The following is a timeline of the presidency of Bill Clinton, from January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1995.














  1. ^ Remarks on Arrival in Little Rock, Arkansas (January 2, 1995)
  2. ^ Statement on Additional Steps To Prevent Violence at Abortion Clinics (January 2, 1995)
  3. ^ Exchange With Reporters After Duck Hunting Near Cotton Plant, Arkansas (January 3, 1995)
  4. ^ Remarks at the Dedication of William Jefferson Clinton Elementary Magnet School in Sherwood (January 4, 1995)
  5. ^ Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters on the Legislative Agenda (January 5, 1995)
  6. ^ Remarks on the Appointment of Michael D. McCurry as Assistant to the President and Press Secretary and an Exchange With Reporters (January 5, 1995)
  7. ^ Remarks on the Economy (January 6, 1995)
  8. ^ Remarks to Students at Galesburg High School in Galesburg (January 10, 1995)
  9. ^ The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama of Japan (January 11, 1995)
  10. ^ Statement on the Economic Situation in Mexico (January 11, 1995)
  11. ^ Statement on the Democratic National Committee (January 12, 1995)
  12. ^ Remarks in Cleveland, Ohio, at the White House Conference on Trade and Investment in Central and Eastern Europe (January 13, 1995)
  13. ^ Statement on Disaster Assistance for California (January 13, 1995)
  14. ^ Remarks Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr., in Denver, Colorado (January 16, 1995)
  15. ^ Remarks at California State University at Northridge (January 17, 1995)
  16. ^ Remarks to the Community in Roseville, California (January 17, 1995)
  17. ^ Remarks on the Retirement Protection Act of 1994 (January 19, 1995)
  18. ^ Remarks to the Democratic National Committee (January 21, 1995)
  19. ^ Remarks on Signing the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 (January 23, 1995)
  20. ^ Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union (January 24, 1995)
  21. ^ Remarks to the U.S. Conference of Mayors (January 27, 1995)
  22. ^ Remarks on Welfare Reform (January 28, 1995)
  23. ^ Remarks at the National Governors' Association Dinner (January 29, 1995)
  24. ^ Remarks to the National Governors' Association (January 30, 1995)
  25. ^ Remarks to the National Association of Home Builders (January 30, 1995)
  26. ^ Statement on the Terrorist Attack in Algeria (January 31, 1995)
  27. ^ Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Military Leaders and an Exchange With Reporters (February 1, 1995)
  28. ^ Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast (February 2, 1995)
  29. ^ Remarks Announcing the Nomination of Henry W. Foster, Jr., To Be Surgeon General and an Exchange With Reporters (February 2, 1995)
  30. ^ Statement on Naming Aircraft Carriers for Presidents Truman and Reagan (February 2, 1995)
  31. ^ Remarks on the Minimum Wage (February 3, 1995)
  32. ^ The President's Radio Address (February 4, 1995)
  33. ^ Remarks on the 1996 Budget (February 6, 1995)
  34. ^ Remarks on the Immigration Policy Initiative and an Exchange With Reporters (February 7, 1995)
  35. ^ Remarks Announcing Community Policing Grants (February 8, 1995)
  36. ^ The President's News Conference With Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany (February 9, 1995)
  37. ^ Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany (February 9, 1995)
  38. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Legislation To Combat Terrorism (February 9, 1995)
  39. ^ Statement on Argentina's Accession to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (February 10, 1995)
  40. ^ The President's Radio Address (February 11, 1995)
  41. ^ Remarks at a Meeting With Middle Eastern Leaders (February 12, 1995)
  42. ^ Radio Address to the People of Burundi (February 13, 1995)
  43. ^ Remarks to the Business Council (February 22, 1995)
  44. ^ Remarks at a Luncheon in Ottawa (February 23, 1995)
  45. ^ Remarks at a Gala Dinner in Ottawa (February 23, 1995)
  46. ^ Exchange With Reporters in Ottawa (February 24, 1995)
  47. ^ The President's Radio Address (February 25, 1995)
  48. ^ Statement on the Trade Agreement With China (February 26, 1995)
  49. ^ Remarks at the American Red Cross (February 27, 1995)
