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This article, Max Fishman, has recently been created via the Articles for creation process. Please check to see if the reviewer has accidentally left this template after accepting the draft and take appropriate action as necessary. Reviewer tools: Inform author
This article, Max Fishman, has recently been created via the Articles for creation process. Please check to see if the reviewer has accidentally left this template after accepting the draft and take appropriate action as necessary. Reviewer tools: Inform author
This article, Max Fishman, has recently been created via the Articles for creation process. Please check to see if the reviewer has accidentally left this template after accepting the draft and take appropriate action as necessary. Reviewer tools: Inform author

Max Shakhnovich Fishman (Polish: Mietek Fiszman /Fischman/, Romanian: Max Fișman, Russian: Макс Шахнович Фишман, known as Max Benovich Fishman), December 12, 1915, Warsaw, PolandSeptember 24, 1985, Chișinău, Moldova) was a Moldavian Soviet composer, pianist, and teacher, brought up on the basis of Jewish, Polish, and Russian culture.[1][2]


Life in Poland

Max Fishman was born on December 12, 1915, in Warsaw, in the family of an entrepreneur and the head of the Warsaw synagogue Shahno-Beinish Fishman (1870 – July 1, 1936) and Esther Fishman, née Bleiberg (1880 – presumably after 1940). He had six older sisters and a younger brother.

He studied at the Warsaw Conservatory with Józef Turczyński (piano)[3] and Antoni Marek (composition).

As a student, he actively composed music and participated in concerts collaborated with popular Polish actresses Ida Kaminska and Lola Folman, hypnotist, and illusionist Wolf Messing, and performed at the famous orphan school Janusz Korczak, where he worked as an educator in the summer months. In August 1939 he was drafted into the army, and during the attack of when Nazi Germany on Poland on September 1, he actively participated in the anti-fascist resistance.

Fleeing from Nazi persecution, on October 21, 1939, he swam crossed the Western Bug with his nephew Pawel Gruenspan (1920–2000, a Polish pianist, composer, and leader of the Jazz Orchestra)[4][5] and ended up in the territory occupied by the Soviet Union under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. He was arrested by the NKVD, where, instead of the surname Metek, they wrote the name Max Fishman and put him in a camp.[6][7]

Life in the USSR

Max Fishman was "lucky" in the spring of 1940, he was not shot in Katyn, but sent to the Labor army, (NKVD labor columns), in fact, the Gulag, with which he traveled most of the territory of the USSR working on construction sites, loggings, and in Aktyubinsk, in Kazakhstan),[8] he dragged trolleys with chrome ore from deep mines. In September 1944, after a concert of patriotic songs, where, under the leadership of Max Fishman, the group from the Labor Army sang patriotic songs, to improve the image of the USSR in the eyes of the Polish army on the territory of the USSR, he, with frostbite on his hands and poor health, was released and sent to study at the Saratov Conservatory. Later, for all his hard labor trials, he was awarded the Medal "For Valiant Labour in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945". During the war, almost all of his relatives perished in the Warsaw ghetto. Many of them participated in the 1943 uprising.[7]

At the Saratov Conservatory, he studied piano with Professor E. M. Singer, from where he was transferred to the Minsk Conservatory in 1945. There he studied with Professor G. N. Petrov (piano) and listened to lectures on composition by Professor A.V. Bogatyrev, although formally he was not his registered student. In 1945 he married Lydia Axionov. After graduating from the Minsk Conservatory, Max Fishman had great difficulties with his job in Minsk, since at that time in the USSR there was an extensive campaign against cosmopolitanism, with anti-Semitic essence. After working at the Musical College of Gomel, he and his wife were sent to Moldavia.

