Alert bot

Hi Legoktm,

Thanks for you offer to test and run the bot for User:B. Wolterding/Article alerts on the tool server. I'm posting here some initial steps, mainly for getting the configuration right. Please follow these, and contact me in case of problems.

./run org.wikipedia.wpnn.alerts.TestBatch
which starts a test run of the bot. It will produce a log file named TestBatch.log and output files in the result directory. I'd be interested in those files, could you post them here, or copy them to your web space on the tool server?

If you have any questions or problems, if the instructions are not detailed enough, if error messages appear etc., please post a response here, I'll keep the page on my watchlist. --B. Wolterding (talk) 12:55, 16 August 2008 (UTC)

"java -version" returns:
legoktm@nightshade:~$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_07"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 10.0-b23, mixed mode)

LegoKontribsTalkM 19:17, 16 August 2008 (UTC)

I can't figure out how to create the database alias. m:Toolserver/Database#User_databases doesn't tell you how to LegoKontribsTalkM 20:10, 16 August 2008 (UTC)
OK. For the Java version installed, everything is fine. For the database - true, the instructions on the help page are not very explicit. If I understand them correctly, this is what you should type:
$ sql u_legoktm

Then, at the mysql> prompt that should appear:

mysql> create database u_legoktm_alertbot;

Afterwards, you can run the create script by typing:

mysql> source create-tables.sql;

Let's try whether that works... --B. Wolterding (talk) 21:27, 16 August 2008 (UTC)

Here is what comes up:
mysql> source create-tables.sql;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.19 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Is that right? LegoKontribsTalkM 21:44, 16 August 2008 (UTC)

Yes, perfectly fine. Typing
mysql> show tables from u_legoktm_alertbot;

will show you that three tables have been created. --B. Wolterding (talk) 21:50, 16 August 2008 (UTC)

Log is at tools:~legoktm/TestBatch.log LegoKontribsTalkM 21:57, 16 August 2008 (UTC)
OK, thanks. We can't connect to the database yet. Probably the db.username and db.password parameters are not correct yet. I suspect a bit they're case-sensitive, and the username should read "legoktm" rather than "Legoktm". Also could you check that the password is correctly transferred from .my.cnf ? After changing the username and (if necessary) the password, please run the batch job again, i.e. ./run org.wikipedia.wpnn.alerts.TestBatch . --B. Wolterding (talk) 22:10, 16 August 2008 (UTC)
Log number 2 is at tools:~legoktm/TestBatch 1.log. It still doesn't look like its working, will try different configurations. LegoKontribsTalkM 23:27, 16 August 2008 (UTC)
No, it's not working yet, but we have taken one step forward. The connection to one of the databases is open now. The problem we're currently seeing is not a configuration problem, it's in fact a bug in the program. I've fixed that one; the new alertbot.jar is here. --B. Wolterding (talk) 10:00, 17 August 2008 (UTC)
Log number 3 is at tools:~legoktm/TestBatch_2.log. Still geting another error message. LegoKontribsTalkM 21:27, 17 August 2008 (UTC)
Hm, well. Step by step. The problem now is the connection to the second database (the user specific database u_legoktm_alertbot you created above). It's all about the db.auxDatabase parameter I think - it specifies a valid database host, but apparently the wrong one. Could you post what the current value of that parameter is? The correct value should be somewhere in your .my.cnf, but I don't know where exactly. Perhaps you could also post the .my.cnf file after removing the passwords it contains? --B. Wolterding (talk) 21:40, 17 August 2008 (UTC)
.my.cnf shows
user = legoktm
password = "password"

db.auxDatabase currently is set to sql/u_legoktm_alertbot LegoKontribsTalkM 21:54, 17 August 2008 (UTC)

Thanks; unfortunately that's not as enlightening as I thought. But let's try to find where our u_legoktm_alertbot database has gone. Could you execute the following and post the result?

