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Parents: 1940s in Europe | 20th-century Judaism | 20th century in Europe | Antisemitism in Europe | Antiziganism in Europe | Automatic category TOC generates standard Category TOC | Commons category link is on Wikidata | Crimes against humanity | Ethnic cleansing in Europe | Genocides in Europe | History of the Jews in Europe | Mass murder in the 1940s | Nazi war crimes | Persecution of Jews | Politics of Nazi Germany | Template Category TOC via Automatic category TOC on category with 101–200 pages | Wikipedia categories named after genocides | World War II
The Holocaust(39 C, 121 P)
The Holocaust by country(33 C, 26 P)
Aktion T4(3 C, 17 P)
Bandenbekämpfung(8 C, 7 P)
Holocaust denial(13 C, 29 P)
Einsatzgruppen(4 C, 55 P)
Generalplan Ost(2 C, 18 P)
Gestapo(1 C, 30 P)
Holocaust historiography(9 C, 72 P)
Holocaust commemoration(6 C, 108 P)
Judenrat(5 C, 5 P)
Holocaust locations(4 C, 6 P)
Nazi SS(7 C, 83 P)
People of the Holocaust(11 C, 11 P)
Planning the Holocaust(3 C, 14 P)
Romani genocide(2 C, 14 P)
Holocaust terminology(1 C, 43 P)
Holocaust stubs(1 C, 129 P)
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