

Wikipedia motto of the day

Today's motto...

The most terrible poverty is loneliness.

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Picture of the day

Picture of the day
Swallowtail butterfly
Swallowtail butterflies are large, colorful butterflies in the family Papilionidae, and include over 550 species. Though the majority are tropical, swallowtails inhabit every continent except Antarctica. The family includes the largest butterflies in the world, the birdwing butterflies of the genus Ornithoptera. This Zerynthia rumina butterfly, also known as the Spanish festoon, was photographed in Extremadura, Spain.Photograph credit: Charles J. Sharp

Wp: commons potd

Portrait of a French lady, Magdaleine Pinceloup de la Grange, represented with her Chartreux cat in 1747 by artist Jean-Baptiste Perronneau. Today is International Cat Day.

Tip of the day

Tip of the day...
How to watch for pages that do not exist yet

If you have requested an article, are waiting for an article that someone else has requested, or are concerned about a deleted article being re-created, you can add the non-existent page to your watchlist and find out when it is created! Follow the red link, then click the "watch" tab.

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