The Danish educational ceiling (Danish: uddannelsesloft(et)) is a repealed[1] Danish rule limiting access to multiple higher educations in order to avoid double education.

The rule called for restricting persons from accessing full-time, state-funded higher education if those persons had already completed a state-funded higher education on a similar or lower level, though some exceptions were made for enrollment into educations with particularly low unemployment rates after graduation.


The law[2] which implemented the rule was proposed on November 9, 2016, by Minister of Higher Education and Science Ulla Tørnæs. The law was at the time of proposal estimated to free up DKK 342.3 million in the national budget, which was to be directed towards unemployment benefits instead.[3]

The proposal was passed in the Folketing on December 19, 2016, with 79 votes for (from parties V, S, DF, LA, KF) and 24 against (from the mainly left-wing parties EL, SF, RV and Å).[4]

The rule drew intense criticism from students, educational institutions, worker's unions and corporations.[5][6]


The rule was amended the following month of January 2017. The amendment relaxed the heavy restrictions on educational reenrollments, replacing the life-time restriction of education graduates from pursuing further state-funded education with a required six-year waiting period between the graduation from one education and the subsequent enrollment into another.[6] Specifically, after a six-year waiting period:

Additionally, no six-year waiting period was required if:

On January 26, 2018, a citizens' proposition to abolish the ceiling was put forth. The proposition was rejected by Parliament,[7] but increased focus on the issue. This was the first citizens' proposition having collected enough signees to be discussed in parliament.


Having received continuous criticism from students, educational institutions, multiple political parties and more,[5][8] the rule was repealed on December 2, 2019, as part of the newly elected government's negotiations on the national budget.[1] The repeal is scheduled to take effect as of January 1, 2020.[9]


  1. ^ a b Ritzau (2 December 2019). "Finanslov sløjfer uddannelsesloft og besparelser på kultur". Jyllands-Posten. Retrieved 2 December 2019.
  2. ^ L69: Lov om ændring af lov om adgangsregulering ved videregående uddannelser (begrænsning af dobbeltuddannelse)
  3. ^ Forslag til Lov om ændring af lov om adgangsregulering ved videregående uddannelser (Begrænsning af dobbeltuddannelse). Retrieved May 12, 2018.
  4. ^ Thomas Klose Jensen (31 January 2017). "OVERBLIK Balladen om uddannelsesloftet". Retrieved 12 May 2018.
  5. ^ a b Dinnesen, Tobias (31 January 2017). "Uddannelsesloft: Du kan tage en ny uddannelse efter seks år". Magisterforeningen. Archived from the original on 15 June 2019. Retrieved 3 December 2019.
  6. ^ a b Gormsen, Cecilie (31 January 2017). "Overblik: Sådan ændres uddannelsesloftet". Altinget. Retrieved 22 July 2018.
  7. ^ Ritzau (15 May 2018). "Folketinget forkaster Danmarks første borgerforslag". Retrieved 22 July 2018.
  8. ^ Bloch, Cathrine; Domino, Søren (14 June 2018). "Mette Frederiksen vil afskaffe udskældt uddannelsesloft". Berlingske Tidende. Retrieved 3 December 2019.
  9. ^ Ritzau (2 December 2019). "Finanslov sløjfer uddannelsesloft og besparelser på kultur". Retrieved 3 December 2019.