This is a list of August Strindberg's written works.

See also



Year Title Type
1869 En namnsdagsgåva (A Namesday Gift) Three-act
Fritänkaren (The Free Thinker) Three-act
1870 I Rom (In Rome) One-act
1871 Hermione Five-act
Den fredlöse (The Outlaw) One-act
1872 Mäster Olof (Master Olof) Five-Act
1880 Gillets hemlighet (The Secret of the Guild) Four-Act
1881 Anno fyrtiåtta (In the Year 1848) Four-act
1882 Lycko-Pers resa (Lucky Peter's Travels) Five-act
Herr Bengt's hustru ("Sir Bengt's Wife") Five-act
1886 Marodörer (Marauders)
1887 The Father Three-act
Hemsöborna (Strindberg's adaption from his novel Natives of Hemsö) Four-act
1888 Kamraterna (Comrades), adapted from Strindberg's Marodoerer with Axel Lundegard Four-act
Fröken Julie (Miss Julie) One-act
1889 Fordringsägare (Creditors) One-act
Den starkare (The Stronger) One-act
Paria (Pariah) One-act
1890 Samum One-act
1892 Debet och kredit One-act
Himmelrikets nycklar; eller, Sankte Per vandrar pa jorden ( The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven or St. Peter Wanders on Earth) Five-act
Inför döden (Facing Death) One-act
Moderskärlek (Motherly Love) One-act
1893 Bandet (The Bond and the Link) One-act
Leka med elden (Playing with Fire) One-act
Första varningen (The First Warning) One-act
1898 Till Damaskus, första delen (To Damascus, I) Seven scenes
Till Damaskus, andra delen (To Damascus, II) Four-act
Advent: Ett mysterium (Advent) Five-act
1899 Vid högre rätt (At a Higher Court)
Advent: Ett mysterium
Brott och brott (There Are Crimes and Crimes)
Gustav Vasa Five-act
Erik XIV Four-act
Folkungasagan (The Saga of the Folkungs) Five-act
1900 Gustaf Adolf Five-act
Påsk (Easter) Three-act
1901 Engelbrekt Four-act
Midsommar (Midsummer) six tableaux
'Kristina Four-act
Dödsdansen (The Dance of Death) Two-Act
Kronbruden (The Bridal Crown) Six-part
Svanevit Three-act
Ett drömspel (A Dream Play) Fourteen scenes
Kaspers fet-tisdag (Casper's Shrove Tuesday) One-act
Carl XII
1902 Gustav III Four-act
1903 The World History Plays
Näktergalen i Wittenberg (The Nightingale of Wittenberg), five-act
Through Deserts to Ancestral Lands
The Lamb and the Beast
1904 Till Damaskus, tredje delen (To Damascus, III) Four-act
1907 The Chamber Plays, 1907
Oväder (The Storm) or (Storm Weather)
Brända tomten (The Burned Site) or (The Burned House)
Spöksonaten (The Ghost Sonata) or (Spook Sonata)
Pelikanen (The Pelican)
1908 Abu Casems tofflor (Abu Casem's Slippers)
Sista riddaren (The Last of the Knights) Five-act
1909 Bjaelbo-Jarlen (Earl Birger of Bjalbo) Five-act
Riksföreståndaren (The Regents) Five-act
Stora landsvägen (The Great Highway) Verse
Svarta handsken (The Black Glove) Five-act


