The following outline is provided as an overview of a topical guide to design:

Design (as a verb: designing, or, to design) is the intentional creation of a plan or specification for the construction or manufacturing of an object or system or for the implementation of an activity or process. Design (as a noun: a design) can refer to such a plan or specification (e.g. a drawing or other document) or to the created object, etc., and features of it such as aesthetic, functional, economic or socio-political.[1]

Design professions

Design approaches and methods

Design activities

Designing objects

System design

Design tools

Environments and experiences

Impact of design

Design organizations

Studying design

See also


  1. ^ See dictionary meanings in the Cambridge Dictionary of American English, at (esp. meanings 1-5 and 7-8) and at AskOxford (esp. verbs).