
merging the article with Taaraism would not be entirely correct, as Taaraism is virtually extinct and the denomination most members of Maavalla Koda adhere to is Maausk. the organisation was founded to unite both denominations but most new members belong to Maausk, not Taarausk. the leadership has not included an adherent of Taaraism for at least a decade. adding citations would be appropriate, of course. -- Ohpuu (talk) 08:08, 12 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Translation of "Maavald"[edit]

Word-for-word it literally means "Land municipality", but it's actually just the native endonym for Estonia. It fell out of use in the 19th century, and we use the German loan "Eesti" instead. And "koda" means something along the lines of "hall". (as in "meadhall", not "hallway").Strombones (talk) 17:03, 8 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]