
To Schmidt, MICHAEL Q Hi, You made completely chaotic and incorrect mixtute on the Mute Nights Festival page. I think you don't know Ukrainian or even Russian on the level, which allow you to set the page information from the sites on these languages. First of all: the language of several articles you linked in is Russian, not Ukrainian. The organisations who supported the first festival are not the orginizers at all. There is no Art Center Pushkinskoy in Odessa - the correct name of in is Art Centre of Korobchinsky. There are no film directors like Anna Sten or Semen Svashenko - they are the actors, but not the directors, so please don't unite them to one category with film directors as Dovzhenko or Vertov.

As the art-director of the Festival I would kindly ask you to start any changes in the article only being completely familiar with the material you work on.