This category represents articles that have been transwikied to Wiktionary, but their eventual disposition in the Wikipedia is not yet clear. The pages listed are the article's talk pages. The eventual fate of the article should be based on the actual text of the article.

The first thing to do with the articles in this section is to make sure that the article has been transwikied properly according to m:transwiki.

Do not delete or mark pages for deletion if the article has not been listed on the transwiki log or if the edit history has not been transwikied along with the article.

What to do with the article from here depends on the content in the article.

Pages that should be deleted

Pages that merit inclusion

If the Wiktionarians have moved the article out of the transwiki namespace on their end, you can feel free to add a ((Wiktionary)) tag to the article which will provide a link to the word in Wiktionary.