  50. ^ The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Wim Kok of The Netherlands (February 28, 1995)
  51. ^ Statement on the Food Stamp Program Antifraud Initiative (March 1, 1995)
  52. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report of the Department of Transportation (March 1, 1995)
  53. ^ Remarks to the Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom Policy Conference (March 1, 1995)
  54. ^ Remarks on Senate Action on the Balanced Budget Amendment (March 2, 1995)
  55. ^ Remarks at the National Public Radio Reception (March 3, 1995)
  56. ^ Statement on the Death of Howard Hunter (March 3, 1995)
  57. ^ The President's Radio Address (March 4, 1995)
  58. ^ Memorandum on Regulatory Reform (March 4, 1995)
  59. ^ Remarks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Conference (March 6, 1995)
  60. ^ Statement on the 25th Anniversary of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (March 6, 1995)
  61. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report on Floodplain Management (March 6, 1995)
  62. ^ Remarks to the National Association of Counties (March 7, 1995)
  63. ^ Statement on the Terrorist Attack in Pakistan (March 8, 1995)
  64. ^ Message on the Observance of Saint Patrick's Day, 1995 (March 8, 1995)
  65. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on Railroad Safety (March 8, 1995)
  66. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report of the Federal Council on the Aging (March 8, 1995)
  67. ^ Remarks at Patrick Henry Elementary School and an Exchange With Reporters in Alexandria, Virginia (March 9, 1995)
  68. ^ Message to the Congress on Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM (March 9, 1995)
  69. ^ Message to the Congress on the Financial Crisis in Mexico (March 9, 1995)
  70. ^ Remarks on the Administration's Economic Strategy and an Exchange With Reporters (March 10, 1995)
  71. ^ The President's Radio Address (March 11, 1995)
  72. ^ Statement on the Withdrawal of Michael Carns and the Nomination of John Deutch To Be Director of Central Intelligence (March 11, 1995)
  73. ^ Statement on Disaster Assistance for California (March 12, 1995)
  74. ^ Remarks to the NCAA Football Champion University of Nebraska Cornhuskers (March 13, 1995)
  75. ^ Remarks to the National League of Cities (March 13, 1995)
  76. ^ Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With the National PTA Legislative Conference (March 14, 1995)
  77. ^ Statement on the Nomination of Lieutenant General Charles C. Krulak To Be Commandant of the Marine Corps (March 14, 1995)
  78. ^ Statement on Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Henry Cisneros (March 14, 1995)
  79. ^ Remarks at the Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner (March 14, 1995)
  80. ^ Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for King Hassan II of Morocco (March 15, 1995)
  81. ^ The President's News Conference With King Hassan II of Morocco (March 15, 1995)
  82. ^ Remarks at a State Dinner Honoring King Hassan II of Morocco (March 15, 1995)
  83. ^ Message to the Congress on Prohibiting Transactions With Respect to the Development of Iranian Petroleum Resources (March 15, 1995)
  84. ^ Remarks on Regulatory Reform in Arlington, Virginia (March 16, 1995)
  85. ^ Remarks to the National Conference of State Legislatures (March 16, 1995)
  86. ^ Remarks at a Saint Patrick's Day Ceremony With Prime Minister John Bruton of Ireland and an Exchange With Reporters (March 17, 1995)
  87. ^ Memorandum on Federal Employees Affected by California Floods (March 17, 1995)
  88. ^ Remarks to the 1994 National Hockey League Champion New York Rangers (March 17, 1995)
  89. ^ Remarks at a Saint Patrick's Day Reception (March 17, 1995)
  90. ^ The President's Radio Address (March 18, 1995)
  91. ^ Statement on Proposed Line-Item Veto Legislation (March 20, 1995)
  92. ^ Remarks on the Appointment of Bonnie Campbell as Director of the Office of Violence Against Women (March 21, 1995)
  93. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report of the National Science Foundation (March 21, 1995)
  94. ^ Message to the Congress Reporting on Export Control Regulations (March 21, 1995)