$ nslookup sql
$ sql u_legoktm 
mysql> show tables from u_legoktm_alertbot;
mysql> show variables like 'hostname';

--B. Wolterding (talk) 22:21, 17 August 2008 (UTC)


I found the problem. MySQL is down. See ((Toolserver)) and when it was last updated. But the results anyway are:

legoktm@nightshade:~$ nslookup sql

** server can't find sql: NXDOMAIN

legoktm@nightshade:~$ sql u_legoktm
/usr/local/bin/sql: no such database "u_legoktm"

mysql> show tables from u_legoktm_alertbot;
| Tables_in_u_legoktm_alertbot |
| jobcache                     | 
| jobqueue                     | 
| workflowitems                | 
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'hostname';
| Variable_name | Value  |
| hostname      | yarrow | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

LegoKontribsTalkM 22:36, 17 August 2008 (UTC)

Not sure whether mysql is really down - the ((Toolserver)) update seems regular for me, but maybe I'm missing something. Anyway, let's try setting . --B. Wolterding (talk) 22:48, 17 August 2008 (UTC)
Looks like it is working! tools:~legoktm/TestBatch_3.log. ((Toolserver)) should update every hour, and last update was at 15:00. LegoKontribsTalkM 22:55, 17 August 2008 (UTC)
Ah! Yes, it's running. There should be some files in the result/ directory now. Anyway: We can now take the test one step further an actually write to the wiki. To that end, set test.mode=2 (it's now at 1) in the config file. This will cause the batch job not to write to a file, but rather to a database table. Run the batch, and then type
 mysql> select page_name, summary from u_legoktm_alertbot.jobqueue; 

This should show two pages scheduled for writing to the wiki. Their page names start with "User:B. Wolterding". Now to actually post them to the wiki, you use another batch:

 $ ./run org.wikipedia.wpnn.wikiio.JobQueueBatch 

This will now cause the bot to log in to the wiki (using server.botUser and server.botPassword), and write the pages. They should show up in your contribution history. --B. Wolterding (talk) 23:08, 17 August 2008 (UTC)

User:B. Wolterding/Article alerts/test-WikiProject Biography and User:B. Wolterding/Article alerts/test-WikiProject Comics look great. Do you need the new log? LegoKontribsTalkM 23:15, 17 August 2008 (UTC)
OK! No, I don't need the log in this case. There's some small problem with the character encoding (I remember it kept me puzzled for a while on my computer...), but for the moment it's fine. Could you start these two batch jobs daily for, say, the next week? The exact time is not relevant, I just need to have a look what happens if some items get closed.
Thanks for your help so far - I'll be offline now for a while. (We're in different time zones, and in mine it's late.) --B. Wolterding (talk) 23:26, 17 August 2008 (UTC)
I just ran the bot again, but I didn't edit,
legoktm@nightshade:~/alertbot$ ./run org.wikipedia.wpnn.wikiio.JobQueueBatch 
INFO - Starting batch: org.wikipedia.wpnn.wikiio.JobQueueBatch
INFO - Starting to process the wiki job queue.
INFO - Logged in as: Legoktm
INFO - Wiki job queue processed.
INFO - Batch job completed; exit code 0
Maybe it didn't have to make any changes? LegoKontribsTalkM 21:43, 18 August 2008 (UTC)
Did you run the TestBatch first? At the moment, TestBatch and JobQueueBatch are really two separate tasks, and they need to be started one after the other. The bot does in fact memorize its last output, and will not write to the wiki if nothing has changed; in this case, TestBatch.log will contain a message like "INFO - Job is cached, skipping". However, I doubt that's the case here; the WPBiography list is so long that some change must have happened... --B. Wolterding (talk) 22:24, 18 August 2008 (UTC)
I forgot run the TestBatch first. dif1 and dif2 LegoKontribsTalkM 22:56, 18 August 2008 (UTC)
Edit 1 and Edit 2. The Bio alerts, has a little bit of errors, but otherwise is fine. Do you think we are ready for a BRFA yet? LegoKontribsTalkM 21:45, 19 August 2008 (UTC)
Thanks; yes, most parts seem to be working OK. (Good article nom closures are not, but that's a part I need to rework anyway.) Regarding how to proceed: What we have running now is just the basic "framework" for following the Wikipedia workflows. The bot is not "feature complete", by far. My time plan would be about as follows:
  1. First, I need to add complete code for all the different workflows (PROD, AfD, GA x2 (nomination + reassessment), FA x2, FL x2, Peer Review), and at least roughly test it. This will still take several weeks.
  2. Then, we would invite a small number of WikiProjects (3 or 4) to participate in a test, and let the bot run "live" for them, probably for 3-4 weeks. Code changes may become necessary here.
  3. After that, the bot can be rolled out to more WikiProjects.