Since 1952, he worked at the Chisinau Conservatory (later renamed the Chișinău Institute of Arts named after G. Muzicescu, currently the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts) as an accompanist, and piano teacher. He also taught piano at the Calarasi Pedagogical College and at the music school in the village Carpineni.[9][10][11]

Max Fishman was actively involved in composing. Dozens of different genres remained in the creative portfolio: 4 concertos for piano and orchestra, sonata for clarinet and piano, sonata for violin and piano, trio, pieces for piano and various instruments, and symphonic and choral works>[12]

Max Fishman died on September 24, 1985, in Chisinau. He was buried at the Chisinau cemetery of St. Lazarus (also called "Doina")[13][14]


His wife Lydia Valeryanovna Axionova (July 19, 1923September 18, 2019) was a Soviet and Moldovan Сhoir Сonductor, the first woman Сonductor of the Symphony Orchestra in Moldova, the first in Moldova who got the academic title Professor of Сhoral Сonducting.[15] Their sons: actor, and director Băno Axionov (b. 1946) and pianist, and teacher Artur Aksenov (b.1956). [16][17][18][19][20]



In 2006, a disc was released with recordings of music by M. Fishman (from the funds of "Teleradio Moldova", total time - 78:19.04), which included:

Some Published Works



  1. ^ "Max Fishman (Макс Фишман)"
  2. ^ "Выдающиеся деятели культуры и искусства".
  3. ^ ""Юзеф Турчинский (Józef Turczyński)"".
  4. ^ "1956". February 9, 2021.
  5. ^ "Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database -- Pawel Gruenspan".
  6. ^ "Max Fishman"
  7. ^ a b "Фишман, Макс Шахнович".
  8. ^ "Gulag. Aktyubinsk. "(Актюбинский ИТЛ — исправительно-трудовой лагерь)"".
  10. ^ Tamara Melnik, associate professor, PhD in the study of arts: Studying the composer's creation of the Republic of Moldova in the context of scientific and methodological activities of the complementary piano department of the Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts in the 50s-60s of the 20th century (based on the documents from the National Archive of the Republic of Moldova). Studiul artelor și culturologie: istorie, teorie, practică – Nr. 1 (21), 2014. (Тамара Мельник, доцент, доктор (кандидат) искусствоведения: Исследование творчества композиторов Республики Молдова в контексте научно-методической деятельности кафедры общего фортепиано Академии Музыки, Театра и Изобразительных Искусств 50-60-х годов ХХ века (по материалам Национального Архива Республики Молдова. Studiul artelor și culturologie: istorie, teorie, practică – Nr. 1 (21), 2014)
  11. ^ Мельник, Тамара; Ткаченко, Виктория (November 4, 2013). "Вклад преподавателей кафедры Общего фортепиано Академии Музыки, Театра и Изобразительных Искусств в развитие музыкальной культуры Республики Молдова: автореф. дис. ... д-ра искусствоведения: 17.00.01 - Аудиовизуальные искусства (Музыкальное искусство)" – via Library Catalog (Koha).
  12. ^ "Макс Фишман: педагог и композитор".
  13. ^ "Tamara Melnik, associate professor, PhD in the study of arts: "Composer and professor Max Fishman". Anuar științific: muzică, teatru, arte plastice 2011, nr. 1-2(12-13). (Тамара Мельник, доцент, доктор (кандидат) искусствоведения: Макс Фишман: композитор и педагог. Anuar științific: muzică, teatru, arte plastice 2011, nr. 1-2(12-13)" (PDF).
  14. ^ "Чарующая бездна… | Международная Еврейская Газета". March 4, 2016.
  15. ^ "Первый профессор хорового дирижирования Молдовы. :: Общество :: AVA.MD". June 20, 2023.
  16. ^ Congress, The Library of. "- LC Linked Data Service: Authorities and Vocabularies | Library of Congress, from LC Linked Data Service: Authorities and Vocabularies (Library of Congress)".
  17. ^ "Игры без поддавков. Прошлое и настоящее актёра и режиссёра Бэно Аксёнова". Журнал "Чайка". May 9, 2021.
  18. ^ "Artur Aksenov". Levine Music.
