

This peer review discussion has been closed.
Peer Review requested with the short term aim of getting to GA. Particular concerns are any pro-POV for the topic and the dreaded in-universe perspective. Also, can anyone who's not a Rings geek understand this? Cheers. 4u1e (talk) 22:36, 10 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Ruhrfisch comments: Overall well done and I must say this does one of the best jobs I have read on WP of presenting the subject from an out of universe perspective. Some comments for possible improvement:

Hope this helps, Ruhrfisch ><>°° 22:30, 16 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Certainly does - I'll get to work on them. I could really use some help on criticism from others - Shippey (whose stated aim is to promote Tolkien) is the only third party I've used, but I've not yet found another critic who actually says anything meaningful about Saruman. 4u1e (talk) 18:28, 17 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I do not know Tolkien criticism that well - not sure who else could be cited. Soryy, Ruhrfisch ><>°° 14:35, 18 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]