  95. ^ Remarks on Signing the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (March 22, 1995)
  96. ^ The President's Radio Address (April 1, 1995)
  97. ^ Statement on the Major League Baseball Strike Settlement (April 2, 1995)
  98. ^ Remarks at the Dedication of the Dean B. Ellis Library at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro (April 3, 1995)
  99. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on Alaska's Mineral Resources (April 3, 1995)
  100. ^ Statement on the Buyout Program for Federal Employees (April 4, 1995)
  101. ^ Remarks to the California Democratic Party in Sacramento (April 8, 1995)
  102. ^ Remarks at the United Jewish Fund Luncheon in Los Angeles (April 9, 1995)
  103. ^ Statement on Signing the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions for the Department of Defense to Preserve and Enhance Military Readiness Act of 1995 (April 10, 1995)
  104. ^ The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan (April 11, 1995)
  105. ^ Statement on Signing Self-Employed Health Insurance Legislation (April 11, 1995)
  106. ^ Remarks on Arrival at Fort Benning, Georgia (April 12, 1995)
  107. ^ Remarks at the Franklin D. Roosevelt 50th Anniversary Commemoration in Warm Springs, Georgia (April 12, 1995)
  108. ^ The President's Radio Address (April 15, 1995)
  109. ^ Remarks on the Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (April 19, 1995)
  110. ^ Memorandum on Employees Affected by the Oklahoma City Bombing (April 20, 1995)
  111. ^ Remarks at the State Dinner for President Fernando Cardoso of Brazil (April 20, 1995)
  112. ^ Statement on Senator David Pryor's Decision Not To Seek Reelection (April 21, 1995)
  113. ^ Remarks by the President and Hillary Clinton to Children on the Oklahoma City Bombing (April 22, 1995)
  114. ^ Remarks at a Memorial Service for the Bombing Victims in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (April 23, 1995)
  115. ^ Statement on the 80th Anniversary of the Armenian Massacres (April 23, 1994)
  116. ^ Remarks on Arrival in Des Moines, Iowa (April 24, 1995)
  117. ^ Remarks at the Women Voters Project Kickoff Luncheon (May 1, 1995)
  118. ^ Remarks to I Have A Future Program Participants (May 1, 1995)
  119. ^ Remarks on Presenting the 1994 Commander in Chief Trophy to the United States Air Force Academy Football Team (May 1, 1995)
  120. ^ Message on the Observance of Cinco de Mayo, 1995 (May 1, 1995)
  121. ^ Message to the Congress Reporting Budget Rescissions (May 2, 1995)
  122. ^ Remarks to the White House Conference on Aging (May 3, 1995)
  123. ^ Statement on Initiatives To Combat Medicare and Medicaid Fraud (May 3, 1995)
  124. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Legislation To Improve Immigration Enforcement (May 3, 1995)
  125. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Legislation To Combat Terrorism (May 3, 1995)
  126. ^ Remarks to the American Jewish Committee (May 4, 1995)
  127. ^ Statement on Proposed Legal Reform Legislation (May 4, 1995)
  128. ^ Remarks at the Michigan State University Commencement Ceremony in East Lansing, Michigan (May 5, 1995)
  129. ^ Nomination for Archivist of the United States (May 5, 1995)
  130. ^ Statement on Gun-Free School Zones (May 5, 1995)
  131. ^ Remarks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference (May 7, 1995)
  132. ^ Remarks on the 50th Anniversary of V-E Day in Arlington, Virginia (May 8, 1995)
  133. ^ Remarks on Antiterrorism Legislation (May 8, 1995)
  134. ^ Statement on Welfare Reform Initiatives in Delaware (May 8, 1995)
  135. ^ Remarks at the Dedication of the Central Museum for the Great Patriotic War in Moscow, Russia (May 9, 1995)
  136. ^ Statement on Senate Confirmation of John Deutch as Director of Central Intelligence (May 9, 1995)
  137. ^ Remarks at a State Dinner in Moscow (May 9, 1995)
  138. ^ Remarks at the White House Conference on Trade and Investment in Ireland Reception (May 25, 1995)
  139. ^ Message to the Congress on Small Business (May 25, 1995)
  140. ^ The President's Radio Address (May 27, 1995)
  141. ^ Remarks at the POW/MIA Postage Stamp Unveiling Ceremony (May 29, 1995)
  142. ^ Remarks at a Memorial Day Ceremony in Arlington, Virginia (May 29, 1995)
