UAA request

Hello Vianello, could you please action my UAA request, the account needs to be blocked, if this is not Linton Osborne then we're done if it is Osborne then they need to follow the instructions at WP:REALNAME. Thanx Mlpearc (open channel) 01:26, 16 April 2015 (UTC)

Can do. Thanks for letting me know. I've sent a good-will message on their talk page, on the chance they do indeed want to make the (admittedly improbable, IMO) claim this is who they are. If there's no response soon, or they respond in the negative, I'll move forward on a softblock. - Vianello (Talk) 01:52, 16 April 2015 (UTC)
Thank you, If I see anything come across OTRS regarding this I'll give ya a poke. Cheers, Mlpearc (open channel) 02:24, 16 April 2015 (UTC)