Star Trek: The Motion Picture

This peer review discussion has been closed.
Listing to get any sort of comments. The cast, music, and home video sections aren't complete, but those are relatively minor and rather than sit on my hands waiting for the sources I figured I'd put it up here to gather feedback. -- Der Wohltempierte Fuchs (talk) 03:11, 17 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Some thoughts:

  • "The show developed a cult following, and talks of reviving the franchise began."
  • Though the space opera Star Wars performed well at the box office a few weeks after Kaufman's film was cancelled, Paramount believed a film was still not viable."

Just some preliminary thoughts... the article is a lot to absorb! I will read it in full depth later on and ask about anything else I come across. —Erik (talkcontrib) 15:38, 17 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

  • Readers unfamiliar with the film may read the premise with the mentality that it's current or in the near future. I was suggesting something like, "In the xx century, when the United Federation of Planets encompasses the galaxy, Starfleet Admiral James T. Kirk... blah blah." Better written than that, obviously! But a way to provide a setting for readers, like we would do for other science fiction films or historical films or other non-contemporary films. The "Plot" section could start out similarly. —Erik (talkcontrib) 16:53, 18 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Comment: Not a review: I haven't read much, and can't promise I will, but the lead has some magaziney prose, for example: "a revolving door of acclaimed writers", "took a shot at", "silver screen". OK in a newspaper article but not encyclopedic. Also, the phrasing of the last part of the lead's final sentence: "ths edition was received better than the original by critics" is very awkward. Brianboulton (talk) 09:19, 18 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Laser brain's comments

I'm going to keep my comments about the prose to a few general items because I have a more serious concern. This is a much-studied film from a much-studied genre; there are entire college courses dedicated to science fiction film. There is no discussion here of themes, styles, or any scholarly analysis, and it exists in droves. A simple search in JSTOR reveals a lot, but I'm concerned that you also didn't use the sources Erik suggested on the article Talk page. I wouldn't classify any of your sources as academic, and there is an entire body of academic work out there. Film journals, visual effects journals, specialized journals on women's studies (why was the probe a woman, etc.), and so on.

I will be more than happy to copyedit the whole thing once content issues are addressed. --Laser brain (talk) 20:02, 19 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I've sent away for the American Cinematographer, Cinefex and Cinefantastique articles already; the StarBurst ones appear irrecoverable as interlibrary loan has failed to find the issues anywhere. While there should be good info to bolster the production section, specifically the effects, I'm not seeing the same sort of critical analysis that can be used for themes here. JSTOR turned up jack in the way of nontrivial mentions of the movie. --Der Wohltempierte Fuchs (talk) 21:38, 19 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
How about I cut you a deal. If I can find academic criticism and analysis and send you the PDFs, you write a section. If I can't, I shut my pie hole. :) --Laser brain (talk) 21:53, 19 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Fair enough :) --Der Wohltempierte Fuchs (talk) 22:23, 19 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
All right, crap. I couldn't find anything that seems very useful. Will commence hole-shutting. However, I will come through again shortly and look more closely at the prose. --Laser brain (talk) 18:41, 22 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Jappalang's review

I based this on the version about two days back. In case, the issue is not valid, please ignore.

My first impression of the article is that it is too long. I do not think the first movie for Star Trek requires this much detail, much of it seems to be mired in trivia—things that makes you go "okaay...", but not (necessarily) of great impact to the movie itself. The article seriously needs ruthless copyediting. I spotted repetition of nouns that start off consecutive sentences, noun-gerund constructs (including Tony1's pet peeve of "with ... -ing"), wordiness, contractions ("he didn't have enough"), tense errors ("was light with a low density of light", "was made to be flooding with"), and other stuff. Basically, I started off picking on grammatical issues in Plot, but after that, it was overwhelming and I abandoned this from Cast onwards. Only extreme examples are pointed out in those sections, and the copyeditor, who takes up the task, should be aware of the issues pointed out earlier.


Plot (x)

Change to: "A powerful alien force hidden in a massive cloud of energy is detected to be heading for Earth."
"As" should not be used as an explanatory. Double intercepts?
Change to: "Because no other starships could reach the cloud before the anomoly reaches Earth, Starship dispatches Enterprise on an intercept mission. The starship's new systems would be tested in transit."
Double "that"
Repetitive: "and ... and", "... Ilia. Ilia ...".
"its" refers to the alien race or the probe? Use "V'ger's".
Change to: "... to learn all that can be learned ..."
Change to: "The machines greatly(?) upgraded V'ger to fulfill that mission ..."
Change to: "having learned all that it could learn on its journey home, V'ger finds its existence empty and without purpose."
Change to: "Pretending to be the probe's creator, Commander Decker offers himself to the machine, merging with it to create a new form of life."

Cast (x)

Early development From this point on, not going into prose details, but mainly on content and linkages.

Phase II and restart


Props and models (x)

Change to: "McQuerrie had to redesign the sets and models that were meant for the television series; the Enterprise, space dock, and orbital office were remade with greater details to look more impressive on the bigger movie screens."
Change to: "Many of the props were updated designs of items previously seen in the television series—phasers and handheld communicators, for instance."

Costumes and makeup

Technical consulting (x)

Change to: "The executives consulted Asimov: if the writer decided a sentient machine was plausible, the ending could stay."

Filming (x)

Change to: "Enterprise's approach on V'ger"
Change to: "Khambatta's appearance as the Illia probe in a shower proved difficult; the actress refused to act in the nude due to her conservative Indian upbringing."

Post production


Critical response

Home video

All in all, I think serious pruning should be considered, and after that, a heavy copyediting. Jappalang (talk) 10:44, 20 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Comments from Ealdgyth (talk · contribs)

Hope this helps. Please note that I don't watchlist Peer Reviews I've done. If you have a question about something, you'll have to drop a note on my talk page to get my attention. (My watchlist is already WAY too long, adding peer reviews would make things much worse.) 13:24, 27 March 2009 (UTC)