (chair of the drafting committee)[37]
  3. U.S. Representative Barbara Lee of California[37]
  4. Bonnie Schaefer, executive[37]

The Clinton Campaign’s Senior Policy Advisor Maya Harris and the Sanders Campaign’s Policy Director Warren Gunnels represented their respective campaigns as official, non-voting members of the Drafting Committee. Andrew Grossman was named Platform Executive Director.[39]

Platform provisions

The full Platform Committee approved the Democratic platform following heated debate in Orlando on July 10, 2016; the platform will be formally approved at the convention itself in Philadelphia.[40]

The platform adopted by the platform committee was described by NBC News and by columnist Katrina vanden Heuvel as the most progressive in party history, largely reflecting the influence of platform-committee members appointed by Bernie Sanders.[41][42] The platform committee-drafted platform was praised by both Hillary Clinton's campaign[43] and Bernie Sanders' campaign, with Sanders policy director Warren Gunnells saying his campaign achieved "at least 80 percent" of its goals.[41] Although Sanders could have chosen, under party rules, to force a vote on the convention floor using a "minority report" process, he decided not to do so, with Gunnells telling supporters that the campaign had successfully secured the adoption of many of its platform goals and "that further platform fights would be portrayed in the corporate media as obstructionist and divisive."[44]

The platform expresses support for raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour and indexing it to inflation, a plank supported by Sanders.[41][42] The adoption of this point was a boost for the Fight for $15 movement.[42] The platform also calls for ending the sub-minimum wage for tipped workers and workers with disabilities, and for twelve weeks of paid family and medical leave.[42]

On health care, the platform committee adopted a provision supporting a public option for the Affordable Care Act and for legislation to allow Americans ages 55 and over to buy into Medicare.[42] The platform committee voted down a more ambitious Medicare for All proposal supported by Sanders.[42] The platform "repeats the Democratic Party pledge to empower Medicare to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs" and also calls for "doubling support for community health centers that provide primary health-care services, particularly in rural areas.[42]

The platform expresses support for Wall Street reform, the expansion of Social Security and the abolition of the death penalty, all points supported by Sanders.[41] This marked the first time that a major U.S. party had called for ending capital punishment in its platform.[45]

On financial regulation (Wall Street reform), the platform supports "a 21st-century Glass-Steagall Act to keep banks from gambling with taxpayer-guaranteed deposits," calls for the breakup of "too big to fail" financial institutions, and supports a tax on excessive speculation.[42]

The platform expresses support for criminal justice reform, calls for an end to private prisons, and reforms to boost police accountability to communities.[42] The platform calls for shutting "the revolving door between Wall Street and Washington," calling for "a ban on golden parachutes for bankers taking government jobs, limits on conflict of interest, and a two-year ban on financial services regulators 'from lobbying their former colleagues.'"[42]

On taxation, the platform pledges "tax relief" to middle-class families. The platform also calls for the end of overseas tax deferral and the carried interest tax loophole, as well as a crackdown on corporate inversions.[42]

On K-12 education, the party's platform was revised "in important ways, backing the right of parents to opt their children out of high-stakes standardized tests, qualifying support for charter schools, and opposing using test scores for high-stakes purposes to evaluate teachers and students."[46] The platform calls for "democratically governed great neighborhood public schools and high-quality public charter schools," and opposes "for-profit charter schools focused on making a profit off of public resources."[46]

On workers' rights, "the platform endorses expanding and defending the right of workers to organize unions and bargain collectively."[42] The platform supports the ability of workers to organize via card check and "calls for a 'model employer' executive order that would give preference in government procurement to employers who provide their workers with a living wage, benefits and the opportunity to form a union."[42]

The platform committee approved compromise language on the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), calling for increased federal, state and local regulation of the practice but not a wholesale ban, as Sanders had pushed for.[41]

The platform drafting committee twice voted down an amendment, supported by Sanders and advanced by one of his appointees, Rep. Keith Ellison, to commit the party to opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.[41][47] The committee instead backed a measure that said "there are a diversity of views in the party" on the TPP and reaffirmed that Democratic Party's stance that any trade deal "must protect workers and the environment."[47]

