This user supports the UN and calls for reform by removing the veto and adding the G4 to the UNSC.
This user supports the independence of Scotland.
This user supports the creation of an independent country for the Circassians.
This user supports the creation of an independent country for the Kurds.
This user supports the integration of Artsakh into Armenia.
This user supports United Armenia in accordance with the Treaty of Sèvres.
This user supports the return of Kaliningrad to Germany.
This user supports the return of Karelia to Finland.
This user supports the unification of Albania and Kosovo.
This user supports the independence of Taiwan.
This user supports the independence of Hong Kong.
This user supports the independence of Macau.
This user supports the independence of East Turkestan.
This user supports the independence of Tibet.
This user believes in a two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
This user supports the unification of Moldova and Romania.
This user supports Catalan independence.
This user supports the right of the people of the Falkland Islands to self-determination.
This user supports the people of Gibraltar's right to self-determination.
This user supports Guam Statehood.
I support statehood for Puerto Rico.
This user is opposed to the House of Saud.