Well, what's to tell? George Sakr is not exactly new to Wikipedia. He's a fan of languages, like Arabic, French, English, Italian, German, Japanese, Greek and more... He's going to participate by translating some articles and contributing with some articles... If you need any help with an article involving translations, you can be sure he'll love to help as soon as you contact him on his User Talk page.

prog-3This user is an advanced programmer.
BASIC-4This user is an expert BASIC programmer.
vb-2This user is an intermediate Visual Basic programmer.
C++-2This user is an intermediate C++ programmer.
PHP-3This user is an advanced PHP programmer.
This user enjoys sampling cuisines from all over the world.
This user loves
Italian cuisine
This user loves
Greek food
This user loves
Japanese cuisine.
This user enjoys French cooking.
This user is a chocoholic.
This user loves to chew gum!
This user scarfs down burgers by the metric ton.
This user has been known to eat a hot dog on occasion.
This user is obsessed with
This user loves to eat fries, or chips.

H2OThis user drinks water regularly.
This user drinks cappuccino.
This user drinks latte.
This user drinks tea.
This user believes that you should never put milk in with the tea bag.
This user drinks Coca-Cola often
This user drinks Pepsi.
This user drinks wine.
This user drinks red wine.
This user is interested in history.
This user is a history buff.
This user is interested in
art history.
This user is interested in
ghost towns.
This user is interested in the history of witchcraft.
This user is interested in Genealogy and has published his family tree online.
This user is interested in
ancient civilizations.
This user is interested in the ancient Celts.
This user is interested in Late Antiquity.
This user is interested in the Ancient American civilizations.
This user is interested in classical mythology.
This user is interested in the Roman Empire.
Ancient Near EastThis user is interested in the
Ancient Near East
This user is interested in Phoenicia
This user is interested in the life and times of Julius Caesar.
This user is interested in the life and times of Alexander the Great.
This user takes photographs with Canon equipment
This user prefers black-and-white photography.
An image in color This user prefers color photography.
This user prefers Digital photography.
This user knows what a darkroom is and has processed photographs inside one.
This user is interested in higher education.
This user loves knowledge.
This user enjoys the subject of Design.
This user is interested in Criminology.
This user is interested in
Greek mythology.
This user is interested in Chinese culture.
This user is interested in East Asian culture.
This user does not smoke.
This user really enjoys dark and stormy nights.
FLThis user enjoys creating Fictional Lands
This user is interested in computer engineering.
This user loves a good cup of tea.
This user is an Italophile
This user is a Japanophile.
This user is a Francophile.
This user is an Anglophile.
This user is a baritone.
pno-3This user is an advanced pianist.
gtr-1This user is a novice guitarist.
This user can and does compose music.
This user arranges existing music for other instruments.
This user knows advanced
music theory.
This user has absolute pitch.
This user can read sheet music.
This user makes music.
This user likes all types of music.
This user likes alternative rock.
This user is doomed to love goth music.
This user enjoys film scores.
This user loves opera.
This user enjoys music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
This user enjoys music by
Ludwig van Beethoven.
This user enjoys contemporary classical music.
band-5This user adores Nightwish.
band-4This user loves Haggard.
band-2This user listens to Coronatus.
band-2This user listens to Dream Theater.
This user is a MIDI collector.
This user is a MIDI author.