

Needs a lot of work. I added the dispute tag in the meantime. -- Slowking Man

"He is also an avid collector of pornography. During his tenures as Director of NPC and Minister in charge of Nauru Fisheries, he embezzled considerable sums of money from both institutions. His friends and voters are well looked after by Russel, whilst the rest of the country goes without pay for up to 15 fortnights. He recently gave his close friend Michael Dekarube, Driector of Media, $10,000 cash to finance a trip to Fiji for his wife and daughter. Both of these men fly the church's banner, and both are hypocrites. They are both renowned liars, thieves and philanderers, Dekarube also being known as an active participant in incest, having fathered his own grand-nieces and grand-nephews. Russel Kun is currently milking the Nauru Fisheries dry of any cash they might have access to. It is his plan to migrate to New Zealand, presumably at the demands of his Polynesian wife."

I removed all that from the article until/unless someone can verify it. I can't vouch for the authenticity of what I left in there either, though; it just sounds reasonably factual. Everyking 20:31, 1 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Since the weightlifting part was also patent nonsense, I think in this case we should err on the side of caution, so I have removed more of the unverifiable stuff: Russel Effaney Kun is a well-known figure on Nauru. A once-successful power-lifter, he is also one of three Nauruan lawyers. He rode a wave of conservative Christian sentiment into the In the May 2003 elections and was elected to represent the Ubenide constituency. He is a popular figure in his Nauru Independent Church.

How do you know the weightlifting part is patent nonsense? --Wik 22:49, Apr 7, 2004 (UTC)
There is a guy that can easily be verified to be both in Nauru government, and a multiple Olympic medal winning weightlifter, but it isn't Mr. Kun[1] I can find no similar citations for Mr. Kun. The odds of there being two people from such a small country, with that combination of accomplishments, but one commonly noted for that, and the other not, seems highly unlikely. Niteowlneils 12:57, 8 Apr 2004 (UTC)
It appears that he was elected to the committee of the Oceania Powerlifting Federation [2]. I suppose he just isn't as famous as Marcus Stephen, who has won international medals. After all, the article just said that Kun was "once successful", which may just mean locally successful.

From VfD:

Russel E. Kun There is a Russel Kun, Nauru justice minister, but this article is borderline slanderous, and generally can't be verified. Niteowlneils 04:35, 1 Apr 2004 (UTC)