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This title is currently a redirect to Cognitive dissonance; click there to go to the current target. The full content of this redirect page, including all redirect categories, is displayed below.

#REDIRECT Cognitive dissonance

This page is a redirect. The following categories are used to track and monitor this redirect: To an article without mention: This is a redirect to an article without any mention of the redirected word or phrase. For titles that are obvious omissions from target articles, check the rcat index for more specific templates to use instead of this rcat – examples: ((R from misspelling)) for misspellings of article titles or ((R from incorrect name)) for wrong names. From a related word or phrase: This is a redirect from a word or phrase (term) to a page title that is related in some way. This redirect might be a good search term, or it could be a candidate for a Wiktionary link. Redirects from related words are not properly redirects from alternative spellings of the same word. They are also different from redirects that are subtopics or related topics, because unlike those, a related word or phrase probably does not warrant its own subtopic section in the target page or possess the possibility of ever becoming an article, template, project page, and so forth. When appropriate, protection levels are automatically sensed, described and categorized.