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Ardmachus scir is scir on Norðernes Irlandes suðernre mearce. Þære scire suðernu mearc is mid þære Iriscan Cynewisan.

Ardmachusscire mæsta byrig sind Ardmachus and Newrig (ac Newriges easthealf ligþ ofer Newrigea in Dunscire).

Ardmachus is heafodburg þære Ira Cirican.

Flag of the United Kingdom Scira þæs Geanedan Cynerices
AberdonAnagusAnglesegAntrimArdmachusArregaðelÆgrBanffBeadanfordBearrucBerewicBrecenBuccingahamBut • Cardigan • Carmarðen • Carnarfon • Caþanæs • CeasterCent • Cincardin • Cinross • Ciricecuðbriht • Clahmannan • Cornweall • Crumbaþyn • CumbralandDefen • Denbi • DeorabyDorsæte • Dumfries • Dunholm • DunEast Loðene • Æastseaxe • EoferwicFermanaghFif • Flint • GeltlandGlamorganGleawcesterGrantabrycgHamtunHeortford • Hereford • Hrocesburg • Huntandun • Inferness • LanercLefenax • Lincoln • Lonceaster • Lundendeory • Lægreceaster • Merioneð • MiddelseaxeMidloðeneMonmuþMorefMuntgumni • Narran • Norþfolc • Norþhamtun • NorþhymbralandOrcanegeOxnaford • Pebles • Pembroc • Perþ • Readanora • Renfrew • Ross • RotelandSelecirice • Scrobbesburg • Snotingaham • StriuelinStæffordSumorsæteSuþfolcSuþrigeSuðraland • Suþseaxe • TirowenWest LoðeneWestmoringalandWigreceaster • Wigtun • WiltunWæringwic