In a close, 81-80 vote, the platform committee approved language supporting the removal of marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, "providing a reasoned pathway for future legalization" of marijuana.[48]

The platform maintains the Democratic Party's longstanding support for Israel, with DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz terming it the "strongest pro-Israel" platform in the party's history.[49] The platform includes a provision condemning the BDS movement and calling for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict "that guarantees Israel’s future as a secure and democratic Jewish state with recognized borders and provides the Palestinians with independence, sovereignty, and dignity."[49] Proposals for language that would have condemned settlements and called for an end to the Israeli occupation were rejected in the platform committee.[42]

Convention chair

On July 23, party officials announced that Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz would not preside over or speak at the convention. The announcement came after the leak of 20,000 emails by seven DNC staffers from January 2015 to May 2016, during the Democratic primary season. The emails showed the staffers favoring Clinton and disparaging Sanders. Wasserman Schultz's removal from convention activities was approved by both the Clinton and Sanders campaigns. In her place, the Rules Committee named Representative Marcia Fudge of Ohio as convention chair.[50] Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post described this as "a remarkable snub for a sitting party chair."[51]

Superdelegate reform

On July 24, the DNC Rules Committee voted overwhelmingly, 158–6, to adopt a superdelegate reform package. The new rules were the result of a compromise between the Clinton and the Sanders campaigns. (Sanders had pressed for the complete elimination of superdelegates.)[52]

Under the reform package, in future Democratic conventions about two-thirds of superdelegates would be bound to the results of state primaries and caucuses. The remaining one third—senators, governors and U.S. representatives—would remain unbound and free to support the candidate of their choice.[52]

Under the reform package, a 21-member unity commission (to be chaired by Jennifer O'Malley Dillon, a Clinton supporter, and vice-chaired by Larry Cohen, a Sanders supporter) is to be appointed "no later than 60 days" after the November 2016 general election. The commission would report by January 1, 2018, and its recommendations would be voted on at the next Democratic National Committee meeting, well before the beginning of the 2020 Democratic primaries.[52] The commission was to consider "a mix of Clinton and Sanders ideas, including expanding 'eligible voters' ability to participate in the caucuses in caucus states (a gripe of Clinton's campaign) and encouraging 'the involvement in all elections of unaffiliated or new voters who seek to join the Democratic Party through same-day registration and re-registration' (a Sanders demand)."[52] The commission drew comparisons to the McGovern–Fraser Commission, which established party primary reforms before the 1972 Democratic National Convention.[52]


Mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the secretary of the Democratic National Committee, gaveled in the convention on the afternoon of July 25.[53]

List of speakers

Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, permanent chair of the convention
First Lady Michelle Obama was one of the headlining speakers on the first night
Senator Elizabeth Warren gave the keynote speech on the first night of the convention
Former President Jimmy Carter will deliver a video address
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will deliver a speech on the second night
Former President Bill Clinton, husband of Hillary Clinton, will be one of the headlining speakers on the second night
President Barack Obama will be one of the headlining speakers on the third night
Chelsea Clinton, will speak immediately before her mother, Hillary Clinton

On July 21, the convention organizers released an alphabetical list of other confirmed speakers (with time slots not yet set), as follows:[83]

General John R. Allen will speak on the fourth night

Celebrities who are speaking include the following:[84][85]

List of performances

Other celebrities who are attending include Alicia Keys and Katy Perry.[84] Unlike in past conventions, sitting Cabinet members will not be speaking at the event; the White House has decided that barring Cabinet officers from addressing the convention will "send a signal about the primacy of the Obama administration's responsibility to manage the government and serve the American people" and avoid legal or political difficulties.[87]

Notable speeches

Al Franken and Sarah Silverman

Michelle Obama speaking at the convention, July 2016
External videos
video icon "First Lady Michelle Obama", 2016 Democratic National Convention, C-SPAN[88]

Minnesota Senator Al Franken introduced fellow comedian Sarah Silverman, who is also a Bernie Sanders supporter.[89] In her speech, she urged other Sanders supporters to back Hillary Clinton and later said that Bernie or Bust people "are being ridiculous".[89] The New York Times has called her speech "the perfect breath of fresh air."[90] The Washington Post and Politico called this one of the most memorable moments of the night.[91][92]

Michelle Obama

“And because of Hillary Clinton, my daughters and all our sons and daughters now take for granted that a woman can be president of the United States."

