

Tamil medial obstruents

Tamil medial obstruents
Place current version Keane (2004) Schiffmann (1999) Kuno (1958)
Velar x~g ɣ h x
Palatal s s s s
Retroflex ɖ~ɽ ɖ ɖ ɖ
Alveolar r ɾ r r
Dental d̪~ð ð ð ð
Labial b~β ʋ b~w~(v) β

Uyghur vowels

Uyghur has the following inventory of vowel phonemes:[1]

unrounded rounded
front back front back
Close /i/ [ɪ] /ü/ [ʏ] /u/ [ʊ]
Mid /e/ [e] /ö/ [ø] /o/ [o]
Open /ä/ [ɛ] /a/ [ʌ]

The phonetic values given here are the default realizations,[2] with a wide range of allophones (including tense and whispered variants) for each phoneme.[3]

unrounded rounded
front back front back
Close |i| |ï| |ü| |u|
Mid (|e|) (|ɤ|) |ö| |o|
Open |ä| |a|

The close unrounded morphophonemes |i| and |ï| are both represented by the phoneme /i/, and only are distinguished by the way they trigger vowel harmony:[4] roots with |i| take suffixes with /ä/ and /ü/, while roots with |ï| take suffixes with /a/ and /u/.[5]

  1. ^ Hahn (1991), p. 33.
  2. ^ Hahn (1998), p. 380.
  3. ^ Hahn (1991), pp. 34–44.
  4. ^ Hahn (1991), p. 34.
  5. ^ Hahn (1991), p. 47.

Other stuff

Carol Henriksen; Johan van der Auwera (1994). Ekkehard König; Johan van der Auwera (eds.). The Germanic Languages. London: Routledge. pp. 1–18.

Fortson (2004:300)

The notion of Graeco-Armenian as a subgroup of Indo-European is not widely accepted.

Some argue that Greek and Armenian may be linked together in a wider group that also includes the Indo-Iranian languages.[1]

Kim (2018) considers the evidence for a Graeco-Armenian connection as insufficient, and explains the common features as a result of contact; the same also holds for morphological features shared by Armenian with Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian.[2]

  1. ^ Clackson, James P.T. (2008). "Classical Armenian". The Ancient Languages of Asia Minor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 124–144. p. 124: "Its [i.e. Armenian's] closest linguistic relatives are Greek and the Indo-Iranian subgroup".
  2. ^ Kim, Ronald (2018). "Greco-Armenian: The persistence of a myth". Indogermanische Forschungen. The University of British Columbia Library: 247–271. doi:10.1515/if-2018-0009. S2CID 231923312. Retrieved 9 June 2019. The morphological features claimed as shared innovations may likewise represent independent developments and/or have parallels in other Indo-European branches, whereas other features of verbal morphology rather appear to connect Armenian with Indo-Iranian or Balto-Slavic.

Phonological history of Danish

Old East Nordic

Vowel system of Old East Nordic.[1]

long short
front back front central back
unrounded rounded unrounded rounded
high i: y: u: i y u
mid e: ø: o: e ø o
low ɛ: ɔ: a
/a:/ > /ɔ:/ (Late Common Norse)
/ai/ > /e:/
/au/, /øy/ > /ø:/
/bɔrn/ > /børn/

Changes in Medieval Danish

/koma/ > /kommə/, /sɛtja/ > /sɛttjə/
/mata/ > /ma:ðə/, /baka/ > /ba:ɣə/
/mata/ > /ma:ðə/
/θakka/ > /takə/
/finna/ > /fenə/, /lifa/ > /le:və/, /opinn/ > /ɔ:bən/
/θakka/ > /takə/.
In some frequently used words like pronouns and adverbs, the reflex is /d/:
/θem/ > /dem/

Conservative Modern Danish

Jespersen's Modersmålets Fonetik (1906) describes conservative Standard Danish as it was spoken at the beginning of the 20th century.



