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Filter ID:735


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:23,352 hits
Statistics:Of the last 193,303 actions, this filter has matched 1 (0%). On average, its run time is 0.12 ms, and it consumes 1.3 conditions of the condition limit.
owner := "\|\s*owner(?:s|ship)?\s*=(.*)"; !("confirmed" in user_groups) & page_namespace == 0 & added_lines irlike owner & old_wikitext irlike "Infobox\s+(American\s+football\s+team|Australian\s+football\s+club|basketball\s+club|cricket\s+team|football\s+club|MLB|NBA\s+team|NFL\s+team|NHL\s+team)" & ( old := get_matches(owner, removed_lines)[1]; new := get_matches(owner, added_lines)[1]; norm(old) != norm(new) )
Filter last modified:22:24, 29 April 2024 by Suffusion of Yellow (talk | contribs)
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