Filter parameters
Filter ID:149


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:249,537 hits
Statistics:Of the last 182,179 actions, this filter has matched 17 (0.01%). On average, its run time is 0.14 ms, and it consumes 1.6 conditions of the condition limit.
user_editcount < 40 & page_namespace == 0 & user_age > 0 & ( normalUserName := rmwhitespace(rmspecials(lcase(user_name))); normalPageTitle := rmwhitespace(rmspecials(lcase(page_title))); normalUserName in lcase(rmwhitespace(rmspecials(added_lines))) & normalUserName in lcase(rmwhitespace(rmspecials(added_links))) & !(normalUserName in normalPageTitle) & !(normalPageTitle in normalUserName) & length(normalUserName) >= 3 )
Filter last modified:02:58, 14 October 2020 by GeneralNotability (talk | contribs)
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Actions to take when matched
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