The following discussion is an archived debate of the case of suspected sockpuppetry. Please do not modify it. No further edits should be made to this page. All edits should go to the talk page of this case. If you are seeing this page as a result of an attempt to open a new case of sockpuppetry of the same user, read this for detailed instructions.

User:Daniel575 (6th)

Suspected sockpuppeteer

Daniel575 (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · page moves · block user · block log)

Suspected sockpuppets

Rabbeinu (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · page moves · block user · block log)

Report submission by

--Meshulam 19:14, 13 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Exact same POV as Daniel575. Exact same insistence on promoting that POV. Like Daniel575, speaks Dutch as a first language. Claims to be a Baal Teshuva (newly observant Jew) living in Jerusaelm (Givat Shaul) affiliated with the Edah Chareidis. Speaks Dutch as a first language. Editing same articels as Daniel575. Has the exact same list of books as Daniel575's Dutch Wikipedia account. Is the 6th such sockpuppet of Daniel575. Similarly beligerant. etc. Note that both Daniel575 and Rabbeinu, when not writing/editing articles about Judaism/Chassidism/Zionism etc., edit articles about the Egged Bus routes in Israel.

Also, his recent deletion of the "Sockpuppet" box in his user page, and in his iser talk page (with the explanation "what is this nonsense" or some such statement) is entirely keeping with Daniel575's MO: contempt for Wikipedia rules.

Here is an example of their almost identical language/POV: The following comment comes from "Rabbeinu's" User Page:

Regarding Zionism: I awaiten the moment that the cursed Zionist state will be dismantled, in any possible way as long as there is no overt danger to Yidden. The cursed sect of the Zionists will be defeated and Chareidim and Arabs will live together in peace. Other troublemaking Jews will be shipped back to where they came from. Further, I support peace talks with all governments, including Arab governments and including Iran and movements such as Hamas.

The following is from the puppet-master, Daniel575:

By the way, let me just confirm that yes, I am also affiliated with Neturei Karta. I daven at the beis midrash Ohel Soroh regularly and speak to Rav Moshe Hirsch shlita every now and then. While I think that their vision of the future is unrealistic, I agree that it would be most ideal if we could cancel the existence of the Zionist state and return to the way things were in, say, 1880. However, it is obvious that such a solution is now impossible. The Palestinians hate us so much that they want us all dead. And even if the Palestinian leadership accepts Neturei Karta, will the average Gaza and Nablus Palestinian agree? I doubt it.
One thing I positively detest are secular Jews in Eretz Yisroel. Eretz Yisroel is a place of KEDUSHAH (holiness), which is not meant for those who eat pork, dress like whores and commit chillul shabbos (desecration of the Shabbat) to be. They should choose: either they become Jews and perhaps they can stay, or they become goyim (which they already are when it comes to behavior and dress) and LEAVE. It is them who caused all of these tzoros (troubles).

Same POV. Same contempt. Same language. They are the same person.


Daniel575 is back in order to continue forcing his POV on the articles that bothered him the most before he was banned (for threatening users). --Meshulam 19:14, 13 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

It's hard to prove from the contribs, and checkuser is not possible, but I think it's a likely match. The violation of 3RR in editing of Edah Chareidis and related articles supports the allegation of extreme and persistent POV. YechielMan 21:08, 13 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Look at his user page and then look at this. The Seforim list on User:Rabbeinu's user page and here match up pretty well even if its hard to tell based on the templating on the dutch one (I can read dutch, and can match the seforim, only difference here is that Rabbeinu has added gemoroh, and on Doniel's dutch wiki subpage it lacks the gemoroh list and lacks chovos halevovos. --Shuliavrumi 16:38, 14 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

What is this nonsense? I am deleting those templates from my userpage and I am not responding to this any further. I have not done anything wrong on Wikipedia and I so no reason for this. Goodbye. --Rabbeinu 17:08, 14 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

You did plenty wrong as Daniel575, and you're showing some of the same tendencies here. The issue of your current behavior is moot since your participation on this forum is a violation of your permanant ban.

--Meshulam 00:28, 15 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

My favorite part is how everyone concerned with it seems to have Jewish names. Wow. could this just be an attempt by Jews to silence anyone who is not using wikipedia for hasbara? That would be unheard of. Maybe you should take this up with an administrator. Is there one named Avraham, Irving, Shmelky, Reuven, or Zev that you can find? Newsflash people - You're going to find lots of Dutch Jews with anti-Zionist feelings. Europe isn't as pro-Israel as the US, and Holland has a large enough Muslim population that they come into contact with them a lot. That causes cognitive discidence between the hasbarah perspective on things and the reality. Just out of curiosity, how many random Dutch Jews have you banned because they were anti-Zionist? Shia1 06:41, 19 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Shia, that was uncalled for. Please be civil and assume good faith. The question at hand is, is Rabbeinu a banned user? His political beliefs are only being used to help determine the answer to that specific question. YechielMan 18:06, 19 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Uhuh. It was SOOO uncalled for. I did assume good faith. Then I noticed that a user with anti-Zionist beliefs was going to be banned by three gentleman: Yechiel, Shmuel Avrumi, and Meshulam. Hmmm. What do those people have in common? Why is it Ahmad, Bob, and Fritz aren't complaining? Then I followed the suspected sockpuppet link and wow, what did I find? Anyone who disagrees with the perspective someone named Yechiel would be expected to have and happens to be from Holland (or not) gets banned after a pile on by Lokshonkugel, Shmeikl, Gebrokhts, Khuklessen, BarZev or any other user who has a name fitting the pattern. Wikipedia is not yours to purge as you see fit. YOu could always start Jewpedia. Shia1 05:01, 20 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Similar POV & interests are not evidence for sock, the language is different (no-where near as abusive as Daniel) & there are some very big differences even in what's quoted above: "Further, I support peace talks with all governments, including Arab governments and including Iran and movements such as Hamas" versus D's "The Palestinians hate us so much that they want us all dead". Wake up guys, even if this accusation is made in good faith, it's still groundless.  ⇒ bsnowball  12:00, 25 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

This is obviously just harrassment. I just had my account for also being a sockpupeteer, though I didn't get a trial like this, they just up and blocked my accuunt anc cancelled my roomates. I'm sure this is all good faith and has nothing to do with this mass email by AishHaTorah's Hasbarah Fellowships, "Everyone knows about Wikipedia, a place to go to get the ‘real’ scoop. How often do you use Wikipedia to look up subjects you know little about? Now imagine how often other people use Wikipedia to look up subjects related to Israel. Wikipedia is not an objective resource but rather an online encyclopedia that any one can edit. The result is a website that is in large part is controlled by ‘intellectuals’ who seek re-write the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. These authors have systematically yet subtly rewritten key passages of thousands of Wikipedia entries to portray Israel in a negative light. You have the opportunity to stop this dangerous trend!" Shia1 23:00, 25 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]


While I'm singularly unimpressed by the conduct of quite a few people here, upon looking, I can't come to any other conclusion than that Rabbeinu is indeed a sockpuppet of Daniel575. Accordingly, Rabbeinu has been blocked indefinitely as the sock of a banned user. Seraphimblade Talk to me 23:39, 25 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]