I think we should best file the BRFA right before the second step. However if you feel it's needed, we could try to get a test run approved now; the upload feature as such won't change.

I will send an updated JAR file tomorrow, where at least PROD and Peer Review are "feature complete" (they will display more data than currently). --B. Wolterding (talk) 22:27, 19 August 2008 (UTC)

Proposed deletion + Peer review

As promised, here's the new code that completes the implementation for PROD and reer reviews.[1] Some notes: When running the new code for the first time, you will encounter a number of warnings like "WARN - Incompatible class while reading persisted workflow item". This is normal behavior. Also, TestBatch will now not only read from the database, but occasionally also from the live wiki. All write operations however remain in JobQueueBatch. I will probably not be around when you are online today. If the job terminates with an error, please copy the logs to the webserver, I will review them tomorrow. Cheers, --B. Wolterding (talk) 13:03, 20 August 2008 (UTC)

It worked. I saw the warn's but no errors :) LegoKontribsTalkM 22:30, 20 August 2008 (UTC)
OK. Looks good. Let's see what it does in today's run, when items are being closed. --B. Wolterding (talk) 15:34, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
Dif 1 and Dif 2. LegoKontribsTalkM 15:39, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
Wow, that was quick! Ok, I have a new JAR file for you [2]. This one now includes the Featured Article and Featured List workflows. Also, alerts are now being generated for a third test project, WikiProject Video games, because they're more likely to have featured list candidates. Could you run the bot with that one?
Also, I included a new one-up test batch, called "org.wikipedia.wpnn.DbTestBatch" . This one is independent of the others, and just tries several variations of database driver parameters. That's for solving the encoding issue with international characters that you see in the lists (redlinks with weird extra characters). Could you run DbTestBatch once, and post DbTestBatch.log? --B. Wolterding (talk) 15:55, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
The log is here, and Diff 1, Diff 2, and Diff 3. LegoKontribsTalkM 00:02, 22 August 2008 (UTC)
Thanks. The "featured" processes seem OK - let's see what they do over the next days. The character set test was not so successful; I'll need to try some more parameters the next time I send a JAR. --B. Wolterding (talk) 18:52, 22 August 2008 (UTC)

Diff 1, Diff 2, and Diff 3. Should I post the new log? LegoKontribsTalkM 03:22, 23 August 2008 (UTC)

No, I don't need the log this time. Let's try it for another day; I'll send an updated JAR tomorrow. --B. Wolterding (talk) 20:38, 23 August 2008 (UTC)
Diff 1, and Diff 2. It didn't update Comics this time. LegoKontribsTalkM 20:46, 23 August 2008 (UTC)
OK. Probably there were no changes for the Comics project, in that case the batch does not produce a new listing, by design. (In the TestBatch.log, there should be a line saying "job is cached, skipping" or similar.) --B. Wolterding (talk) 21:30, 23 August 2008 (UTC)
Yup, that comes up. LegoKontribsTalkM 01:23, 24 August 2008 (UTC)


Here's a new version of the code [3]. It now covers AfD as well, along with some other XfD processes; although I don't know whether we will see any MfD or TfD examples. Also, please run org.wikipedia.wpnn.DbTestBatch once more, and post the log of that batch; I hope I've found the right parameters this time. Good articles reassessment is still giving me some headaches, it's not implemented yet. --B. Wolterding (talk) 15:16, 24 August 2008 (UTC)