  143. ^ Remarks on Clean Water Legislation (May 30, 1995)
  144. ^ Remarks at the United States Air Force Academy Commencement Ceremony in Colorado Springs, Colorado (May 31, 1995)
  145. ^ Remarks to the Community at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs (May 31, 1995)
  146. ^ Remarks to the Community in Billings (May 31, 1995)
  147. ^ Remarks in a Roundtable Discussion With Farmers and Agricultural Leaders in Broadview, Montana (June 1, 1995)
  148. ^ Remarks on the Downing of a United States Aircraft in Bosnia (June 2, 1995)
  149. ^ The President's Radio Address (June 3, 1995)
  150. ^ Remarks on the National Homeownership Strategy (June 5, 1995)
  151. ^ Remarks to the National Governors' Association Summit on Young Children in Baltimore, Maryland (June 6, 1995)
  152. ^ Remarks at the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Recognition Program (June 7, 1995)
  153. ^ Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval Legislation for Emergency Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions for Fiscal Year 1995 (June 7, 1995)
  154. ^ Statement on the Commission on Immigration Reform (June 7, 1995)
  155. ^ Statement on the Supreme Court Decision on the Student Athlete Drug Testing Case (June 26, 1995)
  156. ^ Message to the Senate Transmitting the Mongolia-United States Investment Treaty (June 26, 1995)
  157. ^ Remarks at the Closing Session of the Pacific Rim Economic Conference in Portland (June 27, 1995)
  158. ^ Remarks to Students at Portland State University in Portland (June 27, 1995)
  159. ^ Remarks on the Japan-United States Trade Agreement (June 28, 1995)
  160. ^ Message to the Senate Transmitting Documents on the Ukraine-United States Taxation Convention (June 28, 1995)
  161. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (June 28, 1995)
  162. ^ Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Fundraiser (June 28, 1995)
  163. ^ Remarks Announcing Community Policing Grants (June 29, 1995)
  164. ^ Statement on the Observance of Independence Day, 1995 (June 29, 1995)
  165. ^ Statement on the Supreme Court Decision on the Georgia Congressional Redistricting Case (June 29, 1995)
  166. ^ Statement on Agreement With Congress on Budget Rescissions Legislation (June 29, 1995)
  167. ^ Message to the Congress on District of Columbia Budget Legislation (June 29, 1995)
  168. ^ Remarks at a Fundraiser in Chicago, Illinois (June 29, 1995)
  169. ^ Remarks on Receiving the Abraham Lincoln Courage Award in Chicago (June 30, 1995)}
  170. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting Legislation To Limit the Availability of Certain Handgun Ammunition (June 30, 1995)
  171. ^ Remarks to the American Association of Physicians From India in Chicago (June 30, 1995)
  172. ^ Statement on the Nomination of General John M. Shalikashvili To Be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (June 30, 1995)
  173. ^ Message to the Congress on Trade With Russia (June 30, 1995)
  174. ^ The President's Radio Address (July 1, 1995)
  175. ^ Remarks at the Opening Ceremonies of the Special Olympics World Games in New Haven, Connecticut (July 1, 1995)
  176. ^ Remarks at Georgetown University (July 6, 1995)
  177. ^ Remarks to the National Education Association (July 6, 1995)
  178. ^ Statement on Proposed Telecommunications Reform Legislation (August 1, 1995)
  179. ^ Memorandum on Timber Salvage Legislation (August 1, 1995)
  180. ^ Message to the Congress Reporting on the National Emergency With Respect to Iraq (August 1, 1995)
  181. ^ Remarks on Education and an Exchange With Reporters (August 3, 1995)
  182. ^ Statement on Proposed Welfare Reform Legislation (August 3, 1995)
  183. ^ Statement on Hurricane Erin (August 3, 1995)
  184. ^ Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on Iraq's Compliance With United Nations Security Council Resolutions (August 3, 1995)
  185. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting the National Urban Policy Report (August 3, 1995)
  186. ^ Remarks on Political Reform and an Exchange With Reporters (August 4, 1995)
  187. ^ Statement on the 30th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act (August 4, 1995)