Michelle Obama in 2016 Democratic National Convention[93]

In her speech, Michelle Obama defended Hillary Clinton and urged Democrats to vote for Hillary focusing on Clinton's role as a woman and a mother.[94][95] Obama alluded to Donald Trump's actions as reasons to vote for Clinton.[96] In her speech, Obama tried to heal the fractures within the party.[97] She also narrated her experience as a black woman who is living in a "house that was built by slaves," referring to the White House, as a reason to be hopeful about the future because she is African American and therefore is descended from those slaves.[97] She says that America has always been great.[98] The Atlantic described the speech as the best of the night while saying that it is "for the ages."[99]

Bernie Sanders

Vermont Senator and former Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders spoke on the first day of the Democratic Convention, urging his supporters to vote for presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton.[100] In his speech, he compared Clinton with himself and implied that they were similar to each other and that their policies and views were alike.[101] Though Sanders endorsed Clinton for the general election, he did not ask his delegates to vote for her in the Democratic presidential nomination ballot.[102]

See also


  1. ^ Brufke, Julie Grace (July 24, 2016). "Marcia Fudge To Replace Wasserman Schultz As Chair Of Democratic National Convention". The Daily Caller. Retrieved July 25, 2016.
  2. ^ Terkel, Amanda (July 25, 2016). "Elizabeth Warren to Keynote Democratic Convention". The Huffington Post. Retrieved July 25, 2016.
  3. ^ Melwert, Jim. "Convention Center Expected To Play A Big Role During 2016 DNC". CBS Local. Retrieved April 22, 2016.
  4. ^ "Democratic Convention 2016". The Green Papers. February 2, 2016. Retrieved February 2, 2016.
  5. ^ Jaffe, Alexandra (January 23, 2015). "Democratic National Convention date set". CNN. Retrieved August 25, 2015. The July date is two months earlier than Democrats' 2012 convention, but it sets the Democrats up to immediately follow the GOP's festivities ... Republicans moved their convention back a month in hopes of avoiding the drawn-out primary battle that left the party fractured and their 2012 nominee wounded heading into the general election
  6. ^ Collins, Eliza. "Twitter, CBS News to livestream GOP and Democratic conventions". USA Today. Retrieved July 11, 2016.
  7. ^ "Democrats pick Philadelphia for 2016 convention". USA Today. February 12, 2015. Retrieved July 6, 2016.
  8. ^ a b "Democrats Pick Philadelphia for 2016 Convention". The New York Times. February 13, 2015. Retrieved July 6, 2016.
  9. ^ Brennan, Chris. "Democrats to convene in Philly in 2016". The Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved April 18, 2016.
  10. ^ Thomas, Ken. "6 Cities Competing for 2016 Democratic Convention". ABC News. Retrieved June 7, 2014.
  11. ^ Nikita Stewart, In Bid to Host Democratic National Convention in 2016, de Blasio Makes a Fiscal Case, The New York Times (January 28, 2015).
  12. ^ Jones, Ayana (April 4, 2015). "2016 DNC Convention CEO named". The Philadelphia Tribune. Retrieved April 14, 2015.
  13. ^ To Prepare for Republican Convention, Tampa Restricts Protests. The New York Times. July 22, 2012
  14. ^ "The FBI investigates DNC hack that released 19000 e-mails". CBS News. July 25, 2016. Retrieved July 25, 2016.
  15. ^ Terruso, Julia (May 19, 2016). "#BernieorBust Democrats plan convention protests". Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved May 19, 2016.
  16. ^ Peter, Nicholas (May 31, 2016). "Nurses Seek Democratic Showdown". Wall Strret Journal. Retrieved June 1, 2016.