Diff 1, Diff 2, and Diff 3. The log is at tools:~legoktm/DbTestBatch_2.log. I have removed the other older logs, so if you still need them, I can repost them. LegoKontribsTalkM 22:47, 24 August 2008 (UTC)
Found a glitch in CFD, categories should be as [[:Category:]] not [[Category:]] LegoKontribsTalkM 22:52, 24 August 2008 (UTC)
Should be fixed in this new JAR. Also the character encoding problem should be fixed now - please add the following line to your before running the bot: --B. Wolterding (talk) 11:47, 25 August 2008 (UTC)
Diff 1, Diff 2, and Diff 3. I would Suggest linking to an IP's contributions, instead of their non-existent userpage. LegoKontribsTalkM 15:14, 25 August 2008 (UTC)
Yes, that's a good idea regarding the IP users. The character encoding problems are fixed now, Félix Houphouët-Boigny etc. are displayed correctly. Right now I'm a bit short of time, so the next JAR will be ready only end of the week I think; let's test the current mechanism for a few days and watch the closures. --B. Wolterding (talk) 16:29, 26 August 2008 (UTC)
Diff 1, Diff 2, and Diff 3. LegoKontribsTalkM 01:04, 29 August 2008 (UTC)

← Thanks. Now here's a new version of the JAR [4] that implements the last missing workflow, good article reassessment. That should basically make the bot feature-complete at that point. There may be some small refinements, but I will defer them at this time.

If the new version runs fine at least once, the next step would then be some larger restructuring: First, the old riddle with the sql alias seems solved now - the custom "sql" program we used is broken. That is easy to circumvent, but we should recreate the database tables since they're on wrong server now. I also need an additional table for the subscription system, and I'll do some renaming on that occasion. I'll post detailed instructions later, once the current version runs. --B. Wolterding (talk) 13:43, 29 August 2008 (UTC)

Diff 1, Diff 2, and Diff 3. IP contributions look good, and so does GAR. LegoKontribsTalkM 04:40, 30 August 2008 (UTC)
Diff 1, and Diff 2. WP:Comics had no changes today. LegoKontribsTalkM 22:48, 30 August 2008 (UTC)

Database restructuring etc.


as announced, I did some restructuring of the database and code. The ZIP file contains a new JAR, a database create script, and new version of the start script ("run").

There are a few things to be done. First, delete the old database schema:

$ sql u_legoktm
mysql> drop database u_legoktm_alertbot;

Create the new database schema (now in the correct place, including one additional table):

$ mysql -h sql
mysql> create database u_legoktm_alertbot;
mysql> source create-tables.sql;

Change the parameter "db.auxDatabase" in back to "sql/u_legoktm_alertbot". This should now work after all.

Further, there are some new batches, and others have been renamed. This is a list of relevant batch jobs:

I also have a new version of the start script (run) for you, with some minor changes needed later for automation. In line 3 of the script, you need to insert the full path to the bot's directory.

So, to put things short, what you should do after applying all the modifications is

$ ./run org.toolserver.alertbot.AlertBatch

and post the first AlertBatch.log. Let's see whether all that works...

One note regarding configuration. I created an addition database table, u_legoktm_alertbot.alertsubscr. This contains the project subscriptions, i.e., a list of projects for which alerts will be generated. Up to now, they were hardwired in the code. I have pre-filled the table with the three test entries we had until now (Comics, Video games, Biographies). This table will later be filled automatically, but for the moment - and for the test phase - we should stick with manually maintaining the table. The following will display the contents of the table.

$ mysql -h sql u_legoktm_alertbot
mysql> select * from alertsubscr;

For adding or modifying subscriptions, there are 3 relevant fields at the moment.

Are you reasonably familiar with the mysql client, so that you could add/remove/modify subscriptions in the table? With some work, it should also be possible to use a graphical client (MySQL Query Browser), then this task becomes easier. --B. Wolterding (talk) 10:26, 1 September 2008 (UTC) broken?

