Lefenax (Niwenglisc: Dumbartonshire oððe Lennox, Scyttiscgaelisc: Leamhnachd) is scīr on Scottum. Hēo hæfþ tƿegen dælas; þǣre scīre mæste bodig be ƿesten, on Clēd-ēa norþhealfe and se læssa dæl ēastƿeard sē stet ādæled.

Alcluiþ is Lefenaxes hēafodburg (þæs Nīƿengliscan naman, Dumbarton, cymþ sēo scīre nama in þǣm gereorde) sēo stent on sǣrīme, ac Clydebank is sēo mæste burg. In þǣre scīre ēasterna dæl is Cumbernauld, nīƿu burg.

Lefenaxes hēafodbodig is fram Clēdofer norðƿeard in þā beorge, and stent ƿest oð ēast betƿux Long Luh and Lomondmere.

Alcluiþ Clud fram Lefengrāf ūt

Stōƿlice Gerecþegnung

For stōƿlican gerecþegnunge is Lefenax bedæled in missenlicum geþingdōmum; Ēast Lefenax, Ƿest Lefenax, Norþ Lanercscīr, and Ardgaigheal and Būt (hƿǣrunder is Elenesburh).

Flag of the United Kingdom Scira þæs Geanedan Cynerices
AberdonAnagusAnglesegAntrimArdmachusArregaðelÆgrBanffBeadanfordBearrucBerewicBrecenBuccingahamBut • Cardigan • Carmarðen • Carnarfon • Caþanæs • CeasterCent • Cincardin • Cinross • Ciricecuðbriht • Clahmannan • Cornweall • Crumbaþyn • CumbralandDefen • Denbi • DeorabyDorsæte • Dumfries • Dunholm • DunEast Loðene • Æastseaxe • EoferwicFermanaghFif • Flint • GeltlandGlamorganGleawcesterGrantabrycgHamtunHeortford • Hereford • Hrocesburg • Huntandun • Inferness • LanercLefenax • Lincoln • Lonceaster • Lundendeory • Lægreceaster • Merioneð • MiddelseaxeMidloðeneMonmuþMorefMuntgumni • Narran • Norþfolc • Norþhamtun • NorþhymbralandOrcanegeOxnaford • Pebles • Pembroc • Perþ • Readanora • Renfrew • Ross • RotelandSelecirice • Scrobbesburg • Snotingaham • StriuelinStæffordSumorsæteSuþfolcSuþrigeSuðraland • Suþseaxe • TirowenWest LoðeneWestmoringalandWigreceaster • Wigtun • WiltunWæringwic