Welcome to my new experiment page (inspired by AKMask and Animum)! If you need to blow off some steam, feel free to do it here as policies do not apply.

Disclaimer: Although all policies do not apply here, please remain at least remotely civil, and please do not edit anyone else's comments.

GR!!!! I JUST HAD A BIG LEOTARD WEDGIE!!!! →Black Tights 03:16, 5 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

alkjdsfi shgasdghklahisdbvgf habfk hjuy vhjB J VFHJvgdfhgBFKbgu fv VF gbv fukvUV EFUVUk efg89W 40T986w tyf8th8w7 G7T974t 89y ~-~-~-~-~- Undercover Brother aoisjdoiasjd komplete komics keverywhere Thanks for this page, Lights!! (talk) 06:26, 28 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate everyone. Who would have thought that bullying happened in the adult world. I am perfect and not someone people should see a as a victim. Well !*----*! them. Chubbennaitor (leave me a message!) 16:36, 3 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]