I am getting an error on tools:~dispenser/cgi-bin/ Is it something with the websites, or the tool? Thanks LegoKontribsTalkM 04:57, 1 September 2008 (UTC)

It was some test code I forgot to remove. Thanks for reminding me. — Dispenser 05:56, 1 September 2008 (UTC)

Reverted edits on "The Hogan Family" page

I noticed that you reverted an edit on this article page, however the information you reverted was accurate. Please see the The Hogan Family TALK page for further clarification. I am sure your revert edit was in good faith, but please always provide an explanation for reverting another user's edits. Thank you. (talk) 04:23, 2 September 2008 (UTC)

Fixing HTTP redirects

Avoid doing so, there's normally nothing wrong with leaving them as is and you'll avoid making mistakes like in your colbert edit where you changed

The dead link,1,17706,00.html?tnews

Which is actually worse since the old one is searchable in the Wayback Machine. — Dispenser 04:39, 2 September 2008 (UTC)


This original barnstar is awarded to Legoktm for just really being an all-around consistent and helpful editor. -- Natalya 00:31, 4 September 2008 (UTC)

After you answered my question at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Moving free images to Wikimedia Commons, I was taking a look at some of the other things that you do around here - you do a lot! I'm quite impressed. Keep it up, and I think you'll be great material for an administrator. All the best, -- Natalya 00:31, 4 September 2008 (UTC)

Thank you! LegoKontribsTalkM 00:52, 4 September 2008 (UTC)

WikiProject Arena Football League Newsletter - September 2008

→ Please direct all enquiries to the WikiProject talk page.
→ This newsletter/release was delivered by ENewsBot · 10:10, 4 September 2008 (UTC)

Template:AFC completed

Hi, I am afraid I have undone some of your edits to this template. The reason is:

Perhaps you could take a look and make the changes again if necessary. We are still playing with and tweaking with this system, so although a js script would be great, I don't want to waste your time programming it if the system is changed again somehow. So maybe hold off until we have found the best solution? Regards, MSGJ 09:42, 6 September 2008 (UTC)

Alert bot - current status

Hi Legoktm,

my last message regarding the alert bot has been moved to the archives in the meantime. No problem if you don't find the time right now - just let me know if you have questions or need any additional information. --B. Wolterding (talk) 18:13, 6 September 2008 (UTC)

Yea, I am working on the MySQL and getting another wikiproject involved. LegoKontribsTalkM 21:02, 6 September 2008 (UTC)


I would love to be involved in the trial. What do I need to do?--TonyTheTiger (t/c/bio/WP:CHICAGO/WP:LOTM) 16:37, 7 September 2008 (UTC)

Broken edit

I have reverted this edit as it removed significant information from the article. You may wish to file a bug on the tool you were using. Cheers --Pak21 (talk) 04:26, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

Wikipedia:CHICAGO/Article Alerts

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! That looks great. I have two thoughts.

  1. Can you add the daily update to the top of Wikipedia:CHICAGO/Article Alerts each day. Please name each section Month DD, YYYY.
  2. Something seems wrong with the Prod because we are only getting resolved prods. We need to see the prod nominees.
    You're only seeing resolved PRODs because there are currently no active ones... The two PRODs that are listed should be marked resolved in the next run, they were resolved after the bot ran. For an example how histories are handled, see this version for WPBiography (it's some days old, so most of the items are actually resolved as of today, of course.) RFCs are currently not covered. --B. Wolterding (talk) 08:27, 10 September 2008 (UTC)
  3. Can you catch WP:RFCs?--TonyTheTiger (t/c/bio/WP:CHICAGO/WP:LOTM) 05:28, 10 September 2008 (UTC)
Now that I see how this thing is working, there are a couple of other alerts that might be useful.
  1. WP:RMs, that have ((move)) or ((multimove)) on talk page
  2. WP:DRVs, that have the template ((Delrev)) on article page
  3. WP:MERGEs, with ((merge)), ((mergeto)) and ((mergefrom)) on article
  4. These are in addition to the WP:RFC query above.--TonyTheTiger (t/c/bio/WP:CHICAGO/WP:LOTM) 13:26, 10 September 2008 (UTC)
I've copied these to User talk:B. Wolterding/Article alerts, except for the mergers. Mergers are not workflows that are typically finished within a few weeks; rather there's a backlog of more than one year. Therefore, I recommend User:B. Wolterding/Cleanup listings for following mergers within your scope. --B. Wolterding (talk) 19:08, 12 September 2008 (UTC)