  17. ^ Hedges, Chris (June 5, 2016). "Shut Down the Democratic National Convention". Truthdig. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  18. ^ Newhouse, Sam (May 31, 2016). "Philly denied DNC protest permit to 'hide' poverty, activists claim". Metro. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  19. ^ Press, Release (May 31, 2016). "Green Party endorses March for Our Lives in Philadelphia on July 25 during the Democratic conventionclaim". Green Party of the United States. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  20. ^ Kannan, Vibha (July 8, 2016). "After settling their stink with city, protesters to march on first day of DNC". Philadelphia Daily News. Retrieved July 8, 2016.
  21. ^ Von Bergen, Jane (July 13, 2016). "Philly airport workers vote to strike during the DNC". Philadelphia Daily News. Retrieved July 13, 2016.
  22. ^ Terruso, Julia. "With protests predicted, businesses warned to batten down the hatches". Philadelphia Daily News. Philadelphia Media Network (Digital), LLC. Retrieved July 24, 2016.
  23. ^ Gabriel, Trip (July 24, 2016). "Bernie Sanders Backers March Against Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia". The New York Times. Retrieved July 25, 2016.
  24. ^ Savransky, Rebecca (July 26, 2016). "Mikulski to nominate Clinton in Philadelphia". The Hill. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  25. ^ Rappeport, Alan; Alcindor, Yamiche (July 26, 2016). "Democrats Nominate Hillary Clinton Despite Sharp Divisions". New York Times. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  26. ^ Alan Rappeport, Yamiche Alcindor & Jonathan Martin, Democrats Nominate Hillary Clinton Despite Sharp Divisions,, New York Times (July 26, 2016).
  27. ^ Alabama's delegation was short one vote, and it was recorded as an abstention.
  28. ^ The votes from South Dakota gave Hillary Clinton the 2,383 delegates required for the nomination.
  29. ^ New Hampshire was evenly split 16-16
  30. ^ Each Democrats Abroad delegate counts as ½ vote
  31. ^ Each Democrats Abroad delegate counts as ½ vote
  32. ^ a b Platform Committee Membership List - Final, 2016 Democratic National Convention (July 7, 2016).
  33. ^ 2016 Democratic National Convention Platform.
  34. ^ a b Democratic Platform Drafting Meeting Concludes (press release), 2016 Democratic National Convention (June 25, 2016).
  35. ^ Democrats begin drafting party platform, Associated Press (June 24, 2016).
  36. ^ a b c Democratic National Convention Committee Announces Platform Drafting Committee Member (press release), 2016 Democratic National Convention (May 23, 2016).
  37. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Anne Gearan, Sanders wins greater say in Democratic platform; names pro-Palestinian activist, The Washington Post (May 23).
  38. ^ a b Daniel Strauss, DNC agrees to give Sanders greater influence over party platform, Politico (May 23, 2016).
  39. ^ "Democratic National Convention Committee Announces Platform Drafting Committee Members - 2016 Democratic National Convention". Democratic National Convention. May 23, 2016. Retrieved July 6, 2016.
  40. ^ In platform draft, Democrats weigh in on marijuana, climate, and trade, CBS News/Associated Press (July 10, 2016).
  41. ^ a b c d e f Alex Seitz-Wald, Democrats Advance Most Progressive Platform in Party History, NBC News (July 10, 2016).
  42. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Katrina vanden Heuvel, The most progressive Democratic platform ever, The Washington Post (July 12, 2016).
  43. ^ Sophie Tatum, Clinton campaign hails progressive Democratic platform, CNN (June 25, 2016).
  44. ^ Alex Seitz-Wald, Bernie Sanders Rules Out Convention Floor Fights on Platform, NBC News (July 12, 2016).
  45. ^ In a First, Democrats' Platform to Call for Death Penalty Abolition, Meet the Press, NBC News (July 10, 2016).
  46. ^ a b Valerie Strauss, Democrats make education revisions to 2016 platform — and a key reformer is furious, The Washington Post (July 12, 2016).
  47. ^ a b "Democrats Reject Platform Proposal Opposing Trade Deal". ABC News. Retrieved July 6, 2016.
  48. ^ David Weigel, Democrats call for 'pathway' to marijuana legalization, The Washington Post (July 9, 2016).
  49. ^ a b Jacob Kornbluh, DNC chair: Democrats adopted 'strongest pro-Israel' platform, Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles (July 21, 2016).
