Original Article

Glendale High School is located in Springfield Missouri. The mascot is a falcon.

Nomination Criteria

A1 No context. Very short articles lacking sufficient context to identify the subject of the article. Example: "He is a funny man with a red car. He makes people laugh." Context is different from content, treated in A3, below.

Deletion Options

Deletion Option
rationale Count Percent
Agree with rationale to speedy delete. 3 4.7
Disagree with rationale. Subject of article is clear, but deletable by other criteria. 2 3.1
Disagree with rationale. Subject of article is clear, but this is a case where IAR applies. 3 4.7
Disagree with speedy deletion, speedy deleting of school articles is controversial should be sent to AFD/PROD. 56 87.5

Survey Comments

Deletion Option
Common rationale Count

Balloonman's analysis

A1 is clearly incorrect. You can immediately tell what school and what city you are talking about. Schools are generally not subject to speedy deletion because their deletion (particularly at the HS/College level) is controversial. At most a prod, but in all reality, this could possibly be left alone!