I just notice that something seems to be wrong with the date. Why is The Dark Knight (film) listed as Sept 4 when it shows as Aug 31 at WP:GAN?--TonyTheTiger (t/c/bio/WP:CHICAGO/WP:LOTM) 20:02, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

Yes, that's strictly speaking an error, but an almost unavoidable one. The GA nomination was removed with this edit and restored with the revert, but this means that the timestamp of the category entry was updated to Sep 4, so it appears as if the article was nominated on that date. --B. Wolterding (talk) 19:00, 12 September 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for the clarification.--TonyTheTiger (t/c/bio/WP:CHICAGO/WP:LOTM) 04:55, 13 September 2008 (UTC)

There seems to be a problem with the Advisor.js script you're using...

This edit you made to Gull inexplicably removed an entire paragraph in addition to making the stated formatting changes. I've reverted it back, but you should probably have a word with your script's developer about this. Thanks. --Kurt Shaped Box (talk) 10:46, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

I've had a quick look at your contribs and noticed a few more broken edits today. Yep, there's definitely something going wrong with the tool.

--Kurt Shaped Box (talk) 10:56, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

Stop using reflink Immediately, the tool is broken

reflink kills content, by removing the paragraph the link refers to:

And please restore each of your edits with the broken tool. --h-stt !? 10:57, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

Signpost updated for August 25 and September 8, 2008.

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My RfA

Thank you for supporting me in my RfA, which passed with a count of (166/43/7). I appreciate your comments and in my actions as an administrator I will endeavor to maintain the trust you have placed in me. I am honored by your trust and your support. Thank you, Cirt (talk) 02:50, 16 September 2008 (UTC)

Hi. You asked me to contribute proof that I was the CEO of PBwiki to OTRS per my logo submission, but no instructions were given as to how to do so. I am now the Chairman of PBwiki, as is easily verified by a visit to - note the link also from to my Wikipedia page. Feel free to email to verify that this is indeed Wikipedia user dweekly. Dweekly (talk) 08:38, 17 September 2008 (UTC)

Signpost updated for September 15, 2008.

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Article Alerts, next steps

Hi Legoktm,

once the BRFA has passed, how do we proceed? The implementation is mostly complete, but I would still like to run the bot in a kind of small-scale environment, where we can contact each participating project individually, and stabilize it, before rolling offering it to hundreds of projects via self-subscription (WolterBot currently has 250+ subscriptions). I have written down some thoughts here, what do you think of that? --B. Wolterding (talk) 17:55, 14 September 2008 (UTC)

I'm coming over from Wikiproject France, and we're undergoing a major revamp. Part of that is keeping track of recent article changes (it seems to be a growing trend among the projects). Anyway...if you are looking for trial participants, I would be more than happy to volunteer myself :) Lazulilasher (talk) 22:00, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
I have added you to the list for trial after BRFA. Bert, could you update the code so that it now edits a /Alerts subpage (Wikipedia:WikiProject Biography/Alerts)? LegoKontribsTalkM 22:10, 14 September 2008 (UTC)
Either /Alerts or /Article Alerts would be good.--TonyTheTiger (t/c/bio/WP:CHICAGO/WP:LOTM) 02:28, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
Just change to test.mode=0 in, and the output will go to project space, to subpages called "/Article alerts". However, before doing that, we should be sure that the corresponding projects are aware what happens. --B. Wolterding (talk) 12:17, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
I created a page Wikipedia:WikiProject France/Alerts. Thanks for adding us to the trial list! Let me know if anything else needs to be done. Lazulilasher (talk) 23:31, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
I have notified the Biography and Comics projects now; I assume that France, Chicago, Artemis Fowl are informed. I have also invited WikiProject Physics since they had originally requested the bot, it would be fair to include them in the test phase. --B. Wolterding (talk) 18:15, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

Swimming at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Men's 100 metre butterfly

