Information about running AWB on Mono/Wine.


Status: ☒N Not yet usable for general use.

Mono setup

Mono install (Linux)

Mono install (macOS)

Building AWB

Running under mono

Running unit tests (for developers)


Status checkY Known to be generally working.

Setup and installation

Getting Wine and Winetricks

  1. Install Wine. Use the package installation tool of your choice, such as apt-get. If you prefer, direct downloads of Wine are here.
  2. Install Winetricks using the same installation tool. You'll need this to install additional components and DLLs used by AWB. Some distributions of Wine include Winetricks; others do not. For more information, see the Winetricks on the Wine wiki.
  1. Install Wine by running command sudo yum install wine
  2. Install Winetricks by running command wget && chmod +x winetricks

Just install wine and winetricks and any required dependencies via YaST/zypper.

Arch Linux

Ensure the multilib repository is enabled by uncommenting or adding the following lines in /etc/pacman.conf:

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Then, install wine and winetricks: pacman -S wine winetricks

  1. If you don't have X11 installed (check by trying startx), install a working X11 environment from XQuartz.
  2. Use your package manager to install wine. If you don't have a package manager, consider using Homebrew:
    1. Head to, and follow its instructions for installing Homebrew.
    2. Run brew install wine-stable to download and install wine. Append --devel for new bugfixes and potentially new bugs on the development branch. Read brew info wine-stable for informations and suggestions.
  3. Install Winetricks by running command curl > winetricks && chmod +x winetricks.

Setting up the Wine environment

  1. If your Wine environment is 64-bit (it is by default on 64-bit machines), you'll need to reconfigure it to 32-bit as .NET 2.0 requires a 32-bit environment. Use Terminal (i.e. the command-line) to adjust the WINEARCH variable by running the command WINEARCH=win32 winecfg. See this wiki section for more information. If you get the wine: WINEARCH set to win32 but '[PATH]' is a 64-bit installation. message, choose a different prefix in that previous command, or if this is your first time using WINE, delete the .wine folder specified by the path, then run the command again. This will recreate the Wine prefix with a 32-bit environment (i.e. WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.local/share/wineprefixes/dotnet35 winetricks dotnet35).
  2. Use Winetricks to install dotnet35. You can use the Winetricks GUI to do this, although it can also be done in the command-line (winetricks dotnet35). This may require manual downloads, and make sure that all the required components are actually installed: you may need to rerun Winetricks to finish the installers.
    • .NET 4.5: with wine 1.7.39 and winetricks from March 2015, .NET 4.5 will install correctly. AWB appears to run fine under this .NET version as well.
    • November 2019 / TLS 1.2: from November 2019 it appears that Wikipedia requires HTTPS TLS 1.2 for connectivity, a known working setup for this is wine 4.19 and winetricks dotnet462 (wine 3.7 and dotnet462 did not work). If you're using an older Ubuntu/Debian package, you may need to get a newer version of winetricks otherwise it may fail to download the necessary files.
  3. Use Winetricks to install riched20. This enables usability features such as moving the edit window to the relevant line when clicking on a diff, and fixes an occasional but reproducible bug which adds blank lines without riched20.

Starting AWB

  1. To start AWB, run command wine "path/to/AutoWikiBrowser.exe", putting the location of AutoWikiBrowser in the quotes.
  • AWB should be working, though there is a glitch in the diff view that is fixed by installing Internet Explorer. IE6 or IE8 have both been confirmed to be sufficient. As of September 2015, IE7 is the only version working well. Use winetricks ie7 to install it, and avoid installing IE8, as it would render AWB unusable.

Wine AppDb entry for AWB

Please update this page or the Wine AppDb entry for AWB with further information on your experience.

What works

Known problem areas

Tips & tricks

Wine on a Mac using homebrew[edit]

AWB can be installed to run under Wine on a Mac using the Homebrew package management software. It may be possible using other package management systems like Fink, Gentoo/Alt, MacPorts, Pkgsrc or Rudix. See the main WineHQ - macOS page.

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Or update homebrew and its formulas, if you already have Homebrew.
brew update
  • You may need to install XCode for brew to work fine and install the XCode command line tools. The brew installer will ask you to do so automatically.
xcode-select --install
brew doctor and just in case, you may want to do it again: brew doctor
Run startx. If there's a "command not found" error—or similar—then you probably need an X11 client. Try XQuartz if you're not sure which one to use:
brew rm libpng # warning may be issued about libraries like libpng
brew install libpng --universal

brew rm libusb-compat # no warning was issued about this library and it needed reinstalling
brew install libusb-compat --universal
  • Sometimes you may want to change how the fonts are rendered so they look better. See manpage: fonts-conf for rendering stuffs and wine winecfg for changing the DPI setting of wine. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:04, 11 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
wine AutoWikiBrowser.exe


Wine's commercial version, CrossOver, has good and easy support for AWB. It works under Linux and Mac. (A free trial is available for 14 days.)