Wield me! Wield me!

Húsönd has nominated the following users for adminship:

Húsönd has offered to nominate the following users:

Húsönd is closely monitoring the following users and might offer nomination:

Húsönd's own RfA:

Thank you Runcorn (erm, banned), Mike1 (left Wikipedia) and Riana ("effectively retired", but I refuse to believe), for your kind nominations.--Húsönd 22:27, 15 December 2006 (UTC)

Ongoing RfAs:

Requests for adminship and bureaucratship update
RfA candidate S O N S % Status Ending (UTC) Time left Dups? Report
DreamRimmer 35 27 5 56 Open 10:02, 4 June 2024 4 days, 13 hours no report