Energy policy in Scotland is a matter that has been specifically reserved to the UK parliament under the terms of the Scotland Act 1998 that created the devolved Scottish Parliament.[1] However, since planning is a matter that has been devolved, the Scottish government has the ability to shape the direction of energy generation in Scotland by approving or refusing new projects.

In 2004, the Enterprise Committee of the Scottish Parliament called for the development of a 'fully fledged' Scottish energy policy.[2]

The SNP Government that took power in May 2007 specifically included the word 'energy' in a portfolio title when the junior ministerial position of Minister for Enterprise, Energy and Tourism was created to replace the position of 'Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning'.


Scotland has a mix of energy sources and is a net exporter of energy at a time when the United Kingdom as a whole is heading towards becoming a net importer[citation needed].

Renewable energy in Scotland

Wind, wave and tide make up more than 80% of Scotland's renewable energy potential.

The production of renewable energy in Scotland is an issue that has come to the fore in technical, economic, and political terms during the opening years of the 21st century.[3] The natural resource base for renewable energy is extraordinary by European, and even global standards, with the most important potential sources being wind, wave, and tide.

At the end of 2011, there was 4,796 megawatts (MW) of installed renewables electricity capacity in Scotland, an increase of 9.5 per cent (416 MW) on the end of 2010. Renewable electricity generation in 2011 was a record high at 13,750 GWh - an increase of 44.5 per cent on 2010. Around 35 per cent of Scotland’s electricity came from renewables in 2011, exceeding the Scottish Government’s target of 31 per cent. Scotland contributed almost 40 per cent of the UK’s renewables output in 2011.[4]

Continuing improvements in engineering and economics are enabling more of the renewable resources to be utilised. Fears regarding "peak oil" and climate change have driven the subject high up the political agenda and are also encouraging the use of various biofuels. Although the finances of many projects remain either speculative or dependent on market incentives, it is probable that there has been a significant, and in all likelihood long-term change, in the underpinning economics.[5]

In addition to planned increases in both large-scale generating capacity and microsystems using renewable sources, various related schemes to reduce carbon emissions are being researched.[6] Although there is significant support from the public, private and community-led sectors, concerns about the effect of the technologies on the natural environment have been expressed. There is also an emerging political debate about the relationship between the siting, and the ownership and control of these widely distributed resources.[7]

Nuclear power

When the UK Government announced an energy review in early 2006, the Scottish National Party (SNP) and others made clear their view that Scotland did not need new nuclear power stations.[8] By January 2008, when the UK Government gave the go-ahead for a new generation of nuclear power stations to be built across the UK, the SNP formed the Scottish Government and First Minister Alex Salmond made clear there was "no chance" of more nuclear power stations being built in Scotland.[9] The Government's stance was backed by the Scottish Parliament which voted 63-58 to support the Scottish Government's policy of opposing new nuclear power stations.[10]


  1. ^ House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/84 p21
  2. ^ Scottish Parliament Committee News Release June 30 2004
  3. ^ See for example: Scottish Executive (2005) Choosing Our Future: Scotland's Sustainable Development Strategy. Edinburgh.
  4. ^ "Scotland beats 2011 green energy target". The Scottish Government. 29 March 2012. Retrieved 1 April 2012.
  5. ^ Monbiot, George (2006) Heat: How to Stop the Planet Burning. London. Allen Lane.
  6. ^ "Peterhead hydrogen project". BP. Retrieved 2 February 2007.
  7. ^ HICEC. (2006) Highlands and Islands Community Energy Company Annual Review. (PDF). Inverness. Retrieved on 31 August 2007.
  8. ^ Call to halt nuclear power plans BBC January 23, 2006
  9. ^ New nuclear plants get go-ahead
  10. ^ MSPs vote No to new nuclear stations The Scotsman January 18, 2008

See also