  50. ^ Theodore Schleifer, Eugene Scott & Jeff Zeleny, Debbie Wasserman Schultz not presiding over Democratic convention, CNN (July 24, 2016).
  51. ^ Chris Cillizza, Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Worst Week in Washington, The Washington Post (July 24, 2016).
  52. ^ a b c d e David Weigel, Democrats vote to bind most superdelegates to state primary results, The Washington Post (July 23, 2016).
  53. ^ Fritze, John (July 25, 2016). "Stephanie Rawlings-Blake gavels in Democratic National Convention". Baltimore Sun. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  54. ^ "Day 1: Speeches from the Democratic National Convention". WTOP. July 25, 2016. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  55. ^ a b "DNC Day 1: Boyz II Men, Paul Simon, Sarah Silverman, Demi Lovato". Chicago Sun Times. July 25, 2016. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  56. ^ Hoey, Dennis (July 25, 2016). "Maine Rep. Russell takes turn at center stage of Democratic convention". Portland Press Herald. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  57. ^ Terruso, Julia (July 26, 2016). "Three-minute history lesson: Mayor Kenney uses DNC spotlight to liken Trump & Co. to 'Know Nothings'". Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  58. ^ Samantha Schoenfeld, Gov. Dan Malloy speaks about unity at Democratic National Convention, WTIC-TV (July 25, 2016).
  59. ^ Amanda Hoover, At DNC, New Hampshire grandmother on heroin crisis: 'It affects all of us', (July 25, 2016).
  60. ^ Christine Mai-Duc, Mother-daughter duo who could be separated by deportation try to humanize immigration issues at DNC, Los Angeles Times (July 26, 2016).
  61. ^ FULL: Pat Spearman - Democratic National Convention (video of speech, made available by KNXV-TV of Arizona)
  62. ^ TRANSCRIPT: Chillicothe Mayor Luke Feeney's DNC speech, Chillicothe Gazette (July 26, 2016).
  63. ^ Sen. Al Franken appears in comedy skit with Sarah Silverman (video), Washington Post.
  64. ^ Leinz Vales, Disability advocate steals spotlight at DNC, CNN (July 26, 2016).
  65. ^ Carolina Moreno, Eva Longoria Schools Donald Trump In Powerfully Personal DNC Speech, Huffington Post(July 27, 2016).
  66. ^ Jonathan D. Salant, READ: Full text of Cory Booker's speech at the DNC 2016, (July 25, 2016).
  67. ^ Will Drabold, Read Michelle Obama's Emotional Speech at the Democratic Convention, Time (July 25, 2016).
  68. ^ McIntire, Mike (June 25, 2016). "'We're an Easy Target': Taken In by the Trump Brand". New York Times. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  69. ^ Nik DeCosta-Klipa, Introducing Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Joe Kennedy III explains what it was like to be in her law school class, (July 26, 2016).
  70. ^ Silk Smith, Jeremy (July 25, 2016). "Elizabeth Warren Will Be the Keynote Speaker at the DNC". Roll Call. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  71. ^ Abby Phillip & Sean Sullivan, Democratic National Convention: Bernie Sanders pleads with supporters to back Clinton, Washington Post (July 25, 2016).
  72. ^ Josh Nathan-Kazis, Why Rabbi Julie Schonfeld Saw ‘Lot of Familiar Faces’ at Historic DNC Benediction, The Forward (July 26, 2016).
  73. ^ a b Prokop, Andrew (July 26, 2016). "How to watch the Democratic convention 2016: DNC live stream, TV channel, and schedule of events". Vox. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  74. ^ "Day 2: Speakers at the Democratic National Convention". wtop. July 26, 2016. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  75. ^ DNC 2016 (07/26/16): What time it starts, channels, live stream, speakers schedule, Bill Clinton speech, (July 27, 2016)
  76. ^ Kristina Webb, Donna Brazile: 5 things to know about the new interim chair of the DNC, Palm Beach Post (July 24, 2016).
  77. ^ Kindelan, Katie (July 26, 2016). "Mothers of the Movement to Speak Out at Democratic National Convention". ABC. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  78. ^ Erin Murphy, South Sioux Cityan to speak at Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, Sioux City Journal (July 18, 2016).
