Notable people involved in the COCU effort[edit]

The editor/author of this article stated that the source for Notable people involved in the COCU effort was Michael Kinnamon's speech "“We Have Come This Far By Faith” Reflections on Where We Have Been and Where we are Headed as Churches Uniting in Christ", which also occurs at and in pdf at It says:

"Any such list of key themes will obviously reflect the preferences of the list maker. I am convinced, however, that these seven principles have been in the minds of those who have given leadership to COCU over the past four decades -- persons such as Frederick Jordan, Janet Penfield, Arthur Marshall, George Pike, Peggy Way, Albert Outler, George Beazley, Stephen Bayne, Marian Bass, John Krumm, LeRoy Nesbitt, Margaret Sonnenday, Bill Thompson, Clinton Hogard, Phoebe Hoff, Harold Johnson, John Deschner, Vivian Robinson, Walter Bingham, John Burt, Cynthia Campbell, Yoshio Fukuyama, Robert Taylor, Rachel Henderlite, Clyde Miller, Robert Gibson, Jeanne Audrey Powers, Vinton Anderson, Paul Washburn, Rena Karefa-Smart, William Watley, J. Robert Nelson, Lois Stair, James McCord, Joseph Johnson, Captolia Newbern, E. P. Murchison, David Colwell, Dottie Barnard, Thomas Hoyt, James Matthews, Doris Pettibone, Keith Watkins, Albert Pennybacker, Jean Caffey Lyles, Lewis Mudge, Elmer Arndt (as well as such faithful observers as John Ford, Joseph Burgess, and the late Jack Hotchkin). And, of course, we have already introduced the former general secretaries. Please forgive me for having failed to name so many other crucial figures; but even this very partial roll call reminds us of the legacy that leads to Memphis."

There is no indication of their particular notability. I suggest that this list be replaced with one which only lists individuals who have Wikipedia articles, or who have specifically identifiable notability. --Bejnar (talk) 16:13, 1 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

In accordance with Wikipedia:Notability (people)#List of people, and as per above, I have removed all of those individuals who do not have either a citation showing their notability or an article in the Wikipedia establishing their notability. Some of those people removed may well be notable, if so, either write an article about them or provide a citation for such notability when you add them back in. --Bejnar (talk) 01:02, 30 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Surprising omission

What are the 4/10 churches that were involved? HiMyNameIsFrancesca (talk) 02:36, 20 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]