A few days ago you said that if no one had any objections to Swimming at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Men's 100 metre butterfly becoming a GA, you'd pass it. No one was made any complaints so i'd like to request that it be passed now. Thanks! --Mr.crabby (Talk) 00:33, 22 September 2008 (UTC)

 Done LegoKontribsTalkM 04:31, 22 September 2008 (UTC)


I just noticed that ArticleAlertBot (talk · contribs) is in its trial period. At Wikipedia:WikiProject Chicago/Article alerts, it is writing over the page each day. Is it possible to add a new section at the top and have the old pages scroll down. Also, what happened to the small format with columns to save space that the first trial had?--TonyTheTiger (t/c/bio/WP:CHICAGO/WP:LOTM) 04:44, 22 September 2008 (UTC)

You can use ((User:ArticleAlertbot/Temp|WikiProject Chicago)) to transclude it. LegoKontribsTalkM 04:49, 22 September 2008 (UTC)
The bot overwrites the entire page by design. However, "old" items are still available - they remain on the list as long as the corresponding workflow is active, and for a certain time after it has been closed (currently 5 days). If you want to mix the bot output with manually-generated content, you can transclude the entire page to another page. Also, it will soon (though not currently) be possible to include a project-specific, manually edited header in the page, very similar to e.g. Wikipedia:WikiProject Opera/Cleanup listing. --B. Wolterding (talk) 13:11, 22 September 2008 (UTC)


I notice that you proposed an image for deletion that had been uploaded by a person who appears to be relatively new to Wikipedia, Image:N10VHkathy.jpg. After reading the article that it had once been included in, I suspect that the image shows a livery for for the aircraft that is no longer in use, and I sadly suspect that the woman in the picture has passed away. I left a note for the uploader, hopefully he/she will shed some more light on the subject. Crypticfirefly (talk) 03:06, 24 September 2008 (UTC)

Talk:2007–08 Pittsburgh Penguins season/GA1

I invite you to participate at this discussion. I started the page for San Jose, and will give more feedback when I get the chance. Grsztalk 00:00, 25 September 2008 (UTC)

AfD nomination of List of Psychedelic artists

I have nominated List of Psychedelic artists, an article you created, for deletion. I do not think that this article satisfies Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and have explained why at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/List of Psychedelic artists. Your opinions on the matter are welcome at that same discussion page; also, you are welcome to edit the article to address these concerns. Thank you for your time. Rodhullandemu 00:06, 25 September 2008 (UTC)

Empires (mod)

Hello there, I was wondering if you'd forgotten about the abive GAN that you've got under review? TBH I was going to quick-fail it but missed the chance, it's still a start-class article, a C at the very most. Someoneanother 18:55, 25 September 2008 (UTC)

I have quickfailed it LegoKontribsTalkM 23:56, 25 September 2008 (UTC)

Conversion of coordinates templates

Please note [5]. Thank you. Andy Mabbett (User:Pigsonthewing); Andy's talk; Andy's edits 14:16, 27 September 2008 (UTC)

Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/Legobot 5 LegoKontribsTalkM 22:21, 27 September 2008 (UTC)
Thank you. Please liaise with the operators of bots working on other templates in that family, via WT:GEO. Andy Mabbett (User:Pigsonthewing); Andy's talk; Andy's edits 18:04, 28 September 2008 (UTC)
I've found quite a few pages, like Roopville, Georgia, with coordinates repeated in plain text, thus: ((coor dms|33|27|24|N|85|7|52|W|city)) (33.456731, -85.131219)((GR|1)), you might want to watch for that, if & when you once to convert them to ((coord)). Andy Mabbett (User:Pigsonthewing); Andy's talk; Andy's edits 21:23, 28 September 2008 (UTC)

Article Alerts + header

Hi Legoktm,

here's a new version of the alert bot [6]. It contains only minimal changes; basically it will transclude User:ArticleAlertbot/Alerts header into each output page, so that projects can add custom content to the page that is not overwritten by the bot. --B. Wolterding (talk) 16:15, 28 September 2008 (UTC)