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Filter ID:856


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:2,657 hits
Statistics:Of the last 189,280 actions, this filter has matched 1 (0%). On average, its run time is 0.18 ms, and it consumes 2.4 conditions of the condition limit.
equals_to_any( page_namespace, 0, 2, 118 ) & ( template := "((([Cc]opyvio/?core|[Cc]opyvio-revdel|[Rr]evdel).*))"; rmwhitespace( removed_lines ) rlike template & !( rmwhitespace( added_lines ) rlike template ) & /* Clerks */ !contains_any( user_groups, 'sysop', 'patroller' ) )
Filter last modified:12:19, 10 June 2024 by Xaosflux (talk | contribs)
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