  188. ^ Statement on Signing the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions Legislation (August 4, 1995)
  189. ^ Statement on Signing the District of Columbia Emergency Highway Relief Act (August 4, 1995)
  190. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting the District of Columbia Financial Authority Budget (August 4, 1995)
  191. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting the Energy Policy Report (August 4, 1995)
  192. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting the Bulgaria-United States Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (August 4, 1995)
  193. ^ The President's Radio Address (August 5, 1995)
  194. ^ Interview with Bob Edwards and Mara Liasson of National Public Radio (August 7, 1995)
  195. ^ Remarks on Environmental Protection in Baltimore, Maryland (August 8, 1995)
  196. ^ Statement on Welfare Reform (August 8, 1995)
  197. ^ Remarks to the Progressive National Baptist Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina (August 9, 1995)
  198. ^ Remarks in a Roundtable Discussion at the Teen Health Connection in Charlotte (August 9, 1995)
  199. ^ Memorandum on the President's Oklahoma City Scholarship Fund (August 9, 1995)
  200. ^ Remarks to the Black Enterprise Magazine 25th Anniversary Gala (August 9, 1995)
  201. ^ Remarks Prior to a Roundtable Discussion on Teenage Smoking (August 10, 1995)
  202. ^ The President's News Conference (August 10, 1995)
  203. ^ Interview With Tabitha Soren of MTV (August 11, 1995)
  204. ^ Remarks Announcing Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Test Ban Negotiations (August 11, 1995)
  205. ^ Statement on Comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Test Ban Negotiations (August 11, 1995)
  206. ^ Statement on Vetoing Legislation To Lift the Arms Embargo Against Bosnia (August 11, 1995)
  207. ^ The President's Radio Address (August 12, 1995)
  208. ^ Statement on the Death of Mickey Mantle (August 13, 1995)
  209. ^ Message on the Observance of Indian Independence Day, 1995 (August 15, 1995)
  210. ^ Letter to Congressional Leaders on Continuation of Export Control Regulations (August 15, 1995)
  211. ^ Statement on Senator Bill Bradley's Decision Not To Seek Reelection (August 16, 1995)
  212. ^ Statement on Welfare Reform (August 17, 1995)
  213. ^ Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on the Partnership For Peace (August 17, 1995)
  214. ^ The President's Radio Address (August 19, 1995)
  215. ^ Remarks on the Death of American Diplomats in Bosnia-Herzegovina and an Exchange With Reporters in Jackson Hole, Wyoming (August 19, 1995)
  216. ^ Statement on the Death of American Diplomats in Bosnia-Herzegovina (August 19, 1995)
  217. ^ Remarks at a Memorial Service in Arlington, Virginia, for the American Diplomats Who Died in Bosnia-Herzegovina (August 23, 1995)
  218. ^ Statement on the Death of Alfred Eisenstadt (August 24, 1995)
  219. ^ Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on Haiti (August 24, 1995)
  220. ^ Statement on Fire Suppression Assistance for New York State (August 24, 1995)
  221. ^ Remarks on the 79th Anniversary of the National Park Service in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (August 25, 1995)
  222. ^ The President's Radio Address (August 26, 1995)
  223. ^ Remarks on the 75th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage in Jackson Hole, Wyoming (August 26, 1995)
  224. ^ Statement on the United States District Court Decision on the Child Support Recovery Act (August 28, 1995)
  225. ^ Remarks to the Troops at Wheeler Army Airfield in Honolulu (September 1, 1995)
  226. ^ Remarks at the National Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu (September 2, 1995)
  227. ^ The President's Radio Address (September 2, 1995)
  228. ^ Remarks at a Wreath-Laying Ceremony Aboard the U.S.S. Carl Vinson in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (September 2, 1995)
  229. ^ Remarks at a World War II Commemorative Service in Honolulu, Hawaii (September 3, 1995)
  230. ^ Remarks at the Dedication of California State University at Monterey Bay in Monterey, California (September 4, 1995)
  231. ^ Remarks at the Alameda County Labor Day Picnic in Pleasanton, California (September 4, 1995)