  79. ^ [Indonesian human trafficking survivor to speak at US Democratic National Convention], Jakarta Post (July 25, 2016).
  80. ^ a b c d e f DNCC Announces Headlining Speakers For Democratic National Convention In Philadelphia, Democratic National Convention Committee (July 15, 2016).
  81. ^ "Day 3- Wednesday, July 27". C-SPAN. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  82. ^ a b c d Kelly, Nora (July 15, 2016). "An Early Democratic Convention Lineup". The Atlantic.
  83. ^ DNCC Announces Additional Speakers for 2016 Democratic National Conventiion in Philadelphia (press release) (July 21, 2016).
  84. ^ a b c d e f Chloe Grace Moretz, Lena Dunham and More Among Celebs Speaking at DNC, ABC News, July 21, 2016.
  85. ^ a b c d e f Lissandra Villa, Meet the Celebrities Going to the Democratic National Convention, Time, July 20, 2016.
  86. ^ Lauren Craddock, Lady Gaga, Lenny Kravitz & DJ Jazzy Jeff To Headline 'Camden Rising' Concert at Democratic National Convention, Billboard (July 19, 2016).
  87. ^ Julie Hirschfeld Davis, White House Prohibits Cabinet From Addressing Democratic Convention, The New York Times (July 3, 2016).
  88. ^ "First Lady Michelle Obama". C-SPAN. July 25, 2016. Retrieved July 26, 2016. First lady Michelle Obama spoke about supporting Hillary Clinton and about raising her daughters in the current political climate, saying "the hateful language they hear from public figures on TV does not represent the true spirit of this country."
  89. ^ a b "Democratic National Convention live updates: 'You're being ridiculous,' Sarah Silverman tells Sanders die-hards". Los Angeles Times. July 24, 2016. ((cite news)): Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  90. ^ "Sarah Silverman Tames the Beast". The New York Times. July 24, 2016. ((cite news)): Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  91. ^ "Winners and losers from the first night of the Democratic convention". The Washington Post. July 25, 2016. ((cite news)): Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  92. ^ "The 11 most memorable lines of the first day". Politico. July 25, 2016. ((cite news)): Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  93. ^ Will Drabold (July 25, 2016). "Read Michelle Obama's Emotional Speech at the Democratic Convention". Time (magazine). Retrieved July 25, 2016. ((cite news)): Check |archiveurl= value (help)
  94. ^ "Michelle Obama delivers a passionate defense of Hillary Clinton". The Washington Post. July 24, 2016. ((cite news)): Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  95. ^ "Michelle Obama's Message: Trust Hillary, Like I Do". The New Yorker. July 26, 2016.
  96. ^ "Michelle Obama's D.N.C. Speech: How FLOTUS Defeated Donald Trump Without Mentioning His Name". Vanity Fair. July 24, 2016. ((cite news)): Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  97. ^ a b "Michelle Obama Makes Emotional Appeal For Hillary Clinton". NBC News. July 24, 2016. ((cite news)): Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  98. ^ "Michelle Obama's speech shows an America that's already great". Chicago Tribune. July 24, 2016. ((cite news)): Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  99. ^ "Michelle Obama's Speech for the Ages". The Atlantic. July 24, 2016. ((cite news)): Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  100. ^ "Democratic National Convention: Bernie Sanders pleads with supporters to back Clinton". Retrieved July 26, 2016.
  101. ^ "'Hillary Clinton must become the next president,' Sanders tells convention". USA Today. Retrieved July 26, 2016. ((cite web)): Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  102. ^ Nelson, Louis (July 26, 2016). "Sanders: My delegates should 'vote for me'". Politico. Retrieved July 26, 2016.
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Charlotte, North Carolina
Democratic National Conventions Succeeded by
Location TBD

39°54′04″N 75°10′19″W / 39.9011°N 75.1720°W / 39.9011; -75.1720