Translations and adaptions


Poetry, fiction, other, autobiography and other

Poster by Axel Törneman for a 1911 poetry collection published by Albert Bonniers Förlag
  • From Fjerdingen and Svartbäcken, short stories, 1877
  • The Red Room, novel, 1879
  • Gamla Stockholm (Old Stockholm), with Claes Lundin, cultural history, 1880
  • I Vårbrytningen: Ungdomsarbeten, for children, Volumes I-VI, 1881
  • Kulturhistoriska studier, 1881
  • Dikter och verkligheter (Poems and Realities), verse and prose, 1881
  • Svenska folket i helg och söcken, i krig och i fred, hemma och ute; eller, Ett tusen år av svenska bildningens och sedernas historia (The Swedish People on Holy Day and Everyday, in War and Peace, at Home and Abroad; or, A Thousand Years of the History of Swedish Culture and Manners), illustrations by Carl Larsson and C. E. Fritze, Volume I, 1881 and volume II, 1882
  • Det nya riket (The New Kingdom), essay, 1882
  • Svenska öden och äventyr (Swedish Destinies and Adventures), novel, 1883
  • Dikter på vers och prosa (Poems in Verse and Prose), 1883
  • Likt och olikt, 1884
  • Sömngångarnätter och vakna dagar (verse), 1884
  • August Strindbergs lilla katekes för underklassen, ≈1884
  • Giftas (Married), two volumed short stories, Schleussner 1884–1886
  • Kvarstadsresan (Journey into Detention), autobiography, 1885
  • Utopier i verkligheten (Utopias in Reality), short stories, 1885
  • Jäsningstiden (Time of Ferment), autobiographical novel, 1886
  • Tjänstekvinnans son (The Son of a Servant), autobiography, 1886–1909
  • Hemsöborna (The People of Hemsö), novel, 1887
  • Vivisectioner, (Vivisections), essays includes On Psychic Murder, 1887
  • Blomstermaalningar och djurstycken ungdomen tillaegnade (Flowers and Animals), popular science, 1888
  • The Defence of a Fool (Le Plaidoyer d'un fou), 1888
  • Tschandala, novel, 1888
  • Skaerkarlslif: Beraettelser (Life in the Skerries), short story, 1888
  • Bland franska boender (Among French Peasants), non-fiction, 1889
  • Om modern drama och modern teater (On Modern Drama and the Modern Theatre), essay, 1889
  • En haxa (A Witch), novel, 1890
  • I havsbandet, novel, 1890
  • Tryckt och otryckt (Printed and unprinted), plays, essays, and other writings, 1890–1897
  • Les Relations de la France avec la Suede jusqu'a nos jours, 1891
  • Antibarbarus, essays, 1892
  • Jardin des plantes (Botanical Gardens), science, 1896
  • Hortus Merlini: Lettres sur la chimie; Sylva sylvarum, 1897
  • Inferno, novel/autobiography, 1897
  • Svensk natur (Swedish Nature), 1897
  • Legender (Legends: Autobiographical Sketches), 1898
  • Klostret (Monastery), novel,1898
  • Typer och prototyper inom mineralkemien: Festskrift till firandet af Berzelii femtioaarsminne, 1898
  • Jakob brottas (Jacob Wrestling), journal, 1898
  • Samvetsqval (Remorse), 1899
  • Vaerldshistoriens mystik ((The Mysticism (or Mystique or Hidden Meaning) of World History)), essay, 1901
  • Fagervik och Skamsund (Fair Haven and Foul Strand), 1902
  • Ensam (Alone), novella, 1903
  • Sagor (Fairy tales), stories, 1903
  • Oeppna brev till Intima Teatern, essays, 1903
  • Götiska rummen (Gothic Rooms), novel, 1904
  • Historiska miniatyrer (Historical Thumbnails), fiction, 1905
  • Ordalek och smaakonst (Word Play and Miniature Art), poems, 1905
  • Taklagsoel, novella, 1907
  • Syndabocken, novella, 1907
  • Svarta fanor (Black Banners), novel, 1907
  • Kammarspel, 1907
  • En blaa bok (A Blue Book), essays and journal entries, four volumes, 1907–1912
  • Fabler och smårre beråttelser (Fables and Minor Stories), 1909
  • Shakespeares Macbeth, Othello, Romeo och Julia, Stormen, Kung Lear, Henrik VIII, En Midsommarnattsdröm (Shakespeare's Macbeth, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, King Lear, Henry VIII, A Midsummer Night's Dream), 1909
  • Tal till Svenska Nationen om olust i landet, levernet, litteraturen och laerdomen ... Sjunde upplagan (Speeches to the Swedish Nation), 1910
  • Författaren: En sjåls utvecklingshistoria (Author: A psychic development history), 1910
  • Folkstaten: Studier till en stundande författningsrevision (People's State: Studies in a forthcoming Constitutional Court), 1910
  • Modersmaalets anor (The Origins of Our Mother Tongue), essay,1910
  • Vaerldspraakens roetter (The Roots of World Languages), 1910
  • Religioes renaessans (Religious Renaissance), 1910
  • Kina och Japan: Studier (China and Japan Studies), 1911
  • Kinesiska språkets hårkomst (Chinese language descent), 1912
  • Samlade skrifter (Collected Works), fifty-five volumes, edited by John Landquist


  1. ^ Contemporary Authors Online. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research. 2010. ISBN 978-0-7876-3995-2.
  2. ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Strindberg, August" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 25 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 1038.