  19. ^ "В поисках добра и истины. Аксёновы. :: Общество :: AVA.MD". June 20, 2023.
  20. ^ Conferinţă Ştiinţifică Internaţională. Marţi, 22 februarie 2022, ora 10.00, Moderator: doctor în studiul artelor, conferențiar universitar, Larisa Balaban (Axionov Artur, Teacher, Levine Music and Adventist University, Washington, SUA, Maks FIŞMAN — portret de creație, AXIONOV Beno, Germania, Maks Fisman: pedagog și compositor. P. 8)
  21. ^ "В рамках музыкального проекта в Кишиневе пройдут два концерта".
  22. ^ "Concerto - À Redescoberta da Música Moldava". November 12, 2019.
  23. ^ Center Classical Orchestra pays tribute to Moldovan classical music, Concertos for Piano and Orchestra – Max Fishman – David Fedov, November 22, 2019. (Orquestra Clássica do Centro faz tributo à música clássica Moldava, Concertos para piano e Orquestra – Max Fishman – David Fedov, 22 de Novembro 2019 Archived 2020-10-29 at the Wayback Machine
  24. ^ "Молдавская классическая музыка будет звучать в Португалии".
  25. ^ "Увертюра Макса Фишмана в контексте взаимодействия профессиональной европейской традиции и третьего пласта".
  26. ^ "Сочинения композиторов Республики Молдова в библиотеке симфонического оркестра национальной филармонии им. С. Лункевича".
  27. ^ "Ла вынэтоаре Пентру пиан. Фишман, Макс Шахнович. Кишинев Едитура де стат а Молдовей 1956. Заказать электронную копию".
  28. ^ "Pleșcan Irina, vice-rector, Institute of Arts, Tiraspol: "The piano trio by M. Fishman as a sound document of its era" National Scientific Conference. Composing creation from the Republic of Moldova: past and present October 24, 2014. (Conferință științifică națională. Creația componistică din Republica Moldova: trecut și present. Pleșcan Irina, prorector, Institutul de Arte, Tiraspol: Trio pentru pian de Max Fișman ca un document audio al epocii 24.10.2014)" (PDF).
  29. ^ "Pleșcan Irina, vice-rector Institute of Arts, Tiraspol. Chamber ensemble with piano in composition creation in the Republic of Moldova: problem identification. Anuar științific: muzică, teatru, arte plastice Nr. 3 (20), 2013. (Ирина Плешкан, проректор Института искусств, Тирасполь. Большой камерно-инструментальный ансамбль с участием фортепиано в композиторском творчестве Республики Молдова: постановка проблемы. Anuar științific: muzică, teatru, arte plastice Nr. 3 (20), 2013)" (PDF).
  30. ^ Fishman Мax Sonatina E-flat Major for clarinet in B Biblioteca Naţională a Republicii Moldova"
  31. ^ a b "Сонатина для кларнета и фортепиано. Фишман, Макс Шахнович. Кишинев Картя молдовеняскэ 1963. Заказать электронную копию".
  32. ^ Фишман, Макс Шахнович (November 4, 1963). "Сонатина для кларнета и фортепиано". Картя молдовеняскэ – via Российская Государственная Библиотека.
  33. ^ "Сонатина для кларнета и фортепиано - Фишман Макс Шахнович". November 4, 1963 – via
  34. ^ a b "Сонатина для фортепиано. Фишман, Макс Шахнович. Кишинев Картя молдовеняскэ 1968. Заказать электронную копию".
  35. ^ Fishman Мax Humoresque for violin and piano Biblioteca Naţională a Republicii Moldova
  36. ^ Cuznețova Nadejda, aspirant, Senior Lecturer: Cantata in the works of composers of the Republic of Moldova: history and typology (1910–1960s) – the dissertation in Russian is available in the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, in the libraries of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts – 2019 (Надежда Кузнецова, аспирант, старший преподаватель: Кантата в творчестве композиторов республики Молдова: история и типология (1910 – 1960-е гг.) диссертация на русском языке доступна в Национальной библиотеке Республики Молдова, в библиотеках Академии наук Молдовы и Академии музыки, театра и изящных искусств - 2019)
  37. ^ a b "AMTAP Revista".
  38. ^ "Макс Шахнович Фишман - биография и семья".
  39. ^ Фишман, Макс Шахнович (November 4, 1956). "Ла вынэтоаре: Пентру пиан". Едитура де стат а Молдовей – via Российская Государственная Библиотека.