Proposed merge from Crime in Adelaide[edit]

There's quite a lot wrong with all of the articles relating to Crime in Australia, but I am proposing that the articles currently named by city each be merged into a state-level article. In each case, the crime statistics and police services relate to the whole state or territory, and with population density outside the major cities being so low, I can't see a case for separate articles for each. I would like to do the same for all of the other states and territories for consistency and in hope of better accuracy. Please keep all general discussion on the Crime in Australia talk page. Thanks. Laterthanyouthink (talk) 04:18, 4 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Instead of deletion of the state level page (as discussed in 2008 but never done - see above), merge from Crime in Adelaide makes more sense and has now been completed. Each state has a police force and crime stats are collected accordingly, so state-based crime articles make more sense. Laterthanyouthink (talk) 10:52, 17 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
South Australia is the broader jurisdiction than a city in the state. Each Australian state or territory should have a Crime article that is broader than each capital city. Each Australian state or territory has its own set of criminal laws and, although similar, they are different. So, Crime in each Australian state is more important to have than Crime in a particular city. - Cameron Dewe (talk) 09:18, 28 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]