Radial ultra edged game #2: 'Fruit of the poisonous tree'

Similar to the rules of the radial ultra cross game, except that like the ultra fixed game the initial word is fixed but also the letters at the edge of the grid. To make it easier, words can either radiate from the centre out or start from any of the corners in but nowhere else Note: only the initial word should be bold, the first letters (only) of the words on the edges should be bold, and all other words/letters should be normal. The initial word was chosen by Special:Random.

The previous game's results can be found at this link. It began with Aurélie Rivard in the centre and radiated out to Bay of Bengal, Aircraft engine, Korean War Memorial silver dollar, and Statue of Hermes and the Infant Dionysus. Edge words were Swimmers, Bronze Medal, Canadians, Tokyo and Paralympics.

Flowering plant Outdoor Undisturbed Reading Truro Harrowget Accent of Yorkshire Middle English Expletive
Umbrawarra gum Luffa aegyptiaca Italy towel Bath, Somerset Looe Commonly misspelled English words Tone-deafness Battle of Cable Street "Nazi Punks Fuck Off"
Natural gum Corymbia ficifolia Agave sisalana Bath mat Loo Diarrhoea Brown note Brownshirt Derogatory
I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum Orange gum Nyssa sylvatica Weaving Loom Gloom Black supremacy Racism Martin Luther and antisemitism
The Escape from the Golden Prison Orange Is the New Black Orange-banded thrush Chris Weaver Band The Loom Strange Fruit White supremacy in the United States Brainwashing EYAHT
Escape Plan 2: Hades Prison uniform Orange (colour) Orange weaver Fruit of the Loom United Fruit Company Whitewashing Washing Niddah
Dumbness Stupidity Consumption of Tide Pods Forbidden fruit Fruit of the poisonous tree Unclean hands Hand washing Handwashing in Judaism Tumah and taharah
"Super Stupid" Dumb & Dumber Drinking of urine Golden-shower Cassia Laburnum Gardening Garden hose Ritual washing in Judaism Torah
Thick as a Brick Not So Dumb Urine as a fertiliser Gold medallion tree Bean family Phaseolus vulgaris Watering Orlah Oorah!
Against Method Scientific method Urine sample 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony Mr. Bean Phaseolus lunatus Bean soup Fruit soup Tang
The Man with the Golden Gun List of James Bond gadgets Never Say Never Again No Deals, Mr. Bond "Mind the Baby, Mr. Bean" Beanie Babies Clangers The Herbs Herb mix
Etiquette & Espionage Toothpaste tube Mornington Crescent tube station Bond Street tube station Mind the gap Baby on board Children's television The Smurfs Elderberry
Spy fiction Radio crystal oscillator I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue Otter Bends London Underground anagram map Underground Ernie Bert and Ernie Cookie Monster Nausea
Communications intelligence Crystal Palace transmitting station BBC Radio 4 Ottery St Mary The Great Bear (lithograph) Paddington Bear Fozzie Bear The Muppets Overeating
Open-source intelligence Network Sims, Monica Thrupp, F Imagery The Adventures of Paddington (2019 TV series) Unbearable (sculpture) The Muppets' Wizard of Oz It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie