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S1This user is a Scrabble player.
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CardsThis user enjoys playing card games.
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This user comes from Ontario.
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enm-4In Englissh ðis were in weir wel spekeþ.
d'oh!This user thinks The Simpsons is simply... excellent.
This user has already lived twice.
This user is an animator.ʰ
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This user is a recent changes patroller.
37This user page has been vandalized 37 times.

By: David charles McDaniel (AKA. Davidzx)

Natural history

Born February 10, 1990. In Joseph Brant hospital, Burlington, Ontario,CANADA.

I would consider myself a novice flash, I don't normally think Im good but I have some tricks up my sleeve. I guess I'm impressed at alot of other artists such as meatwadsprite, or bobert-rob.


I had many jobs in my past lifetime, I used to be a paperboy, painter and a renovator.I then went to a burger joint but got fired, not enough hours(literally down to 2 hours a week).

Flash animation

Ive learned flash animation in grade 10, ive signed up in my options folder to a media arts class with ms ceno. she was a typical rageaholic but nice in a somewhat good way. after grade 10 media arts I then signed up to another media arts called grade 11 media arts, ive had 70s and 80s in those. ive learned digital photography and then tried to input it towards my flash animations.

Since an update occured on the Newgrounds section, All flash movies will be moved to youtube.


Animation is easy, easy as in you learn the hard way, nothing in the world is easy. Movies are all about: plot, charactors, and props, have that and your golden. Lack one and your toast.

Game Design

-(OLD)Games are just a bunch of MCs(movie clips) and buttons used against each other. or buttons on the above menu, I can make games but they require a bit of assembly, I could make, platformers, puzzles, quiz, dressups, shooters, 2 player co-op. I try to discover more ways to invent or develop games, but most of the time I research. which is slightly good since I need new techniques to add.

-Nowadays Instead of designing a game of myself I prefer to use simple ideas, some would call them kids games however I would like to go back further and start with something very simple.



Poker was my thing for a bit, but Ive never gotten into it too much, im not much on taking risks, although I guess I bluff alot.


On Wikipedia

Basically a few things I did on Wikipedia

On Newgrounds

same thing with NG....

Retired from newgrounds, Despite some of the site having some pupular apeal, it had too much of a negative influence on the side. I've asked wade to delete my account so I couldn't deal with the negative upkeep of the community. Its been a long 3 years but ive had enough.

So therefore I quit for the following reasons:

(NOTE: Im not targeting anyone in any of these catagories)

-Did no want to participate in a voting competition against my own will.

-Could not convince mods inappropriate behaviour from other users.

-Constant build-up of negative attitude from other users.

-Admins wern't fast enough to respond to urgent messages. Or if did, would only reply in a negative manner similar to the trolls who are banned daily.

-Admins did no listen well enough and only post-poned the problem.

-Users would constantly lie to moderaters and would ablodge.

-Moderators would contribute to the dilingquency of a minor.

-Too many spam topics on the BBS.

-Too Sexual, vulgar images which are mostly pornography.

-Too much negative discussion on the BBS concerning: Sexism, racism, vulgarity, Religious extremists, humiliation of gender, posting peoples personal information, ETC.

-Too many spam submissions in the flash portal, authors would put no effort into their movies.

-Too much Corruption, people easily listen to each other and attack everyone else at a constant exponential rate.

-Too Many spam crews, flash nowadays is only used personal attacks against other users.(However flashes are still deleted, but only encourage users to continue forth)

-No originality, too many topics concerning the same topic, literal or subliminal.

HOWEVER, despite recent events, I was hoping for fame, instead of this vulgar infamy. I do wanto be noticed, but not as less of an individual.

NOTE: I did resign up, however I only did to promote my youtube videos, I'm not currently back.


Ive played Runescape since 01 up until now, ive taken regular breaks every now and then, ive been working my levels up constantly. ive helped several people play the game, now in today's world only 13-14 year olds play this game. I still play it regularly nowadays, although many people hate the game for its underdeveloped features.

Started a Runescape wiki account and update my stats on there. Some people have started to quit, but alot of new features have come out.


NOTE: This is just my little biography, I don't see anything wrong with it whatsoever. Finally noticing a few things that i did wrong I guess its time to shape up and fix this whole thing. No more 3rd person paragraphs for a bit.


Davidzx's wiki

Davidzx's site




私は1990年2月10日現在、 20歳になりました生まれた。