For the mid vowels ⟨e(ˑ)⟩, ⟨æ(ˑ)⟩, and ⟨o(ˑ)⟩, Jespersen notes a slight difference between the short and long variants. For the open-mid back vowel, he records a notable distance, and uses different symbols for the two sounds: ⟨åˑ⟩, å.

long short
front central back front central back
unrounded rounded unrounded rounded
high i: y: u: i y u
mid-high e: ø: o: e ø o
mid-low ɛ: œ: ɔ: ɛ œ ə
near-low a: (æ) (ɶ) ʌ
low (ä:) ä (ɑ)

The vowels [æ], [ɶ], [ɑ] and [ä:] only occur as variants of /ɛ/, /œ/, /a/ and /a:/, when preceded or followed by /r/.


One of the main differences with current Standard Danish is the occurrence of the velar fricative ⟨q⟩ (/ɣ/) which was realized as [ɣ]~[ʝ] between vowels,[15] and as [x]~[ç] before consonants,[16] e.g. bage [ba:ɣə], bagde [baxd̥ə].

Syllable-closing /r/ can either be realized as a voiceless [ʁ̥], or as "vocalized" [ɐ̯] (written ⟨ɹ⟩).[17]

Developments in the 20th and 21st century

Loss of of the velar fricative /ɣ/

In the turn of the 20th century, /ɣ/ disappeared from the common standard language, and shifted to /w/, /j/ or zero in most positions, or to /g/ before the suffixes /-də/ and /-d/:[18]

Vowel lowering following /r/

All non-high front vowels are subject to lowering following /r/ ([ʁ]).[19]

default after /r/
/e/ [e̝] [ɛ̝]
/ɛ/ [e] [a]
/a/ [a̝] [ɑ̈]
/ø/ [ø] [œ̝]
/œ/ [œ̝] [œ̞]

The downward push led to a few phonemic mergers:

G's parents Grønnum Younger gen.
|reː| default [ʁe:] (/re:/) [ʁɛ̝:] (/rɛ:/) [ʁɛ̝:] (/rɛ:/)
before |d|
|rɛː| default [ʁɛ̝:] (/rɛ:/)
before |d| [ʁɛ̝: ~ ʁæ:] (/rɛ: ~ ra:/) [ʁɑ̈:] (/rɑ:/)
ret /rɛt/ [ʁad̥] > [ʁɑ̈d̥] (thus identical to rat /rat/ [ʁɑ̈d̥]), but: trække /trɛgə/ [tˢʁ̥aɡ̊ə]

In the second half of the 20th century, lowering further started to extend to /u(:)/ being pronounced as [o(:)] and thus merging with /o(:)/.[19] This merger is however still unstable.[22]


  1. ^ a b c Sandøy (2005), p. 1857.
  2. ^ Faarlund (1994), p. 40.
  3. ^ Faarlund (1994), p. 41.
  4. ^ Riad (2002), p. 899.
  5. ^ Karker (2005), p. 1099.
  6. ^ a b Riad (2002), p. 898.
  7. ^ Faarlund (1994), p. 43.
  8. ^ Rischel (2012), p. 819.
  9. ^ Sandøy (2005), p. 1858.
  10. ^ a b Faarlund (1994), p. 44.
  11. ^ Riad (2002), p. 897.
  12. ^ Karker (2005), p. 1097.
  13. ^ Karker (2005), p. 1100.
  14. ^ Jespersen (1906), pp. 81–89.
  15. ^ Jespersen (1906), p. 37.
  16. ^ Jespersen (1906), p. 57.
  17. ^ Jespersen (1906), pp. 58, 79, 85.
  18. ^ Basbøll (2005), pp. 211–212, 377.
  19. ^ a b Basbøll (2005), pp. 149–152.
  20. ^ Grønnum (2005), pp. 285–6.
  21. ^ Brink (2013), pp. 25–26.
  22. ^ Brink (2013), p. 26.


Muna grammar

Free pronouns and possessive suffixes

free possesive inodi/idi -ku (i)hintu -mu intaidi -nto anoa -no
1.du.incl. intaidi -nto intaidiimu -ntoomu insaidi -mani (i)hintuumu -Vmu intaidiimu -ntoomu andoa -ndo