  232. ^ Statement on the Agreement Between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (September 4, 1995)
  233. ^ Remarks to the Community at Abraham Lincoln Middle School in Selma (September 5, 1995)
  234. ^ Message to the Senate Transmitting the Philippines-United States Extradition Treaty (September 5, 1995)
  235. ^ Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Mayors and County Officials and an Exchange With Reporters (September 6, 1995)
  236. ^ Remarks on the National Performance Review (September 7, 1995)
  237. ^ Remarks at a Clinton/Gore '96 Dinner (September 7, 1995)
  238. ^ Remarks at a Breakfast With Religious Leaders (September 8, 1995)
  239. ^ Statement on the Agreed Basic Principles for a Settlement in Bosnia-Herzegovina (September 8, 1995)
  240. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting a Budget Deferral (September 8, 1995)
  241. ^ The President's Radio Address (September 9, 1995)
  242. ^ Roundtable Discussion With Students on Student Loans at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois (September 11, 1995)
  243. ^ Memorandum on Career Transition Assistance for Federal Employees (September 12, 1995)
  244. ^ Statement on the Commission on Immigration Reform (September 12, 1995)
  245. ^ Remarks to the National Family Partnership in Elkridge, Maryland (September 13, 1995)
  246. ^ Remarks to Representatives of Senior Citizens Organizations (September 15, 1995)
  247. ^ The President's Radio Address (September 16, 1995)
  248. ^ Remarks at a Fundraiser in Philadelphia (September 18, 1995)
  249. ^ Message to the Congress Reporting on the National Emergency with Respect to Iran (September 18, 1995)
  250. ^ Remarks to the Community in Jacksonville, Florida (September 19, 1995)
  251. ^ Remarks at a State Dinner for President Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico (October 10, 1995)
  252. ^ Message to the Senate Transmitting the Bolivia-United States Extradition Treaty (October 10, 1995)
  253. ^ Remarks to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank (October 11, 1995)
  254. ^ Remarks at a Luncheon Honoring President Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico (October 11, 1995)
  255. ^ Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on Hazardous Materials Transportation (October 11, 1995)
  256. ^ Exchange With Reporters in New York City Prior to Discussions With Balkan Leaders (October 24, 1995)
  257. ^ Remarks at a United Jewish Appeal Reception (October 25, 1995)
  258. ^ Remarks to the White House Conference on Travel and Tourism (October 30, 1995)
  259. ^ Remarks on the Balkan Peace Process and an Exchange With Reporters (October 31, 1995)
  260. ^ Statement on Signing Biotechnology Process Patent Legislation (November 1, 1995)
  261. ^ Remarks to the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America Forum (November 2, 1995)
  262. ^ Statement on Congressional Action on Proposed Environmental Legislation (November 2, 1995)
  263. ^ Remarks to the National Jewish Democratic Council (November 2, 1995)
  264. ^ Remarks to Participants in Project XL (November 3, 1995)
  265. ^ Remarks at the Dedication of the Pan American Flight 103 Memorial Cairn in Arlington, Virginia (November 3, 1995)
  266. ^ Statement on Signing the Fisheries Act of 1995 (November 3, 1995)
  267. ^ The President's Radio Address (November 4, 1995)
  268. ^ Statement on the Shooting of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel (November 4, 1995)
  269. ^ Remarks on the Death of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel (November 4, 1995)
  270. ^ Statement of Condolence on the Death of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel (November 5, 1995)
  271. ^ Exchange With Reporters Aboard Air Force One (November 5, 1995)
  272. ^ Message to the Congress on Suspension of Sanctions Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) (December 27, 1995)
  273. ^ Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on Supplemental Legislation To Increase Military Pay and Housing Allowances (December 28, 1995)
  274. ^ Statement on Signing the ICC Termination Act of 1995 (December 29, 1995)

See also